Chapter Seven

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Cal and Ainsley had spent the whole weekend celebrating their engagment. They hadn't told Ethan and Jordan yet.

Heading downstairs, Cal had his arms around Ainsley's waist. "About time," Ethan commented.

Cal smirked and Ainsley smiled at Ethan.

"We were out all night celebrating," Cal said. Ainsley thumped Cal in the side and walked into the kitchen.

Jordan and Ethan were confused.

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked Cal. Cal walked upstairs to get Madison.

Ethan and Jordan went to the kitchen and saw Ainsley making herself breakfast.

"What was Cal on about?" Jordan asked.

Ainsley smiled and shook her head. "I don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about," Ainsley said. Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Ainsley tell me, you know you can," Jordan said just as Cal came in with Madison.

"You've told them?" Cal asked. Ainsley shook her head.

"No, I was thinking that you could tell them," Ainsley said. Cal grinned and handed Madison over to Ainsley

"We're engaged," Cal said. Ethan walked out. Jordan looked at him but he went upstairs.

"Well done. This is why I didn't want them to know," Cal said.

Ainsley sighed and Cal hugged her. Jordan went into the living room to play with Poppy.

When Cal went to get a shower Ethan went to talk to Ainsley

"Congratulations," Ethan said. Ainsley looked up and faintly smiled.


Ethan noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. "For someone engaged you don't sound too happy," Ethan commented. Ainsley shrugged.

"I'm fine. Is there a problem?" Ainsley asked. Ethan sighed.

"I feel inferior now. You and Cal are engaged but I don't know what Jordan wants," Ethan admitted. Ainsley sighed.

"Talk to her. Let her know your thoughts and what she thinks," Ainsley told him. Ethan sighed.

"We've not had sex in a few days. Its like she doesn't want too," Ethan said.

Cal came downstairs wearing a towel. Ethan left the kitchen with Ainsley. "Cal, put some clothes on. I know Ainsley likes it but clothes," Ethan said.

Cal went back upstairs and got clothes on. He came downstairs and went into the kitchen. Ainsley grabbed him.

"You need to talk to Jordan. Ethan and Jordan are struggling," Ainsley said. Cal nodded and Ainsley asked for Ethan to help with the kids in the garden.

Cal walked into the living room and sat beside Jordan once Ethan left.

"What's going on between you and my brother?" Cal asked. Jordan sighed.

"Nothing as far as I'm aware. Why?" Jordan said. Cal wasn't convinced.

"Ainsley told me there was a problem. What problem is that?"

Jordan sighed. "There's no problem Cal," Jordan told him. Cal nodded.

"What do you want from Ethan?"

Jordan was confused. "How do you mean?" Jordan asked. Cal sighed.

"Your relationship with Ethan. What do you want?"

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