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《 I is feeling nice because I asked someone out on a date and she yes plus I completed Until Dawn and figured I'd be nice and update, comment please, I need feedback!》

I don't understand life anymore. They say things happen for a reason and I fully believe that but I just don't understand why, for what reason am I in this situation? Because I'm an idiot.

I don't believe in blaming others for my problems because nobody's to blame but myself. It's not Jenna's fault I started taking drugs and getting forced into sex, it's not her fault at all. It's my fault. It's my fault because I decided to search fir my best friend who'd left me with no not telling where, she's not there, she doesn't care. I mean I went to her for help and she literally brushed me off, had othet places to be.

I'm not important to anyone and I don't think I ever was. Everything hurts to an extent, I have these horrible headaces and a pain in my chest, it's horrible.

"Kellin, are you even listening to me?" Mike said, shaking me.

"Do you love me?" I asked, not even looking at him.

"Baby, of course I do, why would you even ask that?"

"Because I'm so worthless, I'm nothing. I'm just waste of time."

"Hey, everyone trips and everyone falls so don't be so hard on yourself. I love you and I probably always will, you're so faithful and honest and I couldn't see myself with anyone else." He said and kissed in the crook between my jaw line and my neck. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding extremely concerned. I turned to face him a forced a smile.

"I'm fine." I spoke and kissed his lips, just a peck. "We should get up, didn't you say it was Vic's birthday?"

"Oh so you were listening to me then?" He chuckled. "And yeah, my mom's doing this birthday dinner and she insisted on you coming as you're practically family already." He said.

"Mama Fuentes just loves me way too much." I said and got out of my bed to get ready.


Once arrived at the Fuentes' I was engulfed in a huge hug by mama Fuentes, honestly my body as been sore, completely sore so her hug felt like I was being punched right in the gut. But when she pulled back I managed to smile.

"Happy birthday Vic." Mike said and greeted Vic with a bro hug before handing him hus gift.

"Wow you actually brought me a gift." Vic chuckled.

"I was going to but Kellin practically forced me to." Mike said, pulling me close by my waist almost making me wince at the sharp pain that shot through me, but I forced a smile none the less.

"Well, I'm the nice one."

"Come on boys, I didn't spend three hours cooking for nothing." Mama Fuentes said making us laugh. I went to go sit down but Vic pulled my arm back.

"Are you okay? You look a little... Pale."

"I'm always pale... I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked, grabbing my arm again which just made me wince a little. He gave a very concerned look and I ripped my arm away.

"I said, I'm fine and it's none of your business anyways." I said and made my way to sit down next to Mike.

After dinner I volunteered to take up the plates because as mama Fuentes says, I'm just a sweetheart who loves to help. Only Vic said he'd help, too.

"You might be able to fool everyone else but you can't fool me." He said.

"What are you talking about." I said as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"There's something wrong with you that you're not telling anyone." He said.

"There's nothing wrong." I insisted.

"Yes there is."

"And how do you know?"

"One, your pupils are dilated as if you're on something yet at the same time your absolutely terrified of something. Two, your fragile. You might put on a smile but I could see how fake that was and how much pain you're holding back, plus the wince gave it away too. Three, lack of food intake. You looked like you were about to throw up in pain by taking one bite and Four, paleness, yes you have naturally pale skin but there's something wrong if a pale person looks extremely pale."

"I have a headache and I'm taking medication for it, somehow they make my eyes look as if I'm High, I passed out yesterday while walking down the stairs and my body is bruised, it hurts to eat anything I have to see a doctor on Tuesday about my throat and finally I'm not very well I might have the flu and my body is more cold than usualy, the result of my paleness." I said, it wasn't all a lie, I did pass out and my throat does hurt but I'm not seeing a doctor for it.

"So it's nothing too serious?"

"No, now can you please drop the subject."

"Fine but... I'm not allowed to do this but, here." He said handing me a piece of paper. "If you ever need my help, with anything, then call me." He said.


I was dreading going to gym class but I did either way, no point skipping. I got changed and figured I'd actually go and see if Jenna isn't too busy to be my best friend, I went into the girls changing room and there she was.

"Hey." I said.

"Oh, hi."

"How've you been?"

"Uh, good yeah. I've been alright."

"I've uh, tried to call you, text you, DM you, tweet you, Facebook messenger message you, Facebook status message you, BBM you, SnapChat you, Oovoo you, Skype you, oh and house call you."

"Right, I've been busy. Sorry."

"I also came to your house a few weeks ago, you were busy then, walked off and I passed out."

"What are you getting at?" She souded frustrated.

"Nothing just, one minute you're my best friend the next you're too busy to even notice my existence."

"I'm sorry but I do have a life too you know. How about we hang out on Saturday just me and you, we'll go get a Pizza or something."

"Whatever." I mumbled and left running right into Vic. "My bad." I said.

"I'm excluding you from today's lesson."

"No you're not. That's favoritism and I'm fine." I said and walked past going to my team for warm ups. Although not even half way through I was running out of breath. But I was fine.

We were playing, I had the stupid ball and I felt so dizzy but I could do this, I went to pass it to someone but it wasn't even a pass, the ball fell to the floor I front of me and I completely blacked out.

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