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And I'm writing yet another fricking Kellic!

Basically the idea of this came to me, Tuesday 15th of September 2015 while I was in my P.E. class, I didn't bring , my kit and my class was doing basketball so I had to 'coach' a group. I told the groub if I get hit with the ball im gonna slaughter them and they'll all get hit in the face and then BAM! This Kellic idea came into my head so I decided that I'd start writing it, yaay! Okay enjoy this first chapter!!

Kellin's point of view unless spoken differently.

I hate my gym class with a burning passion. I mean, I enjoy most sports but it's the fucking teacher! I have to do volley ball and honestly that sucks.

"Dude, you're gonna be late to gym class." My best friend Jenna spoke

"Do I look like I care." I retaliated.

"One glass of detention with a hint of lemon coming up." She said. Basically the 'lemon' part of that meant a lecture from Mrs, sour mouth of a teacher.

"I don't care Jen, Mrs. Jardine is a bitch. I hate her." And then the bell went. Holy shit I'm gonna be late for gym. But I could care less honestly. I was gonna speed up a bit, but then I accidentally bumped into someone.  "Sorry." I say.

"No problem, I'm late anyways. See you around." Damn that guy was hot. Must be a new kid. I shrugged and made my way to the changing rooms. Once I got changed into my shorts and cream-green shirt I went to the girls changing room, at first a girl screamed but then was like 'oh, it's only Kellin.' And they got on with changing.  Seriously.... a different bra for gym? What are females!

"Jenna hurry your fat ass up."

"Shut up and pass me my sneaker." I handed her the sneaker which she put on and laced up then we both left and went to the hall, or basketball court.

There he was! The hot guy I bumped into!

"Hello class, my name to you all is Mr. Fuentes and I'll be your new gym teacher." He spoke and smiled lightly. He's a teacher? He looks young, I must find out what lotion he uses.

"You're one fine ass looking man. You look way too young to be a teacher." I said aloud.

"Thank you but I don't take flattery or flirtation." He gave me a sarcastic smile.

"You're welcome and it's not flattery if it's the truth sexy." I said winking at him. He seemed to brush off the fact I called him sexy which in all honesty is true, instead he explained what we were gonna do.

"I understand you guys were doing volley ball?" We all groaned. "I say we go outside and play soccer." He said. We all got happy. Soccer is one sport everyone doesn't mind. The guys can I actually play while the girls just talk amongst themselves. I'm starting to like this teacher. "I thought you'd all like that. Too bad because ya'll doing basketball." He said. My, face, dropped.

What the fuck. Then again I'm brilliant at basketball so, let's do this shit!

"Alright, you and... point dexter. Pick your team mates." Mr. Fuentes said pointing at me and the guy thats usually on my team; Tony. Poor Tony.

My team was easy. "Jenna, Austin, Alex, Pete, Hayley C, Chris, Mason, and you Paige just because Hayley is your bae or whatever." This is why I pick my team, I have the best players.

"Alright, can the team captains step up here please." Fuentes said. Tony and myself walked up to him. "Now can each team swap sides" he said. No fucking way, he made me pick my team to switch them around. "Alright, you all know the rules of basketball. Captins as you look a little annoyed with the swap over you have a chance to get it back. Bug eyes, heads of tails."

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