Chapter Nineteen

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Ainsley didn't want to lose Madi. She had gotten so ill and had to stay indoors as she couldn't risk getting worse. It was a huge struggle. Evie had been acting up a lot and Layla was still only small.

All Ainsley could think about was Cal and weather or not he was with Taylor. Sam had been spending time with Madison as they didn't know if she would survive as she was so unwell.

It was beginning to feel horrid for Ainsley. She still didn't know who she truly loved. Sam or Cal. They were both sensational lovers and she loved them both but it was hard for her to choose which one loved her too.

"Mummy, am me dying?"
"No sweetie. We're going to make you better. I promise," Ainsley said. She didn't want to make Madi more upset. "Mummy isn't going to let anything bad happen to you."

Madi had gone back to sleep. Ainsley sat by her bed and cried. She couldn't handle losing her baby girl. Madison was everything to her. Ainsley tried to call Cal for support but his phone was switched off. "Please, Cal. I need you," she sobbed.

As she couldn't get in touch with Cal, she called Sam. She knew she shouldn't keep running back to him but she couldn't help it. He was like a drug to her.

Cal was sitting in bed with Taylor. He was in love with her but he felt bad for leading Ainsley on. She thought they were happy together but Cal couldn't stay faithful to her. He always went back to Taylor. "Look, I'll leave Ainsley."
"That's great. We can be together now," Taylor said.

Ainsley sat in the living room. She told Sam that the door was unlocked and to just walk in. Sam went to see her. Ainsley sobbed into him and told him everything.

Sam held Ainsley. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want lose Madi either. He began to cry.
"Sam, we'll get through this," Ainsley said. Sam nodded and kissed Ainsley's forehead.
Ainsley straddled Sam. "Let's make another Madi. She needs something to smile about," she said.
"Ainsley. You're not thinking straight."
"I am, Sam. I need a reason to feel good. My husband is neglecting me."

Sam took Ainsley upstairs. When Ainsley was undressing, he slipped a condom on. He wouldn't get her pregnant.
Ainsley giggled and got under the duvet. Sam was under it. He pushed into her. Ainsley grinned.

Madi woke up and held her teddy. She wanted her mummy but didn't want to wake her.
"Teddy, me and you have a nice dream now. No bad dreams."
Madi went downstairs and saw her mummy's phone. She giggled and picked it up and saw dialled the first number - Cal.

Cal thought about Ainsley. He knew he loved her but Taylor had his heart. She was a wild thing and that's what he loved about her.

Ainsley could tell Sam wasn't pleasuring her like he normally did. "I-I think you should leave. You're needed with your wife," Ainsley mumbled.
Sam nodded and left. Ainsley got dressed and went downstairs.

Ainsley seen Madi on her phone talking to someone.
"Baby who are you talking to?" Ainsley asked.
"Dada! He coming over!" Madi said. Ainsley nodded.

Cal came back. Madi toddled over to him. Cal lifted Madi up and held her. He could tell Ainsley had been crying.
Ainsley looked at him. "I-I needed you earlier but you weren't there," she mumbled.
"I'm sorry baby."
Ainsley walked over to him and saw the lipstick stains on his shirt. "Taylor?"

Ainsley walked over to the sofa and sat down. The minute she was down, she broke down in tears. "Mummy no cry! Jordy bring Layla and Evie back soon!" She said.
Ainsley held Madi close to her. Cal sat down.
"I'm an ass," cal mumbled.
Ainsley didn't reply.

Jordan came over and brought the girls in. Cal thanked her.
"Look, I'm sorry for everything," Cal told Ainsley. Jordan didn't want to ruin things.
"Ethan and Lily are expecting a baby," Jordan said.
Ainsley looked up. "Oh."
Jordan sat with Ainsley.

Cal went to see Taylor. He wasn't going back to Ainsley's. He couldn't be around that. He was running.

Ainsley cried uncontroablly into Jordan. "Cal is with Taylor. I have no one," she sobbed.
"Come with me. We can disinfect a room for Madi," Jordan offered. Ainsley agreed. Madi was excited. Jordan rang Iain to get him to disinfect a room.

Ainsley and Madi arrived. Iain was cleaning the place for Madi.
"You okay?" Jordan asked Ainsley. She shrugged.
"The one guy who has been there for me doesn't want me. I'm a joke."
"Ainsley, everything will be okay. I promise," she said.
"I want Cal!" Ainsley screamed. She broke down in tears.

Cal was watching a movie with Taylor. His phone rang and it was Iain. "I have to take this call."
"Ainsley's in tears you prick!" Iain spat.
"You're one to talk. Shagging my brother's ex-wife!" Cal spat. Iain hung up. Cal sighed. He needed to go and apologise

Ainsley was put to bed after she put her own kids to bed. Jordan and Iain cuddled downstairs while everyone was sleeping downstairs.
"I'm not saying about our baby," Jordan mumbled.
"Ainsley should know that our baby isn't well - we don't know what but... she's our little girl and I need people to know so you can be looked after," Iain said.
"Ainsley doesn't need to!"
Ainsley text her mum, she needed her.

Connie arrived at Jordan's house. "Mrs Beauchamp?"
"Where's Ainsley?"
"In bed."
Connie nodded. Jordan showed her to where Ainsley was.

Ainsley sat in bed crying. "Please mummy," she sobbed. She needed to feel safe and secure.
Connie ran in and held Ainsley. Ainsley sobbed into her. Iain heard her.
"Okay, we won't tell her," Iain agreed. Jordan nodded and went up to bed. She tripped and fell onto her stomach. Iain called a call out doctor.

Ainsley cried into Connie. Connie laid down with her and tried to calm her down.
"Sweetie it's going to be okay," Connie said.
"How do you know mummy?" Ainsley sobbed.
"Because I'm your mum. I promise."
Ainsley nodded. "Madi can't die."
"She won't."

Connie went downstairs. "She's asleep. Call me if she needs me," Connie said.
"We will."

Cal was parked outside of Jordan's house. He knew Ainsley needed him but he loved Taylor.
Cal got out of the car when he seen someone else at the door. Cal ran over and Iain opened the door.
"Who's that?" Cal asked Iain.
"Call out doctor."
"Jordan fell on her stomach. She's pregnant with an unwell baby," Iain said. Cal went upstairs to Ainsley.
Jordan was fine. She hadn't gone into labour yet. "Take it easy Jordan. There's no reason to worry."
"Thank you."

Ainsley had her three girls in bed with her. She was in tears. "Ains?"
"Dada!" Evie squealed. She toddled off the bed and went over to her daddy.
Cal held her tightly.
"Ains, I want to be there for you but I love Taylor. Will you let me help you?" Cal asked. Ainsley stayed quiet. She didn't know what to answer.

Jordan and Iain cuddled in bed. He rubbed her small bump.
"You okay?" Iain asked.
"I'm worried about Ainsley," she mumbled.
Iain held her close. "She'll be fine. I promise."

Ainsley wiped her eyes. "I thought you loved me," she sobbed.
"I do."

Cal put the girls to sleep and went to sit with Ainsley. He held her close. "Say no if you want but will you make love to me? I just want to feel you," Ainsley mumbled.
"If its what you really want."
"I do. Please, make love to me. One last time," Ainsley said.
Cal agreed and kissed Ainsley. Eventually it led onto more.

Jordan woke up the kids along with Iain. They made breakfast and gave Madi her medicine.
"Jordy got a baba!" Madi said.
"She's going to tell Ainsley!" Jordan whispered to Iain. She was so scared.
"I'll go and talk to them now."

Iain left to speak to Cal and Ainsley. Jordan fed some of the kids. Madi ate some banana.
"Love you Jordy."
"Love you too Madi."

Ainsley woke up to see Cal cuddling her and stroking her hair.
"Morning," he said. Ainsley smiled slightly. Iain knocked the door.
"Can I talk to you two?" Iain asked.
Ainsley nodded. She was holding onto Cal as though he would leave her. She loved him but he didn't love her. "Jordan's pregnant. Our baby is unwell."
Ainsley nodded again. She felt bad. She cuddled into Cal and he held her. "Will the baby be okay?"

Iain went to help Jordan with the kids. Ainsley sat with Cal. "I'm sorry for making you do this with me," Ainsley mumbled.
"Baby. Its fine."
"No. Its not. You're with Taylor and I'm destined to be a divorced  mum with three kids," she sobbed.
Cal realised what he was doing but he couldn't pick which one he loved.
"Let's have breakfast," Cal said. Ainsley nodded and held Cal's hand as they walked downstairs.

Jordan and Iain were eating breakfast at the table. Madi and the other kids were in the living room playing and watching TV.
Jordan looked at Ainsley. "You okay beaut?"
"I don't know."
Jordan sighed as Cal held Ainsley close. "Do you want breakfast?"
"Not really hungry."

Ainsley went outside and cried. She got her phone and text someone -
'I love you. But you're with someone else - Ax'
She sent the text and broke down.

Jordan looked at Cal. "Go be with Taylor. I'll sort her out."
Cal left to be with Taylor. Iain rang Sam and asked him to come over.

Jordan found Ainsley crying. She held her tightly.
"It's okay sweetie. Everything will be okay."

Sam arrived and Iain told him everything.
"I love her Iain," Sam told him. Iain sighed.
Ainsley sobbed into Jordan. "Why doesn't anyone love me?"
"They do beaut."
Jordan smiled. "Sam, Madi, Evie, Layla, Me and Iain. Dixie and your mum and Grace too," she said.

Jordan went inside as Sam came out. "Ainsley?"
Sam sat with her. "I left my girlfriend."
"Why?" Ainsley asked. Sam took her hands.
"To be with you Ains."
Ainsley couldn't believe someone would do that for her. She began to cry and kissed Sam. Sam kissed her back.

They cuddled in bed after reacquainting themselves with each other. Ainsley rubbed Sam's chest gently. She loved him so much.
Jordan played with Madison. "Is Cal still my daddy?"
"Yeah sweetie. He might not be with mummy but he still loves you."

Ainsley straddled Sam. "You don't really love me do you? You're here because Jordan told you," Ainsley mumbled.
"Ainsley, I do love you gorgeous."
Ainsley kissed Sam hard. For once her life felt like it was starting to become right. If only she could cure herself then life would be perfect.

A/N - So, the next chapter is the last in this book. The sequel will be coming soon. Thanks to StrangeDesires for helping with this chapter.

Hope you liked.

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