Chapter Twenty

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Jordan, Iain and Connie all needed to talk to Ainsley about her mental health. She was getting worse and they needed to get her help.

They all say in Jordan's living room. Ainsley was in the shower after breakfast. The kids were playing on the floor. Jordan was now heavily pregnant. Ainsley came downstairs.
"Mum what are you doing here?" Ainsley asked Connie.
"Sweetheart. You're unwell," Connie said.
"No. I'm fine."
Jordan sighed. "Ainsley, you're struggling with mental health."
Ainsley shook her head. "I-I'm fine," she sobbed.

Ainsley was sitting in her bedroom. Sam walked in. "Am I unwell?" She asked.
"Everyone is saying I am," Ainsley sobbed. She held her pillow close.
"Maybe you just need a break. Your mum and Grace will take you and spend a spa weekend away," Sam said. Ainsley nodded and cuddled into Sam.

Jordan got up and felt her water break. Connie knew that the baby would have to be given birth here because it had an unknown condition.
"Just relax sweetie," Connie said. Jordan nodded and gripped Iain's hand as Connie gently stripped Jordan's bottom half.
Ainsley had fallen asleep. Sam held her close. Madi climbed in bed between them. "Ove you."
"We love you too Madi."

Jordan had delivered a baby girl. She only had one leg and one arm. "She's gorgeous," Connie said.

Sam carried Madi downstairs. She toddled over to Jordan. "You have baby!" She squealed.
Jordan smiled and held the baby tightly. Jez came with the ambulance to check Jordan and the little baby.
"What's her name?" Sam asked.
"Faith," Iain replied.

Ainsley woke up and went downstairs as Jez left. She went over and seen Jordan half asleep holding Faith.
"How long have I been asleep for?" Ainsley joked. Jordan smiled. Iain took Ainsley aside to tell her about Faith.
Cal had heard about how Ainsley was unwell. He felt bad for her. He knew he was partly the reason to blame.

Ainsley felt bad for Jordan. She thought Faith was gorgeous. "Ainsley, come to the ED tomorrow and we'll go away for the weekend with Grace," Connie said.
They were sending Ainsley to a rehab. Connie was paying for the best.
Ainsley sat with Jordan and held Faith.
"She's beautiful," Ainsley said.
Ainsley and Jordan cuddled. They hoped tomorrow would be better.

The next morning Ainsley went to the ED. Grace ran to Ainsley and hugged her. Madi was with them too.
"We're leaving in half an hour. We're stopping for pizza."
Ainsley smiled. "Yay."

Cal saw Ainsley with Sam. He wanted her back and he would get her back. "Ook! There dadda!"
Ainsley smiled at him slightly. Cal walked over just as Sam went back inside with Madi.
"You doing okay?" Cal asked. Ainsley nodded.
"Going away for the weekend with Grace, mum and Madi."
"Cool," Cal replied. He kissed Ainsley's cheek.

Ainsley went inside and seen Connie and Grace waiting on her with Madi. Jordan went over to them and walked them to the car with Faith.
"I'll see you soon chick," Jordan said. Ainsley hugged her and hugged Faith.
"Take care."
"You too."

Cal missed waking up with Ainsley. He missed their morning sex when he was turned on. He loved her.

Ainsley hugged Jordan once more before she got into the car. She strapped Madi in tight.

Jordan waved to them as they drove off.

Connie was driving along and talking to Ainsley. Grace was in the front. Ainsley sat in the back with Madi and held her small hand.

A car overtook Connie's and cut her up. Connie swerved and suddenly the car was flying through the air.

Jordan missed Ainsley already. She was standing with Iain when Charlie came in. "There's been an accident..."

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