Chapter Ten

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A/N ~ This update isn't going to be very long. It's basically a filler.

Ainsley was returning to work from having Evie. Jordan's pregnancy had been a difficult one but she had muddled through with the help of everyone.

That morning, Ainsley walked downstairs and saw Poppy and Madison sitting with Thomas and Evie. "Aw, they're so cute."

Jordan looked up. "Yeah they are. I can't believe how close they all are," Jordan said. Ainsley grinned as Cal came up behind her and started kissing her neck.

"Behave Dr Knight."

Ethan came in and smiled at the kids "I think Evie has Cal's nose," Ethan stated. Ainsley laughed.

"She does but she's perfect and I wouldn't change her or Madi for the world," Ainsley said. Cal kissed her gently and walked over to Evie and Madison, Poppy and Thomas.

"Right my little minions, I need you all to keep an eye the crèche because you're the cutest lot of kids there."

Poppy giggled as she understood but Madison stood and she toddled into his arms. "My dada," Madi said. Cal smiled.

"Yeah I'm your dada baby girl."

Eventually, they all left for work. Cal, Ainsley and their girls went in Cal's car while Ethan, Jordan and their kids went in Ethan's car.

They arrived at the ED and immediately, Robyn and Rita came over to see Evie. "Aw, she's gorgeous," Robyn said.

"She gets that from me," Cal said. Ainsley rolled her eyes.

"Let's hope that's all she gets from you," Ainsley joked. Cal smirked.

"You love it though."

A Few Hours Later

Ainsley was dead on her feet. All she wanted was to climb into bed. "Are you okay Ainsley?" Jordan asked.

Ainsley sighed. "I just wanna crawl into bed and sleep. I forgot how hard this job is at times," Ainsley said. Jordan smiled.

"I know but it's worth it with all the lives we save."

"Yeah that's true," Ainsley commented. Jordan hugged Ainsley before she walked over to the paramedic station.

Connie had seen Ainsley slouching and she became concerned. She knew having a newborn and a toddler could take it out but she looked more exhausted than normal. She walked over to her. "Are you alright darling?" Connie asked.

"Yeah I'm fine mum. Just tired," Ainsley replied. Connie smiled and hugged Ainsley.

"You're bound to be tired. You gave a newborn and a toddler. If you need some time off then let me know," Connie said.


Seven Hours Later

The shift had ended so Ainsley and Jordan went to her the kids from the crèche. "I need to kick back and relax," Ainsley said. Jordan grinned.


When they returned home, Ainsley went to make dinner. "Ainsley, let me do that," Jordan said. Ainsley shook her head.

"I can manage but thanks."

Jordan sighed but she went into the living room to Cal and Ethan. "Ainsley is working too hard," Jordan said.

Before anyone could say anything, they heard a bang coming from inside the kitchen. Cal stood and ran to see what happened. "Ainsley collapsed," Cal yelled.

Jordan called an ambulance and sat with the kids while Cal and Ethan tried to wake Ainsley up.

Iain and Dixie arrived. "What's happened?" Dixie asked. Jordan looked up.

"She's been working too hard. We think it's because of that," Ethan said. Dixie nodded and she inserted a drip into Ainsley's arm.

Ainsley woke up and she had a pounding head. "What happened?" she asked.

"You've been working too hard. You collapsed."

Ainsley groaned and she cuddled into Cal. "I hate passing out," Ainsley mumbled.

"Shouldn't be overworking then."

Ainsley grinned. Iain and Dixie left and Jordan ordered pizza for everyone. After they had eaten they all had an early night.

A/N ~ well sorry this wasnt very long or good but I felt I owed you an update.

Let me know what you thought.

Leave me ideas in the comments.

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