Chapter 8- Day 6

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This was day 6 of being here in Nashville. My first week of Magcon was almost over. 8 more days and I had to leave. I knew I would be seeing everyone in 2 weeks after having some time back home, but I was gonna miss everyone.

I was so excited to go home and see my mom, but her and my friend Bree were the only people waiting for me back in Canada. I didn't have many friends in Canada. I had a lot of fans at school who would say hi and ask for autographs and stuff, but none of them really wanted to be friends. I didn't really care though because I had Shawn and Bree.

But I've made such amazing friendships over these last 6 six days. I know I've only known them for a short amount of time, but I'm so close with some of them now that 2 weeks is too long to be away.

Mahogany and I were practically best friends already. We had just met a little less than a week ago and we already know almost everything about each other. She was like my big sister considering she's 17 and I'm 15.

I've also gotten pretty close to Cam and Matt. They were like my brothers. We joked around and had so much fun together. Cameron was also a little protective when it came to Shawn. Whenever he came to sleep in my room, Cameron tried to give me a lecture about boys. I laughed every time then told him Shawn wasn't like other guys. Matt and I just took a bunch of crazy selfies and watched Sponge Bob together. We even watched the Lion King and we both cried.

Carter, Nash, Brent, Aaron, the two Jacks and I got along pretty well too. But then there was Taylor. He can be pretty loud and annoying. He's funny at times, but most of the time he gets on my nerves. Plus he was mad at me because I said he was an 'okay rapper'. I mean he wasn't that bad, but he wasn't amazing. He's okay.

I'll miss everyone so much. Even Taylor. But I was happy to go back to Canada. I missed my room. I love being able to have Shawn in my room because there are no parents around, but I miss the excitement of breaking the rules and sneaking him in the house at night just to hang out.

I tried to push the thoughts of leaving my new best friends out of my mind and focus on Magcon.

I was currently sitting on the stage with my legs spread out in front of me. Shawn had his arm around my waist and Matt was sitting on my left. We were jamming out to Jack and Jack's song Distance.

After their performance, Taylor got up and performed Buck Wild. When he finished he spoke into the mic. "What did y'all think of that performance?"

The whole crowd cheered and screamed. He turned around and gave me an 'I'm better than okay' look.

I laughed and smirked at him. I gave him an 'I can do better than you' look, as it was my turn to sing.

He rolled his eyes in a playful manner. We had this fake 'rivalry' thing.

Shawn gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "You got this!"

I laughed and stood up.

"You go girl!" Matt yelled in his fake girl voice.

They're so silly.

My name was announced and I walked up to grab the mic. Mahogany started the music to Baby I by Ariana Grande and I started to sing.

When I finished the song I spoke. "How was that guys?" Everyone screamed. It was about the same amount of screams Taylor got.

I turned around and looked at him. He stood up with his mic and asked, "How many of you thought my performance was better than Marie's?"

About half the room cheered in response.

"How many of you thought Marie was better?" he asked.

Half the room cheered along with Shawn, Matt and Cam who were extra loud.

"I'll say that's a tie," he said.

"Alright Taylor, if that makes you happy," I said messing up his hair.

I continued with my songs, sang some duets with Shawn and then it was his turn.

"Okay guys this is the last song of the night. Sing along if you know it," Shawn said.

He was sitting on his stool playing his guitar while I sat on the stage next to Cam and Matt. He started singing and everyone cheered. Once he got to the chorus everyone sang along.

"Cameron Dallas

Is my boyfriend

Ohh I love him so

And you can't have him

Cause he's all my own

It's Cameron Dallas"

As soon as he finished the song Matt spoke into the mic. "Shawn are you cheating on Marie? Not cool man."

Everyone laughed and Shawn was glaring at Matt. I swear if looks could kill, he'd certainly be dead.


Shawn's POV

"Hey Marie, can I talk to you in the other room for a sec?"

"Umm yea sure."

I was a little hesitant but I let her off my lap.

I watched her leave the room with Carter.

What could he want to talk to Marie about?

Two minutes later, I was getting a little worried. I mean, I know it's only been two minutes, but they're in another room alone. It's not that I don't trust Marie, it's Carter I don't trust. I've seen the way he looks at her and it bugs me. He sees her not for her personality and talent, he sees her for her body. I mean her body is perfect, but it's not for him. He can look, even though it bothers me so much, but he can't touch.

After about another 30 seconds they came back into the room and Marie looked really uneasy. Almost like she was about to throw up. She sat on my lap with her legs hung over my left leg. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her head. I rocked her gently in my arms and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later," she responded.


I rubbed my hand up and down her side in a comforting motion. What did Carter say? And why was she so bothered by it?

"Shawn?" I heard her say in a soft whisper.


"Can we go to your room? I'm kinda tired," she yawned.

"Sure," I responded.

We stood up and everyone looked at us.

"Night guys. See y'all in the morning," I said waving at them.

"Night," they all said in sync.

I looked at Carter. He had a worried look on his face. For some reason I sensed that he did something to Marie and that made me angry.

We walked out the door and went to my room. I sat on the bed next to Marie.

"So what happened between you and Carter?" I couldn't help but ask.

A few tears escaped her eyes as she told me what happened.

Marie's POV

A few tears escaped my eyes as I told Shawn what happened.

He looked at me with sad eyes that were filling with tears. He clenched his fists and stood up. I watched him pace back and forth across the room. He was deep in thought. And anger.

"Shawn," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

He looked at me, but didn't say a word. He just glared at me.

He walked towards the door and opened it.

"Shawn stop!" I yelled.

He looked at me one more time and then left the room, slamming the door loudly behind him.

I sat there for a few minutes until I heard a loud pounding against a wall. I quickly got up and ran out the room to find something horrifying and unsettling. I didn't know what to do but just fall to my knees and cry.

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