Chapter One

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Ainsley stood watching her baby daughter Maddison sleeping. She was so precious to her. Maddison's dad wasn't involved in Maddison's life as he walked out when Ainsley was pregnant. Ainsley lived in her two bedroom flat with just Maddison. Ainsley had gone back to university a week after giving birth. She had a childminder to watch Maddison during the day.

It was a quiet Tuesday evening and Ainsley was watching TV while Maddison lay in her bouncer. Ainsley had just finished her dinner when Maddison let out an unhealthy scream. Ainsley rushed to the living room to see her daughter turning blue. "Maddi?" Ainsley puck up her daughter and she was cold.

Ainsley put Maddison into her carseat and drove to the hospital. "I need help! My daughter isn't breathing!" Ainsley said. She was panicking. A few doctors came over and took Maddison from Ainsley. "Please help her," Ainsley cried.

"Are you alright?" Ainsley heard someone ask. Looking up she saw a young doctor. Ainsley faintly smiled.

"I'm fine. Do you know if my baby is okay?" Ainsley asked. The doctor sat next to her.

"I've not heard anything. I'm assuming you're the young mother who came in panicking," he said. Ainsley slightly giggled.

'Yeah, that was me. Sorry," Ainsley said. The doctor laughed.

"You're not the only one. I'm Dr Cal Knight," Cal said. Ainsley smiled at him

"I'm Ainsley. Thanks for keeping me company," Ainsley told him. Cal grinned.

"Its incredibly fine," Cal said. "I should go check on patients," he said. Ainsley giggled.

"I'll see you," Ainsley said. Cal winked and walked off.

"Maddison Andrews?"

Ainsley stood. "I'm Maddison's mum. Please say she's okay," Ainsley pleaded. The Doctor smiled.

"Maddison's fine. She was in the middle of an athsma attack but she's young so it turned her blue. I assure you. She will be fine."

Ainsley sighed in relief. "Can I see her?" Ainsley asked. The doctor nodded and led Ainsley over to where Maddison was. "Hi little angel, Ainsley said. Maddison's eyes were open.

"As Maddison is still too young we're keeping her in overnight. You're more than welcome to stay with her," the doctor told Ainsley. Ainsley nodded.


Maddison had been moved to the Children's Ward. She was sleeping peacefully. Ainsley however wouldn't get to sleep. She needed to know Maddison was okay. "Isn't there anyone we can call?" Ainsley looked up to see Cal standing there.

"No, its just me and Maddison. My parents didn't approve of me keeping my baby so I left. Finished college. I got high enough grades to get into Uni. I got myself a flat and made it a home to bring my baby home too. I'm still at Uni, studying Child Care," Ainsley said. Cal smiled.

"Isn't the dad involved?" He asked. Ainsley shook her head and sighed.

"He was at first but he thought I'd be a stay at home mum looking after the baby so he could go out and get drunk. When I told him I wanted to stay in Uni he said and I quote 'our kid needs you at home. Not geeking it up'. I told him that our baby needs a decent upbringing and we can both do that by getting a job. He walked out the next day," Ainsley told him.

"He's a moron." Cal said. Ainsley laughed and nodded.

"Yeah he is. I don't know why I ever got with him... Or even had sex with him," Ainsley said. Cal sighed.

"Can't help who you fall for," he told her. Ainsley nodded just as Maddison began whimpering. Ainsley stood up and checked to see if she was okay. "She looks like you," Cal commented. Ainsley grinned.

"Yeah. I'm glad she does. That way I don't have to be reminded of her dad," Ainsley said. Cal sympathetically smiled at her.

"I should go and do my rounds," Cal told her. Ainsley smiled.

"Thanks for keeping me company," Ainsley said. Cal winked.

"I'll see you around." 


A/N ~ Well, first chapter. 

Let me know any ideas you have. 

Stay Strong 


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