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Two weeks. I've been in this rehab facility for two weeks with no communication with the outside world whatsoever, after a week my mom came to visit but I didn't want to see her. She did this to me; they all did.

Today though I was told that I had a visitor and it was "urgent" so I found myself being taken into a visiting room they have (kinda like a prison if you ask me) and I was absolutely shocked when I saw Vic sitting on a chair, once he saw me he stood up and I hugged him, I hugged like there was no tomorrow; like It was my first and last chance to hug him.

"Please tell me you're here to get me out?" I chuckled.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"The foods okay, the showers are warm, I have to speak it a therapist once a week, I have to study since I'm still in high school oh and I spent most of my days in my room by myself, looking at the ceiling... They think I might have "depression" but I'm not gonna let them label me again."

"How long do you have in here?" He asked, not making any eye contact.

"I don't know yet... Vic... I shouldn't be in here- I'm not an addict," I said, Vic looked in the eyes and spoke,

"Mike said there was a guy? He said that some guy was at your house and told your parents the truth and helped them find your stash... Who was the guy? What's his name?" This time I broke eye contact, blinking back tears that dared to fill the rims of my eyes.

"He did this to me... I-I didn't want to Vic, I really didn't. I-it was an accident but he just kept coming back, he wouldn't leave me alone and now...." I cleared my throat, "and now I'm in here! Being treated like I'm some kind of crazy person on drugs! But I'm not crazy Vic... I'm not." There was a moment of silence between us, just us staring into each other's eyes. "His name is Derek."


"No...no, no, no, no! You think... You think I'm a druggie? How could you!?"

"Kells it's just... On my birthday, they way you were... You were on a completely different planet... I just.... I don't know anymore." He said shaking his head.

"Loom at me Vic! Look me right in the eyes... Do you really think I'm capable of taking drugs?" I asked.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't taken any drugs?" He said, I looked down at the floor. "Look at me Kellin!" He whisper shouted. I looked up as a tear rolled down my cheek, he shook his head in disbelief and got up to leave.

"No don't leave yet!" I grabbed onto his arm.

"And why shouldn't I?" He asked not making eye contact again.

"Because I love you Vic," his eyes shot up to mine. "A-and I shouldn't because I love Mike, I do but he's not like you, y-you've not hurt me like he has and... I don't know..."


"Vic please?"

"Kellin I am your teacher." He said firmly.

"Vic, Vic please don't do this to me. Don't give up on me. Vi-"

"It's Mr. Fuentes to you... Goodbye Kellin."

"Goodbye... Mr. Fuentes." I said sadly as he walked away. Leaving me alone again.


Sorry it's short and late overdue but I was swamped with homework.

Thanks for reading, love you all ❤️❤️


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