Chapter 24- The Other Part

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But maybe I am in love with him.

Because the part of me who wants us to be more than friends is making this very hard. There's so many good reasons why we should be together too.

He knows me better than anyone. Better than I know myself. He always knows what I'm about to say before any words even come out of my mouth. And I love the way he just always knows what I'm thinking. It's like he can read my mind.

I love how he's so humble, yet confident in some ways. He never thinks highly of himself, but he has just the right amount of self esteem. And he always looks for the good in people. He only focuses on the positive characteristics that people have. He's such an optimistic person.

It may sound cheesy, but when he smiles at me, I get butterflies in my stomach. He has such a bright and honest smile. It can change my mood in an instant and make my best day ten times better.

When he sings, I can hear so much emotion behind his words. His voice is truly amazing and beautiful.

His eyes are the most gorgeous shade of brown. They sparkle magnificently, making them his best feature. And I don't know why his lazy eye is so damn attractive, but it is.

He is beautiful. He's absolute perfection. Every single one of his flaws makes him a million times more beautiful and special. Everything about him makes him the remarkable, unique person he is. And there's nothing about him that I would ever change.

And then there's the way he makes me feel. Every time we touch I feel sparks. But when we kiss it's like fireworks. It feels like electric coursing through my veins and I love it. And he tries his best to be a good boyfriend. And he is. I've never had a boyfriend other than Shawn, but I know that he was amazing and did everything he could to make me smile on my worst days.

I can barely go one minute without thinking about him. And I hate that, because I know he doesn't think about me nearly as much. He made it clear that he's not in love with me last week.

Shawn's POV

Friday Evening

I know for sure that I'm in love with her.

I can't get her out of my head. I've been thinking about her all week. The slightest and simplest things remind me of her. And it sucks because I think about her every minute of every day, but I doubt she does the same. She made it clear that she doesn't wanna be in a relationship with me again. And she thinks I was right. At first she was the one who wanted to get back together, but I was so stupid. I just had to go and say all that dumb stuff that's stuck in her head now. At first she was denying it, but I know she thought about it too much, and that's why she changed her mind. She does that. She thinks and overthinks things way too much and it makes me mad sometimes. But everything about her that makes me mad somehow gets added to the list of reasons why I love her.

I hate how she always knows what I'm thinking and she can get inside my head. It drives me crazy, but at the same time I love it. I love how she knows me so well. Better than I know myself.

I also love how beautiful she is. She's strong and bold and kind-hearted. She always puts others before her. I admire her selflessness so much. And she loves to compliment people. She's always finding something nice to say to someone to make them feel good. That puts a smile on their face, which makes Marie smile, and then makes me smile.

Her smile is absolutely gorgeous. Especially when it's directed towards me.

Her laugh is adorable and infectious. I love when I can say something that's not even funny, but she laughs anyway. And I love when I can actually make her laugh.

Her eyes are a deep, dark shade of brown. They have such a bright sparkle in them, and they hold so much life.

She's just beautiful. Her imperfections are what make her so special and perfect at the same time. She amazes and inspires me. She is beauty.

I'm so grateful to have her in my life, but I want her as more than just a friend. I don't want her to be anyone else's. That might sound selfish, but I don't wanna be anyone else's either. I just need her to be mine.

There has to be some way to get her to say yes. I mean, I haven't exactly tried but from our conversation last week, it seems like she would say no.

I need to try though. I have to. I need to work up the nerve and ask her to be my girlfriend again. If she says no, it won't be the end of the world. But I won't go down without a fight. I'm not letting her say no without a valid reason, and I'm not giving up easily.

After a few more moments of thinking, I got an idea. I picked up my phone and called Marie.

"Hello?" she answered the call.

"Hey. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" she asked.

I sighed. "I'm okay."

There was a little awkward silence until I spoke again. "Are you busy?" I asked.

"Not really", she replied.

"Good. Meet me at the park in 30 minutes. I need to talk to you."

"Okay. See you soon."

"Bye", I said and hung up the phone.

I put on khakis and a black polo shirt, along with my black studs. I combed my hair so that the straggly pieces would lay down perfectly. Quickly, I put on some cologne and my black Ray Ban sunglasses.

Grabbing my guitar, I left my room and went down stairs.

"Whoah, where are you going?" my sister asked me.

"To meet Marie at the park. I wanna look nice. How do I look?" I asked her.

"You look good", she said smiling. "Except your hair. It's too neat."

She stood on her tip toes to try to reach my head, but she couldn't.

I laughed. She's so little.

I bent down so I could be almost her height. She ran her fingers through my hair and messed it up.

"Perfect", she said smiling.

I walked to the door and grabbed my red Magcon hoodie from the coat rack, just in case I would get cold.

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