Chapter 22: They Find Out

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Cry and I walk back to the house. Vernon decided to help us and we managed to convince him and his friends.

I walk to the bathroom after excusing myself. I looked at myself and saw I was very pale.
(If you have tan skin, red)

"I-I'm turning..." I mumbled in surprise. I stumble back and my back hits the rusted wall. I take off my hoodie and examine the bite.

It was purple and yellowish. Blood was gushing out and I was surprised that it didn't touch my hoodie.

I take short breaths as I put some alcohol I managed to sneak. I cry out quietly as the liquid burned my skin. My fingers claw at the counter and I hissed in pain.

Blood was everywhere and I felt bile rise up in my throat. I heard a knock on the door and my eyes widen.


"Hey...(y/n)! You okay? You've been there for awhile." Pewds voice rang out.

I wrapped the bandages around my arm quickly but tightly. The door opened and I hid my arms behind my back, hoping I wasn't suspicious.

The door was opened fully and Pewds and Cry were there looking at me worriedly.

"Uh-hey guys! W-where's Marzia?" I stuttered. The pain was unbearable but I tried to hide it.

They look at me.

"W-wha-*wince* what's wrong...g-guys?" It hurts! It hurts so fricken much!

Pewds comes up to me and tries to grab my arms to which I pull back. Cry steps up and grabs me to hold me down.

He pins me ok the counter and I blush at our position Cry leaned closer and I failed to notice Pewds, who were holding my arms out.

Cry's warm breath hit my neck as he went closer to me. I was so focused on him. Though we are a...couple...I still am flustered around him.

Pewds gasp and I snap out of my gaze. Pewds saw my bandages...that were bleeding now. I have to change it.

"It's just a really deep scratch. Can you guys get out so I can change the bandage?" I ask. They both shook their heads.

"No, I think we deserve to see what you've been hiding from us. Besides, we want to help you." Cry said.

"Plus, you did the bandages wrong. They're too tight." Pewds pointed out as he frowns.

I look down. "Will you guys believe me if I say this? Will your view on me change when I show you this?" I ask quietly.

Pewds closed the door while Cry spoke, "What do you mean? You'll always be our (y/n) no matter what." Cry asked confused.

'Don't tell them!' A voice said in my head. (It's not Adrian...)

'Tell them! You have to! They can help you!!!' Another voice said. (Still not Adrian)

I showed them my arm. "Pull it off..." I said. I didn't want to see it so I turned away.

Cry goes up to me and slowly unwrap my bandages. I heard a gasp and I look up.

Cry was staring at the bite while Pewds was squeezing his eyes shut.

Dark spots began to appear. "I-I'm sorry..." I croak out. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" I collapse and Pewds caught me.

"S-sorry..." I struggle to keep my eyes open.

Cry was screaming my name as Pewds gave me to him. Pewds ran out calling someone.

I felt dizzy and I closed my eyes.
"(Y/n)! Don't close your eyes!!" Cry screamed.

I struggle but I let sleep consume me. I was weak right now. I can't feel anything. I just felt numb.

"So you got bit...huh?" Adrian appeared in front of me. I nodded and looked down.

"I couldn't let it eat him. The Walker looked so much like my best friend...I couldn't do it." I muttered.

She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Wait...I'm sorry...but I can't do anything about this..." She whispered.

"It was a short talk but you have to go now. Spend your last hours with your friends. I've done all I can and now I just have to watch. I'll see you soon..." Adrian said, stepping back.

"W-wait!" I reach out to her but she disappeared. The nonexistent ground crumbles beneath me and I fall into darkness.

I gasp as I wake up. Everyone was around me but farther away. "Uh...guys?" I mutter.

"She's awake!" Marzia cries out and lunges for me. But Kenny held her back.

"Stop, she could turn any second now. Look, she's turning paler by the minute." Kenny pointed out. "Oi! Get yo hands off my girlfriend." Pewds said and pulled Marzia away from him.

Marzia immediately glimpse me in a hug and cries into my shoulder. I pet her head while looking around.

"Where's Cry?" I ask.

"Looking for Clem." Pewds replies. I guess I'm not trusted anymore in the group. The only people here that are my friends right now are Marzia and Pewdie.

"Spend your last hours with your friends." A faint voice repeats in my head.

A/n: Heyyo! I'm sorry for the late update, I went on a trip so I had to catch up.

And I might've had a minor writer's block. I was also rewatching the series. Also...

Thinking how the book will end. Yes, this book is coming to an end and there are a few more chapters till it ends. I'm not sure how many because it's up to the series and how it will play out.

Anywho! Hope you enjoyed!

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