Chapter Fifteen ~ #FERARD

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Chapter Fifteen Written by: Sam

Edited by: Cody

Mikaela's POV

"Thank you, so so much for having me," I smiled, hugging Ashley's mum.

"You're welcome deary! It was a pleasure to meet you, I'm happy she's happy." She replied.

Ashley hugged her parents then we both climbed into the cab. Ashley sighed leaning her head back against the leather seat. She wore no makeup except for some some lip chap. She was so beautiful. Her now bright blue hair was long, she'd decided on putting her extensions back in.

"What's up butter cup?" She asked, opening her eyes.

I felt my cheeks go hot as a small smirk appeared on her face. I look down, she'd been wearing one of my sweat shirts - the one that has 'my brain is 80% song lyrics the other 20% is useless facts about band members'- black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and black Dr. Martins.

"N-nothing," I mumbled looking at her hand.

One of her presents to me was matching tattoos, which we got on the top of our hands between our wrists and our thumb knuckle. They were roses, I love roses, and she knows that. She told me that roses remind her of me, because they're beautiful and tough.

She took my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked back up at her, a large smile on her face. She leaned over and kissed my lips. The car jerked to a stop and the cab driver got out. He pulled the door open and went to grab our bags out of the trunk.

"Here ya go," Ahsley said handing him a twenty.

"Thanks babe." He said winking at her.

She giggled, and grabbed her suitcase. I felt jealous, he'd flirted with her. I grabbed my suitcase and followed her to check in. We stayed silent, the only noise being the shuffling around us. We made it through check in, the metal detectors and finally we got to our gate.

"You hungry?" Ashley asked taking my hand again.

"Mhmm," I hummed, as we walked towards a small cafe.

It was one of those internet cafes with a tablets on the table so you can order. We sit on at the table and both order, I get a tea and a muffin. We wait in silence and a waitress comes over with our order.

"Who is the tea and muffin for?" The waitress asked.

"Her," Ashley said.

"That means this is for you," The waitress smiles flirtingly, she set a plate down in front of her.

"Thanks." Ashley said with that beautiful smile of hers, picking up her fork.

"Can I get your number maybe?" The waitress asked.

My whole body involuntarily tensed and Ashley's eyes filled with concern. I looked down, avoiding eye contact and Ashley politely said no. The waitress left with a huff and Ashley's attention was back on me.

"Mikaela, are you ok?" She asked.

"Y-yeah, peaches. I'm fine." I lied.

"Princess," She sighed taking my hand. "What's goin' on in the cute head of yours?"

"What are we?" I mumbled.

"Well, according to all of your family and friends, I believe you're my girlfriend." She said sounding slightly confused.

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