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//This was not proof read\\

My mom kept me off school for the rest of the week, not that I had any energy to get up out of bed anyways. She even took my phone and switched it off because I didn't need any distractions, I just needed to rest. Her and my dad asked for time off work so they can look after me for a while.

I don't need taken care of by others.

I need to take care of myself- mommy's not gonna be around forever.

I remember when Mike and I first ever started dating- it was- amazing, I was so happy my smile, my laugh it would all reach my eyes but now... I've become nothing. I miss the old days when it was only a little high school crush I had on him-

But things change.

Life changes.

We all change.

Oh god I broke up with Mike.. "What have I done?" I ask myself, I need to go to his house and apologies, he might not want to get back with me but its apologising will hopefully make me feel better.

As quickly as I could I got dressed, after finding my shoes I went into my parents room looking for my phone, it wasn't there so I went downstairs to see both my parents talking with the TV on.

"Kellin? Why are you down here? Go back upstairs and rest," dad says.

"I um, want to go see Mike and apologise so I need my phone," I say, they look at each other as if they're having a telepathic conversation before looking at me. Mom sighs before handing me my phone.

"Please be careful okay?"

"Promise and I'll only be half an hour," I say before leaving. I decide to walk as I'd have to ask my mom to drive her car and she'll end up driving me all the way there plus I prefer walking as the weather isn't that bad today.

"Excuse me could spare some change?" A homeless guy asks,

"Sorry, busy," I mumble while walking.

"You know kid, you're not the only one with problems," he says which makes me stop and turn back to him.

"I... I didn't say I was..." He laughed, not a happy laugh though.

"I'm surprised you could even hear me," he scoffed.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask.

"Almost every day I see you walk past, I ask for spare change but you never even acknowledge my existence, the one day you care to realise I exist you walk buy because you're 'busy' not even a smile or a hello,"

"Look I'm sorry but I really gotta-"

"So many times I've seen you or one of your friends throw food into the bin behind you, it may be leftovers but boy, my face lights up if I can spot a piece of mouldy bread. But you go, run along to your rich kid life, the life where you get whatever you goddamn want whenever you want it,"

"What happened to everyone has their own problems?"

"D'you think I care about your problems? I could care less just like after our conversation you're gonna carry on with life and pretend like you never met me, because you're just a selfish little spoiled child and that's all you'll ever be crying home to mommy."

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