Please Read!

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Hey guys! No, this isn't about the sequel, but it is coming soon. I wanted to let you guys know that if any of you have a problem you need to share with someone, you can come to me. I know how it feels to be ignored or to feel like people don't care what's going on in your life. Sometimes your friends don't want to be there for you and sometimes your family members think you're being dramatic. And while you might be a huge drama queen or king, you should still be heard. People will tell you that your feelings don't matter or that you don't matter, but they do and so do you. You're important and whatever you have bottled up inside of you ready to spill out is important too. Some people feel like they have to hold their emotions in because people don't care about them, and if you, the person who is reading this is one of those people, I want you to know that I care. If you have something you need to get off your chest or if you need to rant, you can come to me. I can't promise you the best advice, but I can promise you will be heard.

I love every single one of you to the stars and back and I care about every single one of you. You're all equally beautiful people who deserve the best out of life. Remember that everyday in everything you do. Message me if you have anything you need to rant about or some exciting news you want to tell someone.

Love you guys!
~Morgan xx

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