Chapter Two

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Ainsley found herself thinking about Cal. Madison had gotten much better so she had been discharged. Cal and Ainsley had exchanged numbers and they were planning on meeting up when Madison had fully recovered.

Cal was trying to get a spare moment to text Ainsley and arrange something. "You're needed. There's an emergancy," Connie said. Cal rolled his eyes but went to where the emergancy was.

Ainsley was meeting up with her friend Leoni. Madison slept peacefully in her carseat. Smiling to herself she focused on the road ahead. Ainsley's phone beeped, signalling a text message. Sighing to herself she would reply when she reached the meet-up place with Leoni.

"Eeek! There's my beautiful little Madison," Leoni said. Ainsley smiled and hugged Leoni.

"Please don't wake her. She's only just settled," Ainsley stated. Leoni nodded and took Madison's carseat.

"How is she after the Hospital trip?" Leoni asked. Ainsley grinned.

"She's getting there. I still need to keep a close eye on her but the doctors said she will be fine within a few days," Ainsley told her. Leoni nodded and noticed Madison had woken up.

"You have to let me have a munch. Please," Leoni begged. Ainsley rolled her eyes but smiled. She took Madison from the carseat and handed her over to Leoni. "She's gotten bigger since I last saw her," Leoni commented. Ainsley laughed.

"That's what babies tend to do Leo. They grow," Ainsley told her. Leoni rolled her eyes but smiled and she started playing with Madison.

Ainsley just remembered that she had received a text message so she took her phone from her bag. Smiling she saw the text was from Cal -

I'm free tonight. Fancy meeting up ? - Cal

Sure. I just have to find a baby sitter. Unless you want to come too mine - Ainsley.

I'll come to yours. See you then - Cal.

Ainsley smiled. "Who's the text from then?" Leoni asked. Ainsley grinned and shook her head.

"No one that concerns you so butt out," Ainsley jokingly said. Leoni rolled her eyes.

"You're seeing someone. I know you are," Leoni stated. Ainsley grinned and winked.

"Let's just say - he looks good in a doctor's uniform," Ainsley said. Leoni was confused but realisation dawned on her.

"You met him when Madi was in Hospital?" Leoni asked. Ainsley smiled and nodded.

"It wasn't like that Leo, I was feeling scared about Madison being in A&E. He came to comfort me. Nothing more," Ainsley said.

Leoni smiled. "Well aslong as he treats you better than what Tom did," she said. Ainsley laughed and shook her head.

"Nothing has happened between us. We're just friends and he's keeping me company tonight," Ainsley said. Leoni nodded and finished making Madison smile.

A few hours later Ainsley had text Cal her address and she got Madison ready for bed. "Listen baby, I need you to be a good girl tonight because mummy's friend is coming," Ainsley said. Madison smiled.

Cal arrived around 7:30. "You look different when you're not in uniform," Ainsley commented. Cal laughed.

"I don't wear it all the time," he said. Ainsley grinned and let him in. "Nice flat."

Ainsley smiled. "Its okay I suppose. As long as Madison is kept warm and that its good," Ainsley said.

A couple of hours later Ainsley had ordered Chinese for her and Cal. When it arrived they ate their meal. "I take it you can't cook," Cal said. Ainsley laughed.

"I can cook well enough but I don't feel like posioning you," Ainsley told him.

It was getting late and so Cal decided to head back to his. "Tonight was fun," he said. Ainsley smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for the company. I appreciate it," Ainsley said. Cal looked at her and smiled.

"I'll see you soon." Cal told her. Ainsley grinned and they shared a quick hug before he left. Ainsley climbed into bed that night with a smile on her face. 


A/N ~ Chapter Two. I hope you all liked. 

Let me know your thoughts or any ideas you have :) 

Remember - Stay Strong

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