Chapter 27

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Authors POV

~At school~

Fabian, Amber, and Nina sat in the common room researching for any clues as to what they saw in the gatehouse.

"Have you seen Patricia?" Willow came up to them and asked.

All three of them said "no", still with their eyes focused on the laptop screen.

Amber looked up. "I don't know. I think she went to the doctor this morning." She said.

"Hmmm." She mumbled to herself and walked off skipping, as usual.

"Who is that?" Nina asked pointing to the guy on the screen. The man was wearing a grey suit, he had piecing blue eyes and brown hair cut nicely above his eye-brows.

"That's Robert Frobisher Smyth." Fabian answered.

"No! Not him. Look!" Amber pointed at the bottom of the screen. "Who is that?  He looks familiar." She added.
The picture was a 10 year old blond blue eyed boy, standing in front of Anubis shaking Frobisher's hand along side Victor and Mr. Sweet.

"Robert Frobisher Smyth shaking Victor Caleb Rudemar the III's hand after remodeling the Anubis estate. Victor, the caretaker of Anubis House, had lived there for many years under the authority of the Smyths; but RFS would be leaving it in the hands of Victor Rudemar the II to care for while he was in Egypt with his wife." Fabian read the article.

"But that doesn't say anything about Caleb or how he is turning people into sinners." Nina stated.

"Yes, but wait. I typed in myths of Ammit and it came to this..." He clicked the link.  "Ammit was a female demon in ancient Egyptian religion with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus and crocodile-the three largest "man-eating" animals known to ancient Egyptians. A funerary deity, her titles included "Devourer of the Dead", "Eater of Hearts", and "Great of Death".
Ammit lived near the scales of justice in Duat, the Egyptian underworld. In the Hall of Two Truths, Anubis weighed the heart of a person against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth, which was depicted as an ostrich feather. If the heart was judged to be not pure, Ammit would devour it, and the person undergoing judgement was not allowed to continue their voyage towards Osiris and immortality. Once Ammit swallowed the heart, the soul was believed to become restless forever; this was called "to die a second time". Ammit was also sometimes said to stand by a lake of fire. In some traditions, the unworthy hearts were cast into the fiery lake to be destroyed. Some scholars believe Ammit and the lake represent the same concept of destruction. Ammit was not worshipped; instead she embodied all that the Egyptians feared, threatening to bind them to eternal restlessness if they did not follow the principle of Ma'at."

"Okay is it me?- or does Ammit sound like Mara?" Amber joked.

Nina and Fabian stared at her with "the look". "It's just you." Nina said sarcastically.

"Anyway." Fabian rolled his eyes. "Ammit also had a child. He/she was the anti-chosen one, meaning they were to be born on the 6th month of the 6th day of the 6th hour. Ammit's child also had powers like the chosen one, but his/ hers was to bring distruction to the world and to gather sinners so that Ammit would enter the  world in Physical form, along with the endless storm." Fabian finished.

Nina had fear in her eyes. She wasn't here for their senior year and already she isn't brave enough to take on the challenge of beating heartless, red-eyed monsters, without hurting someone this time.

"That's scary." Amber broke the silence.

"That's not scary, Amber. Thats horror. What if someone gets killed?" Nina asked.

"Nina, it'll be okay. There's seven of us and there's only one of him, we can do this." Fabian smiled an kissed her.


Eddie was on a man hunt! Or in this case a woman hunt! He called her 28 times and either she sent it to voice mail or didn't answer, so he knew she had her phone. He searched the whole campus. The library, attic, tunnels, crept, summer house, the college grounds, and even the high school area. He was determined to find her! But all of this stopped when he got a phone call from no caller ID.

(EddieBOLD) (unknownITALICS)

"Hello? "

"Eddie! Eddie! I'm so sorry."Patricia cried.

"P-Patricia! Where are you? "

"Don't worry I'm safe. I'm saying with Piper in her apartment a couple blocks down."

"Okay! I'll be there soon."

"No Eddie." She said. "I-I can't see you, not for a while."

"Patricia please! Why would you think I would leave you?! "

"Because I didn't think you would want a girlfriend, who you had sex with, that is pregnant. I want you to go to college and be what you want to be, not waste it because your stupid girlfriend is pregnant. "

Eddie started crying. "Patricia, I love you more than anything in the world. I would never ever say or do anything to hurt you or our future baby. I rather have you in my life if it means moving to Antarctica, I will! Please come back."

"I-I...I can't!"  And she hung up the phone.

This time Eddie was already outside The gatehouse and houling a cab. When Eddie Miller is on a hunt, never tell him where you are.

Hey guys! So I promised a chapter to some of you and here it is! It's probably boring but I'm having a bit of writers block. ): but I'll try my best to get another chapter in! Thanks as always!

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