Chapter 21- Loving Chino Hills

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Shawn's POV

I walked home slowly, so I could have time to myself to think. As I passed by different houses with my head down, I couldn't help but be angry with myself. Not because of what I said to Marie, but because I let it get that far.

I really thought I was in love with her, and you know what? Maybe I was and maybe I still am. But I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe that at 15 years old, I really know what love is. They say that when you know, you know. But that just doesn't make any sense! What if I don't know? What if I'm just a confused teenage boy with a crush? Or what if I'm a confused teenage boy who really is in love, but has no way of knowing it? I don't know! And that's just it! If I don't know, and I didn't know, then why was I so quick to tell a girl I loved her? We weren't even dating yet! And why was she so quick to say it back? I bet she doesn't have a damn clue what being in love feels like either.

It's so hard trying to make sense of this whole situation when I know absolutely nothing at all.

When I got home, I made my way up the stairs. When I got to my room, Aaliyah was sitting on my bed strumming my guitar.

"Hey Liyah", I said sighing.

She looked up. "Hey. What happened? You look really upset."

"Just stuff with Marie", I said.

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

I smiled a little. I love how my sister is always there for me.

I do want to talk to someone about it. I need advice, I need guidance. But not from a 12 year old.

"No thanks, I kinda want to get my mind off of it", I said.

"Do you wanna teach me a song?" she asked pointing towards the guitar.

"Sure, but let me take a shower first."

When I got out of the shower, Liyah was sitting in the same spot on my bed.

I went down to the basement to get my dad's guitar that he doesn't use anymore.

I took it up to my room so I could tune it and teach Liyah how to play a song.

"So, what song do you wanna learn?" I asked.

"Anything by One Direction", she said.

I smiled.

"You sound like Marie", I told her.

"I thought we were forgetting about what happened with her", she reminded me.

"Oh! Right. Okay no more talking about her."

"How about an Ed Sheeran song? Teach me Little Bird", she said trying to change the subject of Marie.

I thought her the first few chords and she caught on very quickly. After about an hour, she ended up falling asleep with my guitar on top of her.

I laughed as I took the guitar off of her and carried her to her bed.


Last night, before I fell asleep, I thought about what happened. Thinking about it just made me miss her more. I really do want to get back together with her. Whether we rushed things before or not, there's no reason why we can't date now.

I decided I should go talk to Marie before school. I know she's probably still mad at me, but I have to try to make her believe that I'm sorry, and I'm ready to look past all this. I just hope she is too.

When I got to her house, I knocked on her door like I do every morning to walk her to school. I waited for about a minute, but there was no answer. I rang the doorbell this time and there was still no answer.

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