Chapter Øne ~ The Annøuncement

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Chapter 1 Written by: Cody

Edited by: Sam

Luke's POV

"So, Luke, a lot of us would like to know... Is it true that you are gay?" The reporter asked. I chuckled to myself lighty, and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm gay, and I'm proud." I replied. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Michael blushing lightly.

"So there you have it! That's all for today folks!"

After the interview, we headed back to the house that we were staying in at the moment. Inside waiting for us was Mikaela, Michael's twin sister. She had an obsession with dying her hair, pizza, Halsey, and the bass, and Logan, Calum's younger sister. Logan got her name because her parents thought she was going to be a boy. She the calmer of the two girls.

She too, liked to dye her hair, but not as often as Mikaela. Logan's hair was currently purple. Logan had a obsession with pizza, guitar, sleep, and books. She was a tomboy, with hidden girly talents. While Mikaela was there with us for support, Logan is our cosmetologists (stylist/hair dresser). When Mikaela spotted me when I walked in, she quickly embraced me in a hug. "I'm so proud of you!" she squealed.

"Thanks Mikaela." I replied.

"Mikaela, he only just came out of the closet, let quiff boy breath a little hmm?" Logan said from her spot on the couch. Mikaela let go of me, and I frowned at Logan's pet name for me. After touring with us for a while, the girls had become quite comfortable around us, so we acted like a big happy family. And along with acting like a family, came the nicknames.

"My name is not quiff boy." I muttered.

"And Michael's name isn't kitten, but you don't see him complaining." She replied jokingly.

"Ooh! She got you good!" Calum replied laughing.

"Shut up Hood." I said. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down at the little table in the room. "What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked. I took a sip of my water. Logan and Mikaela began scrolling through their phone calenders.

"Well.." Mikaela began. "You guys are recording all day tomorrow. And then on Wednesday you have an interview, Thursday and Friday are break days, and then Saturday we hit the road." Mikaela said.

"Mali called too. She want to know if we're going home for Thanksgiving. Mum wants to see us and everything." Logan added looking at Calum. He leaned up against the wall.

"If you want to. But I refuse to chaperone you and Tyson." He mumbled the last part.

"Who's Tyson?" Ashton asked. He joined Logan on the couch, and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Her boyfriend." Mikaela said snickering. Logan glared at her friend.

"He is not!" she shouted. she crossed her arms over her chest. "He's my ex." She muttered. I jumped to my feet, and with every gay fiber in my bones said to her,

"YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND? OH DO TELL SISTER DO TELL." Everyone started laughing.

"I would rather we didn't discuss my love life." She replied.

"I don't like the sound of this Tyson guy. He sounds like trouble." Ashton replied.

"He's more punk than you. You're adorable and cute. He was hard core, and cool. And wasn't obssesed with frozen."

"Well I'm sorry!"

"It's true though Ash. You have an obsession with Elsa." Michael replied.

"I have my eyes on one girl, and her hair isn't blonde. It's purple." Ashton replied confidently. The room was silent before Calum spoke.

"Don't try anything with my sister Irwin. I will cut your balls off!" Calum shouted.

"One, I to have a sister, and two, I COULD HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT MICHAEL!"

"OH no you don't Ashton. The fandom ships Muke. You get Calum." Mikaela stated. All of us guys laughed.

"What's a Muke?" I asked laughing.

"You and Mikey." Logan giggled. Me and Michael stared at each other.

"Me and you?" I said.

"Me and him?" Michael said.

"Fine, be that way. We both know you love each other. Deal with it." Mikaela said. "Come on Logan. I need you to fix my hair." She dragged Logan out of the room, sighing as she left.

"What is it with girls and their hair?" When they left the room, Ashton turned to Calum.

"I was talking about your sister by the way."

"I know. You two have, like, a thing going on." Calum replied. "Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep. We're probably going to be at the studio early. Night guys." he said. He left the room, and headed upstairs.

"Yeah, I'm going to get some sleep too." Ashton replied. He followed Cal up stairs. I turned to face Mikey.

"We should probably go to bed to." I said. He nodded.

* * * * * * * *

It had been a few weeks since I had come out to all the fans, and they seemed to be taking it pretty well. I mean, Mikey came out first, so I guess this wasn't as big a shock as it was before. I was currently watching frozen with Ashton. Logan had joined us on the condition that Ashton didn't sing Let It Go. She hated that song. Michael and Calum were sleeping in their bunks.

They hadn't had a good night sleep since we got back on the road. Our tour started in Europe, then went to Canada, America, and ended back home in Australia. Mikaela stepped outside to do something. It wasn't long before she came running back inside. "WE'RE TOURING WITH HALSEY!" She screamed running through the tour bus. Michael came running out, with Calum in hot pursuit.

"CRAZY ASS SISTER SAY WHAT?" He yelled. She turned around and ran back out.

"We. Are. Touring. With. Ashley Frangipane." She replied.

"Are we really?" I asked. She nodded excitedly. Logan looked up at Mikaela.

"Maybe I can get a break." She said. Mikaela gasped, and placed her hand over her heart, and pretended to be offended. I laughed.

"This is super cool." I said. "She's an amazing artist." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I leaned back in my seat.

"Also, Muke is trending on twitter." Mikaela said, a grin etched onto her face.

"Mikaela, Michael and I don't love each other in that way." I said. "We're just good friends."

"Yeah sis." Michael added.

"Fine. I'm going to listen to Badlands. Ashley's meeting us in Europe." Mikaela left the living room area of the tour bus, and went to her bunk.

"And sis, wanna fix my hair? It's in my eyes and it's bugging me." Calum said. Logan nodded, and went to get her supplies. Michael joined me on the couch. He sprawled himself out across my lap, and closed his eyes.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Mhmmm." he replied. "Yeah. I'm really comfy."

"Suit yourself." I replied. Logan came back out, and pulled he phone out and looked at it. She smirked at me, before sitting down to do Calums hair. I think that this is going to be my favourite tour of all.

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