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Never in a million years did I think I'd be sitting at a dinner table with my hot gym teacher and boyfriend. It feels weird because I'm not sure if I should break up with Mike, I was going to but now, I think I might not. This is a hard decision.

"So you're Kellins gym teaher huh?" Mike spoke.

"Yep. Maybe you could teach him to keep his mouth shut." Vic replied.

"With me, he can never keep his mouth shut." Mike said with a smirk, I blushed.

"Babe! He doesn't need to know that." I said and drank some of my water. "Plus Vic tripped me over today."

"It's Mr.Fuentes to you."

"We're not in school Vic." I said

"Wait, you tripped him up, why?" Mike asked.

"Because he's rude and was probably gonna rip Jack Fowlers head off." Mike looked at me.

"He answered me back, I was defending myself."

"Yeah, sure you were Barbie." Vic sniggered.

"Considering everybody was looking at my ass. I think pink is my colour."

"Okay Barabie, do tell me... what's it like, life in the dream house." I glared at Vic while Mike looked confused.

"Kellin wore tight pink shorts in gym."

"Mine were missing so I borrowed Jennas." I shrugged. I moved my foot under the table, Vic was drinking his water. I rubbed y foot on the front of his jeans, and he choked on his water.

"You okay there Vic?" I asked.

"F-Fine." He cleared his throat. "I'm fine." He glared at me and I just smirked. "So does Kellin need a ride home or anything?"

"Well, I was hoping he could stay the night, he can sleep on me." Mike winked. I smirked some more.


Mike was fast asleep but I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs to get water.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" Vic asked which startled me a little.

"Mike moves in his sleep a lot." I answered, he nodded.

"Your dinner activities were very inappropriate." He said. I smirked.

"Didn't see you try and stop it." I answered.

"Flirting with a teach and you're daiting my brother."

"So, I'm not cheating on him. I'm not a cheater. I'm just your student so what does that make you?" I asked moking his previous words.

"They guy you're gonna cheat on Mike with. Goodnight Kellin." He said. My jaw dropped. Did he just... I'm not a cheat. I went back up stairs and cuddled into Mike, I soon fell asleep.


"Kellin pass the damn ball!" Jenna shouted, I wasn't being selfish but I know that she'll do the lay up and I wanna do the lay up! "Kellin!"

"Fine!" I thew ball at her and Vic blew his whistle.

"That's not how you throw the ball."

"Does my face look like it cares?!"

"Attitude; watch it."

"Fuck you!"

"Thats it, everybody baseline!" He shouted Jenna gave him the ball and we all lined up and waited for the whistle to blow. "Don't stop running until I say so." He said and blew his whistle.

We managed to do elevn suicides until the whistle blew and we got to stop. The room was filled with us all panting. "I'm used to the I hate you look guys but seriously, you all sound like the fat kid in Mc Donalds, soon you'll be thanking me for this. Anyways I think I worked you all to your limit so off you go. Oh and Kellin I'll see you back for detention." He spoke.

"Well I can't make todays detention, Mike is meeting my parents today." I said and left not waiting for his reply. I ran straight into Mike though. "Hey, you're still meeting my parents right?"

"Yes of course but uh, I'm grounded meaning unless my older brother is going I can't go."

"Seriously? But... nevermind, it's alright Vic can tag along but I wanted you to stay." I pouted.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be apologising to your parents."

"It's not like I'm missing anything."

"I had plans for us tonight, so you're missing a lot. I'd kiss you here..." I kissed his left cheek. "And here." I kissed his right cheek. "And here." I kissed his neck. "And... here." I kissed his lips to which he kissed back. "And in a lot of other place's." I said into his ear and kissed under it.

"I'm g-gonna apologise like mad to my mom, I'll see you at seven." He said, kissed my cheek and went off sprinting down the hall only to run into the door, I didn't even hesitate to laugh out loud.

See I'm happy with Mike. I'm not gonna cheat on him. I'm not like that, cheating is wrong, it's so wrong and plus I don't have a thing for the other fuentes. I mean Vic is super hot I can't deny it.

I see why Mike kept the other fuentes away from me but I like Mike and plus It's illegal for Vic and I to do anything at all, so It's not like I could just break up with Mike and start something with Vic.

Mike understands that I'm a flirt, I will flirt with everyone and anyone even girls and I'm gay. It's just who I am and Mike accepts that because he knows that at the end of the day... he gets the booty and nobody else can.

Plus it's a dick move to break up with Mike to then date his brother, you don't date an ex's sibling... it's just not right.

"Dude you totally have a thing for Mr. Fuentes."

"Jenna, no I don't. Plus he's Mikes brother." She hit my arm.

"Dude. You're daiting the other Fuentes."

"I've astablished that." I spoke with attitude.

"Watch your mouth bitch."

"Whatever fat ass."

"Ass sucker." She shot.

"Cum slut." I shot back.

"Why am I even friends with you?"

"Because bitch, I'm awesome and honestly neither of us could do any better. Anyways, Mike and Vic will be here soon so you gotra fuck off out my room."

"Whatever dick face. Try not to make a mess, see ya later." With that she climbed back out my window and left (since my parents didn't know she was even here). I got ready for dinner and wemt downstairs just as the Fuentes brothers arrived. This shall be a fun night.

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