Chapter Six

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Jordan cried in the toilets. She felt disgusted. She was scared to move. "Jordan, where are you?" Ainsley asked. There was no sound. "Jordan, its only me."

"I-I'm here," Jordan said. Ainsley opened the door and saw Jordan looking vulnerable.

"Ethan told me and Cal what happened. He's a pig," Ainsley said. Jordan cried into her. "Come on, let's get you out of here."

Ainsley saw Cal and Ethan. Sam was being escorted off by the police. "Yeah go and rot," Ainsley said. Ethan took Jordan into his arms while Cal took Ainsley.

Jordan screamed and got away. Ainsley felt bad. Ethan didn't know what to do. Cal sighed and went over to Jordan. Jordan backed off. Ainsley took Jordan and brought her to the car.

Connie let Ethan and Cal go home because of what happened. She felt bad for it - for once.

Ainsley took Jordan into the living room. Jordan was still shaking.

"Why is it always me?" Jordan asked. She broke down crying. Ethan and Cal ran in.

"I don't know hon, I really don't know," Ainsley said. Jordan cried still. "I promise you will get through this."

Ethan tried to sit with Jordan but she pushed him away.

"Jordan, do you wanna stay in my room with me? I'm sure Cal and Ethan won't mind sharing for the night," Ainsley asked her. Jordan nodded.

"Thanks Ainsley,"

Ainsley helped Jordan to bed and she went to sit with Cal. "How can someone so sweet go through so much?" Ainsley asked. Cal pulled her closer to him.

"She will be fine. She has to be," Cal said. Ainsley sighed.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."

Cal kissed her and let Ainsley go to bed. Jordan was asleep but she was restless and constantly waking up.

During the night, while everyone was asleep, Jordan woke up and wrote a letter to Ethan apologising for everything and she said that Ethan probably wouldn't want to be with someone who was constantly raped. She posted it under the door of the room and went back to bed.

*the next morning*

Ethan woke up before Cal. He put on his glasses and went to the bathroom. As he opened the door, he stood on something. He picked up a letter addressed to him.

Frowning he read what it said.


I understand if you don't want me anymore. I'm damaged goods. I can't tell you how much I love you because I end up losing everything I care about. You're the one who's helped me out so much lately. I love you.



Ethan felt his heart breaking. Ainsley came out the bedroom with Madison. "Is everything okay?" Ainsley asked. Ethan sighed.

"I don't know. Jordan's sent me a letter saying she loves me but she doesn't think I'll love her now," Ethan said. Ainsley faintly smiled.

"She's gone through a lot Ethan. She needs support. We're all gonna be there for her, Ainsley said.

Cal came out the bedroom and smiled. "Morning beautiful," Cal said. Ainsley smiled and kissed him. Ethan sighed wishing he and Jordan could be like that.

Ethan went into Jordan's room. Jordan was fast asleep. Ethan sat on the bed beside her.

Jordan rolled over and jumped when she saw Ethan. She started to cry.

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