Chapter 14- Shawn's Song

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"You ready?"

"Yep", I said nodding my head.

I was kinda nervous because I had never done this before.

We decided since we didn't have a Magcon convention today, we would go to a park and sing.

Shawn opened his guitar case and took the guitar out. He put the case on the ground in front of us. We sat on the bench as Shawn started to play the guitar. People turned their heads over to us and some walked over when they heard the music. We decided for our first song we would sing We Found Love by Rihanna. When some of the girls heard our voices, they immediately recognized who we were and rushed over to us. Some were jumping up and down and clapping their hands, looking like they were about to cry. Probably because of Shawn. Some got out their phones and recorded us. And some had no idea who we were but they were just enjoying the music. I could tell they liked us. Some just liked Shawn. But I could tell that most of them just liked the sound of our voices blending.

When we finished the people clapped and cheered. Some people put money in the guitar case. There were about 25 people surrounding us.

Shawn spoke. "Do you guys have any requests?" he asked showing his perfect smile that made some of the girls start squealing.

I laughed at how much they were fangirling and some of them gave me the evil eye.

A random girl yelled, "Drunk!" She started a chant. She got the whole crowd to yell, "Drunk! Drunk! Drunk! Drunk!"

Shawn started to play the song and I sang along with him. As we were singing, the crowd got bigger and a group of girls started talking about me, making sure I could hear.

"Oh my gosh, she's so ugly."

"This is Shawn's song. Why is she singing too?"

"She can't even sing."

"Shawn can do so much better."

Well obviously they weren't Johndes fans.

As usual, the hate started getting to me. I began thinking about what the girls were saying and all the hate I get on twitter everyday. I thought about how Shawn lost so many followers because of me. A lot of girls didn't like me before, and when they found out we were dating, they stopped following him on vine and twitter. Shawn lost a lot of fans because of me. Maybe we shouldn't be singing together.

What am I doing singing Shawn's song? Well, it's Ed Sheeran's song, but the fans love when Shawn sings it. By himself.

I thought more people liked us as a duo. Maybe that's just what I tried to tell myself. That more people would like us more if we sang together. And some people do, but the truth is I have my fans and Shawn has his. And they obviously don't like us together. They like us as individuals. Yes, this is about us. It's about what Shawn and I want to do, but it's also about the fans. It's about what they wanna hear, because without them, we would be nowhere.

Maybe Johndes shouldn't be a thing anymore. It would probably be better for us both if we stopped making vines together and stopped singing duets at Magcon.

Shawn strummed the last few chords on his guitar. The song was over and everyone was staring at me. Just me. Why?

"Thank you", Shawn said smiling. I guess he was trying to dismiss the crowd.

Some more people put money in the cause and then everyone walked away.

"Why'd you stop singing? Was it because of those girls?" he asked.

I looked at him. I didn't even noticed I had stopped singing.

"I kept going because I knew you wouldn't want all the attention on you, with whatever you were thinking about", he said.

"Thanks", I said softly. I took his hand in mine and spoke again. "Umm.. Shawn, maybe we shouldn't do this."

"Do what? Sing in the park? We can go back to the hotel if you-" I cut him off.

"No, I mean maybe we shouldn't be singing together anymore." His face fell. He looked hurt. "Not because I don't want to. I love singing with you, but maybe we should just keep it a thing that we do privately, for the sake of both of us."

I don't know why, but somehow this felt like I was breaking up with him. I was just trying to look out for both of us. But he looked so hurt. And I hate seeing him like that. Most people don't see this side of him. The vulnerable, fragile side of Shawn. The last time I saw him like this was when his uncle passed away. And it feels even worse knowing that I'm the one who's causing the pain this time.

"But- but I", he stuttered. "I don't understand. Why can't we sing together anymore?"

"We can, just not in public."

Wow. That sounded terrible. I can't believe I said that. Way to freaking go, Marie!

"What?" he asked snatching his hand away from mine.

"I swear I didn't mean it like that, Shawn", I said.

He was getting angry now. He raised his voice. "Then what the hell did you mean?"

Before I could say anything else he spoke again. "You know what, just save it."

He picked up his guitar and walked away. A man tried to stop him to talk to him but he shoved him off and kept walking. I closed Shawn's guitar case full of money and got up.

Just as I was about to run after Shawn, the guy stopped me.

"Excuse me miss", he said in a thick British accent.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't talk right now", I said trying to walk away.

"I understand. I just wanted to say that I heard you singing and I liked your sound. I don't know what happened as to why you stopped singing, but I rarely come across two people who's voices blend as well as yours." He handed me a business card. "Give me a call some time. I'd love to sign you two." And with that he walked away.

I sighed. He just made this a lot harder.

I looked around and didn't see Shawn. I walked out of the park, and back to the hotel, which wasn't too far away.

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