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《 I am making this my main focus now because I need something to keep me occupied, updates will be every Friday and I'm updating today because I actually like writing this story. I'm also planning another Kellic story a better one actually and I'll be putting that up soon c: love you all and I hope you enjoy. Oh and TRIGGER WARNING!!!! after the "-----"》

It was a stupid idea for me to tell Mike I'd go to a club with him, I shouldn't be going anywhere that evolves alcohol especially in my condition. The doctor says I should be taking it easy and not stressing myself out, he thinks I keep passing out due to stress but I think there's more to it. It's been happening since I was eight and it's become such a regular thing.

Going to a club, is a bad idea.

"Babe, are you ready to go?" Mike asked through my bedroom door.

"One second." I called out as I swallowed the three pills I had in my hand. To say they've become an addiction is overreacting. I'm not addicted to the pills but I do need them, yet I don't want them but at this point... I don't have a choice.

I left my room and smiled at Mike, I'm so lucky to have him but he could do better. After all I'm a cheat now. I never saw my life heading into this direction but I guess it did. If I'm completely honest, I'd give anything to turn back time... Anything.

----- Warning again!!!

Four... No five... No ten, definitely ten! I've had at least more than ten drinks and I feel horrible. I feel more than numb, I swear Mike is dragging me around everywhere because I don't have control of my body.

I'm not in the club. I was in the club but I'm not anymore, I'm with Mike but he doesn't look like Mike but he said he was Mike, I'm sure of it. I'm on a bed I know that, maybe I should open my eyes, but they are open. No they're not. Yes... wait...Now they're open.

"Wh-wh-wheres Mmm-mike?" Was my speech slurred? You bet it was.

"He asked us to take care of you." Who said that? I have no idea. I couldn't speak, I felt like my lips were glued shut. His hands- who's hands? I don't know but someones hands were taking my clothes off, I tried to pushed their hands off me, I did but then I was hit I the face, I could hear it but couldn't feel it, that one slap opened up my vision a bit more but it was still blurry. There was four guys two were closest to me, one was sitting down and the other had a phone and a camera out.

"I-i-i.... d-d-don't want to." I managed to say.

"Shut up!" The man who got my clothes off said. "Wow, would you look at that body." The same guy said, I think. I tried to get up, I didn't want to be here but I was pushed down. Within seconds someone entered me and moaned.

"S-s-stop it." I tired to speak, pushing the guy. He silenced me by hitting me and kissing me, I didn't kiss back I didn't have enough energy to do anything. He kissed my lips, neck, chest. Everywhere. I tried my hardest to push him off me and but nothing would work. "Please... stop... please... I don't want to." I began crying, I'm not sure if anyone heard. I opened my eyes again. The man pulled out, him and another guy started jerking off in front if me while the guy sitting was having fun with himself too. After I while I felt liquid falling onto my stomach and heard grunts.

"Open your mouth." One of them said, I didn't do it but my mouth was forced open and a dick was shoved down before liquids spilled down my throat.


I could feel somebody shaking my body and lightly slapping my face, I groaned.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wake up, what's your name?" The voice spoke, I couldn't find anywords to answer. "I'm gonna look in your wallet okay? I need to find some sort of communication." I think I nodded.

Random girl's POV

I took the guys wallet, his student ID was in there.

"Alright Kellin, hey. Wake up, I'm gonna take you home in my car alright?" I questioned while lightly slapping his face to get any movement out of him. Gotta make sure he's still alive. I picked him up, kinda and started walking to my car thats when he tried to push me away and shake his head.

"No, please stop. I don't want to. Not again." He was crying... I just found him on the floor asleep, he must have gotten really drunk.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Kellin, I'm just gonna take you home."


"No, sorry I'm not Mike. Can you hear me?" I asked. He didn't answer, his body was quite limp like he couldn't control it even if he wanted to. "I'm gonna take you home, it'll be okay."

I managed to get him into the passenger seat of my car and buckle him in before getting in and driving to the address that was on a card in his wallet.

We got there and I searched his pockets for keys... It's like 3am I'm pretty sure his parents are asleep. I unlocked the door and bought him in, I flicked on the lights. "Nice home you got." I said. I laied him down on the sofa and looked around his house, not in a creepy way! It was to find a blanket of some sort, once found one, I draped them over him then went to his kitchen to find some pain killers and a bottle of water which I put on the coffee table for when he wakes up. I put his jaket on the armchair and then left, I locked the door and put the keys in a palnt pot then made my way into the backseat of my car to sleep so I could inform him when he wakes up. I sure hope he's okay.


My head pounded as I woke up. I was in my house on the sofa, there was pain killers and a bottle of water next to me. I took the pain killers with the water then I got my phone. I had a few missed calls and one message from and unknown number, it wad a video and i opened it. I could see two men that were on either side of the bed and there I was, body limp and naked. I watched the whole video and felt sick, I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up, each memory of what those men did to me, planted in my brain. I hugged my knees into my chest and cried... Why is this happening to me? What did I do? Most of all... Where was Mike?

《See you Friday》

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