Chapter Six ~ Nøtebøøks & Tattøøs

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Chapter Six Written by: Sam

Edited by: Cody

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168 Hours (Seven Days) Later

Somewhere in Britain

Mikaela's POV

I woke to a faint tapping on our hotel room door. I pulled myself up off my bed and dragged myself to the door. I glanced at the clock on the table between mine and Logan's bed. It read 3:30am. Who could have been knocking at our door at this hour? I stand on my toes and look through the peep hole, and see no one. I crack the door open and find a huge ass pile of notebooks. I picked one up and read the cover.

"How to pray to the Holy Emo Trinity.
Let us not Panic! Or Fall Out, For our Romance is with us at heart. Dear Brendon, Ryan, Dallon, Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy, Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, and our departed Bob, ( insert your wish here if you have one ) I close the damn door, sing sugar we're goin down and say so long and goodnight, to our Holy Emo Trinity

"What the..?" I whispered looking down the hall, left and right.

"Who was at the door?" Logan called, as I carried the stack of about 16 books into the room.

Logan sat on her bed, in a blanket burrito. Her hair was a complete mess, and her eyes were barely open.

"No one, just a stack of books... Come here and read what the cover says." I said as I set them down on the table.

Logan groaned and dropped her blanket. She shuffled over to me and picked one of the books up. I layed them all put on the table and discovered that they all had the same thing written on their glossy white covers. I picked a random one up and written on the inside in unfamiliar hand writing was a note.

It said;

"Write me a song, to make me fall in love. Write me a song, about heartbreak. Write me a song, about sadness. Write me a song, that makes you feel, something other then this. Write me a song, that I can listen to and someone will know how I'm feeling. Write whatever your heart desires, just share it with no one but yourselves."

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