Chapter 23- A Part Of Me

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Marie's POV


"Cameron, we should really go to school", I said putting a Cheeto puff in my mouth.

He groaned. "But I don't want to!"

"I don't either, but we skipped yesterday and my mom thinks we're at your school."

"But it's already..." he checked his phone. "10:00."

"We can just be tardy", I told him.

"By time we take showers and get dressed, the day will almost be over when we get there", he said.

I sighed. "Fine. But we're going tomorrow."

"We'll see", he said smirking and stuffing a Cheeto puff in his mouth.


"What? You make it seem like you want to go to school", he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're insane."

"This is true."

I heard a ding from my phone, letting me know I got a text.

From: Unknown

'Hey girl! How's California?'

To: Unknown

'Who's this?'

From: Unknown

'This is Jo. Bree gave me your number. I hope that's ok.'

I need to talk to Bree about giving random people my number. But I guess it's fine since it's Jo this time.

To: Jo

'Of course that fine! California is great.'

"Who are you texting?" Cameron asked.

"A friend from school", I told him.

From: Jo

'I bet.'

'Shawn really misses you.'

To: Jo

'How do you know?'

From: Jo

'He talks about you nonstop and whenever someone says your name his mood changes.'

"Well that's ironic", Cameron said peering over my shoulder to look at my phone.

"What's ironic?" I asked turning to face him.

"She said that Shawn talks about you nonstop, and you do the same."

"No I don't", I quickly replied.

"Yes you do", he chuckled. "I wonder what Shawn is doing right now", he said in a high-pitched, squeaky voice, trying to mock me.

"I don't talk like that", I told him.

"Oh really?"

I nodded.

"Remember yesterday when we were baking cupcakes?" He mocked me again with his fake girl voice, throwing his hands in the air. "This reminds me of when Shawn tried to make me breakfast and he spilled flour everywhere."

I laughed. "That was one time."

"It's every freaking day!" he exclaimed laughing.

I guess I do talk about him a lot. I can't even go 30 minutes without thinking about him.


Thursday Night

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know", I said. "Can we go out somewhere?"

"Of course. Where to?" Cam asked.

"I don't know. It's my last night here. Somewhere memorable", I told him.

He nodded. "How about Walgreens?"

"You have such a weird sense of humor", I said laughing.

"Well you laughed so obviously I'm funny", he said. "But seriously, where should we go?"

"Let's just go shopping. I need more clothes from America", I said.

"I always forget that you're foreign."

I laughed. "So shopping?"

"Only if I get to pay", he said grabbing his keys off the counter.

"I don't have a problem with that", I told him.

"I was joking!"

"Oh, come on. I'm you're little sister", I said giving him the puppy dog face.

He sighed. "Fine", he groaned.



Shawn's POV

The cab ride home was silent. I sad beside Marie the whole time, not saying a word.

"Thanks", I said handing the driver money.

I grabbed Marie's suitcase and walked with her to her front door.

"Hey mom!" she said hugging her mom.

"Hi sweetie. Did you have fun?"

"Yea, it was awesome. Thanks."

After I greeted her mom with a hug, we went up to her room.

"It feels good to be home", Marie said sitting on her bed.

I sat across from her. "I'm glad you're back", I said.

She smiled.

I really wanted to talk to her now, face to face about getting back together.

But I have to find a better way of doing it, rather than just saying it right now.



Marie's POV

I felt someone's arms wrap around me from the side. I quickly turned to face them.

"Bree!" I yelled.

"I missed you", she said.

Just as I wrapped my arms around her, I noticed Jo standing behind her.

"Hey, Jo!"

"Hey, girl!"

I broke the hug with Bree and slammed my locker shut.

I sighed. "Ready for English?" I asked as we started walking.

I heard them both groan before I saw Shawn walking right beside me.

"Hey", I smiled.

"Hi", he replied.

His friend Tyler walked on his left side. We were all in the same English class, so we liked to walk together.

It felt good being together like this again, with Jo now in the group. Shawn and I are just friends still, but we have everything sorted out. I think.

I can still feel a little awkward tension between us, but I think that will go away soon. But I think talking to him on the phone helped and cleared some things up.

A part of me wished that we could be more than friends again, but the other part is scared. Those arguments we had ruined our relationship as a couple, but they could've easily ruined our friendship too. I'm glad we didn't let that happen, but it could happen the next time. That's why I'm afraid of letting there be a next time. If we get back together and break up again, that could end up ruining the friendship I have with the only person who's been there for me since I was 5. I don't even feel as comfortable talking to my mom about stuff as I do with Shawn.

That's why I want to make sure that I want to be in a relationship him. Not just because of the heartbreak, but because he's my best friend and I don't want to lose that.

I can't be in love with him.

To be continued...

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