Chapter Five ~ Løøk At The Little Cuddle bugs

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Chapter 5 Written by: Cody

Edited by: Sam

Luke's POV

As soon as Michael heard that Mikaela was awake he begged us to take him. We drove to hospital in silence. When we arrived at the hospital, we found Ashley and Mikaela cuddling. I think this was the only time I've seen Michael smile since what happen. Logan let out an awe, and they woke up Ashley flushed a bright crimson color. Mikaela looked at Michael and began to tear up. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" He yelled at her. "I WAS GOING FUCKING CRAZY WORRYING ABOUT YOU." He was crying to. None of us spoke a word. He ran up to Mikaela, and picked her up in a hug.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed into his chest. He rubbed circles on her back trying to calm her down. I thought it was cute the way he cared for his sister. I wonder what kind of father he'd make to a kid. Did I just think that? What the fuck was this boy doing to me.

We all left the room to give both of them their privacy. Calum was going all brotherly on Logan.

"Please don't ever think about doing that. If you did, I'd go crazy. And Mali would kill me." Calum said giving Logan a hug. She nodded.

"I won't." She replied.

Over the next two weeks Michael kept a close eye on Mikaela, and when he wasn't around, Logan was basically babysitting her. He was so scared that even if she tripped, she'd die and never come back to him. She was getting fed up when Michael or one of us was around, but she didn't mind it when the girls were around. Especially Ashley . I guess we were all kind a worried about her.

Right now, I was cuddling with Michael, funny enough, and not Mikaela. She insisted that her, Logan, and Ashley go out, because she needed fresh air. Michael's head rested on my shoulder, and my arms around his waist. "Awe! Look at the little cuddle bugs." Someone said. We turned around to find Mikaela standing there with Logan. They smiled at us.

"Yeah. Mine." I joked. Michael nodded.

"He gives better hugs sis." Michael replied.

"Yeah well Logan's way cooler. But Ashton is better." She said directing at Logan.

"He's mine. Stay away." She growled lowly. Logan and Mikaela walked out of the room just as Ashton and Calum walked in.

"Cal, I think your sister likes Ash." Michael said.

"What?" Calum replied.

"They were just here and we were joking about who gives better hugs, and Mikaela said something to Logan, and she replied with 'He's mine. Stay away', so..." Michael trailed off.

"Careful what you do now Ashton." Calum said. I laughed.


A Month Later

The tour has been going great so far. The fans are always estatic to hear us play. They are supportive of Mikaela, and are wishing her well. We've been good. Mikaela, and Logan have started shopping for the release party, and no matter how hard they try, they won't let Calum, Ashton or Mike come with them. But for whatever reason, I was allowed to go if I wanted. It's supposed to be a surprise.

We were taking a break from seeing fans and doing interviews, not because we hate them, but because we were getting a little overwelmed. We were all sitting on the couch with Ashley playing a game: Who comes up with the dirtiest pick-up lines. Not my ideal choice of game, but hey! We were entertained. This was all Ashton's idea. It was Calum's turn. "Ok... Uh, Let me insert my plug into your socket and we can generate some electricity." he said.

"SO, does Camila know what you do in your spare time or what?" Logan said from behind us.

"Ha ha. No, it's a game. Pick-up lines sis." Calum explained.

"They call me a kitten. I want to spend my nine lives with you." Mikaela said. I smiled like an idiot.

"Good one sis. But you loose becase it was a cheesy one. We're playing dirty. Whoever thinks of the most dirtiest pick up line, wins the game. Plain and simple." Michael said. Mikaela shrugged. Logan paused to think for a moment. She then propped herself up on her elbows, and looked directly at Calum.

"Let's test the theory that drummers bang harder." She smirked. No one said anything. In fact Calum tensed up, and Ashton started blushing. "I think I win." she said.

"Hold up! Try again. That one was good, but not that good."

"You're like my pinky toe because I'll bang you into every piece of furniture in my house." She said. "Want me to continue. You guys think I don't pay attention to your conversation but I do."

"I got one." Mikaela said. "Guitarist do it faster."

"Singers do it louder." Ashley said. Camila walked in.

"Bassist do it deeper."

"Ok, girls win. Girls use a condom." Michael said.

"Oh god. No no no no." Logan muttered walking out of the room. "I want to die a virgin. Please lord let me live my life a virgin." she cried to the ceiling. Calum laughed.

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