Chapter Four

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Ainsley and Jordan were becoming close. Jordan had loved spending time with Madison. Ainsley and Cal were taking things slow in their relationship as Ainsley didn't want to rush things. Jordan spent most of her free time over at Ainsley's flat. The girls had found out they attended the same University but they studied different subjects, Ainsley was Childcare and Jordan's was History.

Jordan had stayed with Ainsley again to help with Madison. "I love her baby smell," Jordan commented. Ainsley grinned.

"Me too."

Jordan sighed and set Maddison down.

"Sorry. I've got a kid of my own," Jordan admitted. Ainsley was shocked.

Before she could talk the doorbell rang.

Ainsley went and opened the door. Ethan and Cal were there.

"Connie gave us the day off. We thought we would pop over to see you. Ethan's going to go over to Jordan's in a minute," Cal said.

"Jordan's here. Ethan you need to talk to her about something," Ainsley said. Ethan was confused but went to see her.

Ainsley looked at Cal and smiled. "What are you really doing here?" Ainsley asked. Cal grinned and winked.

"Wanted to see you. Couldn't think of anything better to do," Cal replied. Ainsley smiled.

"I think you're sweet," Ainsley said. Cal smiled.

"I aim to please."

Ethan saw Jordan sitting on the bed in the spare bedroom. "Ainsley said I needed to talk to you about," Ethan said. Jordan looked up and sighed.

"Did she?"

"Yeah. Anything you wanna tell me?" Ethan asked. Jordan sighed and nodded.

"A couple of years ago I was raped. I ended up pregnant. I kept the baby. Her name is Poppy and she's two," Jordan said. Ethan was shocked. Jordan knew that Ethan wouldn't want to know now. "I understand if you don't want to talk too me again," Jordan said.

"Why do you think that?" Ethan asked. Jordan shrugged.

"It's what most people do. Hear I have a daughter and they don't wanna know anymore," Jordan admitted. Ethan pulled Jordan into a hug.

"I'm not like most guys," Ethan stated. Jordan smiled slightly. "I'd love to meet the little one," Ethan said.

"I'll see what I can do,"

Ainsley and Cal were sitting in the living while Madison slept in her bouncer. "She's a right cutie," Cal commented. Ainsley smiled.

"Yeah she is. I'm lucky to have her," Ainsley said. Cal looked at Ainsley and he moved his face towards her. Ainsley closed the distance with her face and they kissed.

It wasn't the most passionate of kisses but it was affectionate. "I think your lips taste of cherry," Cal said. Ainsley laughed.

"My lipgloss. I have different flavours," Ainsley told him.

Ethan and Jordan were lying together on the bed. "Who has Poppy during the day?" Ethan asked. Jordan smiled.

"My parents. They adore Poppy so much," Jordan told him. Ethan smiled and nodded.

"Cal and Ainsley have been rather quiet," Ethan commented. Jordan laughed.

"Yeah, let's hope they're not up to anything," Jordan said. Ethan laughed.

"Ainsley has her daughter in there. Even Cal isn't that bad," Ethan said.

Cal and Ainsley were snuggled up on the sofa. Madison woke up crying. "She always does this," Ainsley stated. Cal smiled as Ainsley took Madison from the bouncer. Cal sat up to make room for Madison. "Hey Madi, are you gonna say hello?"

Madison looked around with curiosity and she smiled. Cal looked at the way Ainsley was with Madison and he smiled. "You're great with her," Cal commented. Ainsley smiled at him.

"She's my whole world," Ainsley told him. Cal looked at her and kissed her.

Jordan and Ethan left the bedroom to see Cal, Ainsley and Madison snuggled up on the sofa. "That's an instagram moment," Jordan whispered. Ethan smiled.

"Stop staring."

Jordan and Ethan noticed Cal looking at them. "Sorry. That is cute though," Jordan said. Cal smiled and noticed Ainsley had fallen asleep. Jordan walked over to Madison and gently took her from Ainsley.

"Madison's been keeping her up most nights. We should let her sleep," Jordan said. Cal and Ethan nodded.

Ainsley woke a few hours later and frowned. She remembered falling asleep with Madison in her arms. "Madi?"

Jordan came in from the kitchen. "Madi's fine. She's with Cal and Ethan," Jordan told her. Ainsley sighed in relief.

"Sorry, its just I woke up and she wasn't here," Ainsley said. Jordan smiled and sat with Ainsley on the sofa. "Tell me about your child."

Jordan looked at Ainsley and sighed. "Her name is Poppy and she's two. I was raped. I don't know who the guy was but I love my daughter more than anything. She's my whole world," Jordan said. Ainsley was shocked.

"I'm sorry."

Jordan shrugged. "I'm over it. I have Poppy now. She's my main priority," Jordan stated. Ainsley smiled and hugged her.

"I know we've only just met but I'm here for you," Ainsley said. Jordan smiled.

"Thanks Ainsley. That means a lot," Jordan told her. Ainsley grinned.

"Us girls have to stick together," Ainsley said. Jordan laughed.

Ainsley, Jordan, Cal and Ethan spent the evening together watching movies. It was nearing 1am. "We should go Cal. Its getting late," Ethan stated. Cal nodded and stood to leave but Ainsley spoke.

"Why don't you both stay? Jordan can bunk up with me and you two can take the spare bedroom," Ainsley suggested. Cal and Ethan nodded. So did Jordan. "In that case, bedroom's that way. Help yourselves to beer and whatever but me - I'm off to bed," Ainsley said. Cal gave Ainsley a quick kiss before she went to bed. Jordan said goodnight to them too and shared a quick hug with Ethan before she went to bed.

"I really like Ethan I just don't want him to be put off because of Poppy," Jordan said. Ainsley smiled as she placed Madison's blanket over her.

"Trust me. Ethan won't be put off," Ainsley told her. Jordan smiled before they both climbed into bed and fell asleep. 


A/N ~ Sorry this wasn't very long. I wanted to update for StrangeDesires. Honestly wouldn't be able to write these stories without her support. Go and read her amazing stories!!

Let me know any ideas you have. I love to hear them.

Remember - Stay Strong 

'Hope is around the corner' 

Romance In A&E {Casualty Fanfic}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang