Chapter Twelve

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Cal and Ainsley were making out in the bathrooms, suddenly there was a loud bang and an explosion...

"What the hell was that?" Ainsley asked. Cal shook his head.

"I don't know Ains. We need to get out of here," Cal said. Ainsley was scared.

"Cal, Madi was running around on her own. What if she's been hurt," Ainsley said. She was panicking. She couldn't let anything bad happen to Madison.

With Ethan and Jordan

Jordan had Evie in her arms while Ethan had Thomas. Poppy stood by her parents. "Jordan, where's Madison gone?" Ethan asked.

Jordan looked around and she tried to not panic. Jordan saw Connie so she walked over to her. "Have you got Madison?" Jordan asked.

"Isn't she with you?"

Jordan shook her head. "No."

Ainsley and Cal got outside and saw Jordan with Evie. Ainsley ran over. "Where's Madison?" Ainsley asked. She didn't get an answer. "Where is my little girl?" Ainsley asked again. This time it was more forceful.

"We don't know."

Ainsley looked at the building on fire and she ran back inside. "Ainsley!"

All Cal could do was watch as his wife ran into a burning building.

With Ainsley

There was smoke everywhere. Ainsley couldn't see where she was going. "Madi! Where are you baby?"

Ainsley could just make out a small shadow on the floor in the corner. She ran over hoping it was Madison. "Madi!"

Madison wasn't breathing. Ainsley scooped her up and tried to get back out but the door was blocked by a piece of wood. "Crap."

Madison still wasn't breathing and Ainsley knew that it wasn't looking good for her. "Please don't let me lose my baby girl."

With Cal.

He needed Ainsley to come out of the building. He couldn't look after Evie on his own and even if he could he didn't want to. "Where is she?" Cal asked himself.

Jordan and Ethan could see the worry in Cal's eyes.

They heard a banging coming from up above. They looked up to see Ainsley in a window. "Ainsley!" Cal yelled.

"I need to get Madi out!"

Iain, Cal and Ethan all got a ladder from the fire brigade and they propped it up against the window. Cal went up. "What are you like eh?" Cal asked.

Ainsley smiled. "Keeping you on your toes Knight. Take Madi! She's not breathing."

Cal took Madison from Ainsley and took her down the ladder. Cal handed her to Dixie who began working on her.

Cal went back up the ladder. "You now."

Ainsley was about to speak when she suddenly collapsed. "No!"

Cal went in the window and he scooped up Ainsley. She didn't weigh much he put her over his shoulder but half way down the ladder, there was another explosion sending Cal and Ainsley falling.

Jordan and Connie rushed over immediately. Jordan helped Ainsley while Connie checked on Cal. "I'm fine. It's Ainsley you need to check on. She collapsed," Cal said.

"You may have banged your head. Don't be stubborn Dr Knight," Connie said.

Madison still wasn't breathing but it wasn't looking good for Ainsley either. They had both been taken to Hospital. "Cal, we'll stay with Madi. Get yourself examined properly," Ethan said.


Cal had been sent for a CT scan. He had to stay in bed until the results had come back. He had been told that Ainsley had collapsed due to smoke inhalation.

With Jordan & Ethan.

They sat by Madison's bed hoping she would wake soon. Everyone needed the bubbly little girl in their life. Ainsley needed Madison. Evie needed her big sister.

"She'll wake up. They both will," Ethan said.

Jordan wasn't convinced. All she knew was that she couldn't go on without Ainsley.

A/N ~ Sorry this wasn't very long. I just wanted to update for you all. There'll be some more updates coming soon so leave me ideas below.

Stay Strong

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