Chapter Thirteen

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Ainsley was still in the coma. Madison had woken up but for Ainsley, it wasn't looking good. Connie had taken Madison and Evie to stay with her as Cal had hardly left Ainsley's side.

That morning, Cal had fallen asleep by Ainsley's bed. He woke up and saw her looking at him. "Baby! You're awake."
"Where's Madi?" Ainsley asked sleepily.
"She and Evie are with your Mum and Jacob," Cal told her. Ainsley nodded.
"Is Madi okay?"
"Yes, they're both okay."

Ainsley was going drowsy. "Sam... Madi... Dad," She muttered before she fell asleep.
Cal was shocked. He had no idea.
"Rita, can you get Sam Strachan's phone number?" Cal asked. Rita nodded and went to get it.

Ethan and Jordan were fighting. Poppy was crying. She grabbed her mum's phone and rang Dixie. Her baby brother was crying.
Dixie was coming over to sort it out. Poppy hid with her brother. She didn't want to be around the rowing. It scared her. "Stop it!" She whisered to herself.

Cal had called Connie. He needed to know what Ainsley meant when she said what she did.

Connie arrived with Jacob. "What's going on?"
"Ainsley woke up. She said, Sam, Madi, Dad," Cal told her. Connie was confused. She walked over to Ainsley and woke her up.
"What are you on about? Tom is Madi's dad."
Ainsley shook her head. "No... Sam."
Ainsley looked at Cal. Cal sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
"Do you still love me?" Cal asked. Ainsley nodded and held his hand.

Dixie arrived and went in. She went into the kitchen and saw them rowing. Jordan was in hysterics.
"What's going on? Your kids are scared," Dixie said.
"He went and shagged Lily!" Jordan screamed.
Dixie looked at Ethan. "Is that true?"
"Yes. I-I regret it now though," Ethan said.
Jordan scoffed. "Only because you got found out!" She yelled.

Ainsley was fully awake. She was aware of everything going on around her. "Is Sam Strachan Madison's father?" Connie asked.
"Yeah. I went to New York before I got pregnant and I met him. I didn't know who he was until you mentioned him. I got Madi's DNA tested and it came back she's his. I'm so sorry."

Connie walked out and Ainsley looked at Cal. "I'm sorry."
"I love you still baby."
"I love you too."

Suddenly, the door opened and someone walked in. "You had my baby and never saw fit to tell me?" Sam yelled.
Sam Strachan was there...

A/N - This will be ending very soon.
I'll be writing a sequel to this though!

Tell me what you think.

Stay Strong💖😘💖

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