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It was time to clear the site between Vic and I, we never have time to speak alone since Mike wouldn't let me out of my sight but now I have some time and I'm meeting with Vic at the park near my house.

"Hi," I waved.

"Kellin, hi," he stood up and hugged me. "You look, well."

"I'm so much more better now, Mike and his friends are waiting for me at home so could we make this quick? In your text you said you had something to say?"

"Yeah, yeah. I uh... I quit my job..."

"What! Why?"

"Remember when we first met and I said I'm your teacher so what did it make you?" I laughed a little.

"They guy you're gonna quit your job for," that was my reply, it was my second lesson with him, he had tripped me up in the class and gave me detention for swearing at Jack Fowler. "That's a memory I could never forget." A moment of silence passed before he spoke again.

"I love you Kellin,"

"Vic, don't do this-"

"I know you didn't want me to say it or admit it but I do, and I know you feel the same way about me. Now I'm not asking for you to break up with my brother and start  something with me, I just....  I just needed to get it out there." He finished then got up to leave.

"Vic, wait!" I called and ran up to him, "you can't just say that and leave, you're supposed to let me speak,let me answer,"

"I don't want anyone's feelings hurt, I thought it'd be easier if I spoke then left,"

"Would you let me speak dammit?" He put his hands up in defence. I didn't even think about what to say so I just kissed him, I shouldn't of but I did, he stiffened but then softened, placing his hands on my hips. I pulled away after a while, he pecked my lips once more. "You're right, I feel the same way. I love you Vic... But not as much as I do Mike... I should go."



"Remember to stay strong through it all, you're stronger than you think don't let anyone try to control you and if you ever feel like you need help or any advice, I'm always just a phone call away." He said. I hugged him one last time before leaving, no doubt Mike is worried and I purposely left my phone at home.

I took my time to walk home, I know Mike's probably looking through the spy hole ever five minutes to see if I'm back yet. Ever since he found out why happened he's been like my own personal bodyguard, always making sure I'm okay. I know loads of people would find it annoying but I love it, I love how it all is and I do love the attention, he gives me space when I need it but I hardly ever want to be away from him.

I didn't even get my keys out and the door had already opened with Mike standing there, he pulled me in and kissed me. "What took you so long? Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?"

"Babe calm down, I just needed a little time to myself. Plus I was only gone for ten minutes, you shouldn't worry so much-"

"Shouldn't worry? Babe with what you've been through all I can do is worry."

"I'm fine." I said and dismissed our conversation. He sat down and I said in his lap then the doorbell rung so I got up.

"That should be the pizza!" Jaime said. Mike followed me to the door so he could help, with these guys they don't just ordered one pizza let alone just pizza but when I opened the door it wasn't the pizza delivery guy.

"Can we talk for a minute?"


"Look, it's probably a bad time but I have nobody, and I'm going through such a hard time and you're my best frie-"

"Oh so now I'm your best friend? Funny how when I needed my best fired she was 'busy' and had other things to do but as soon as you need help you come running to me? Sorry Jenna but that's not how things work."

"Kells please, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry! I came to you when I needed you the most! You watched me fucking pass out on your front porch yet you just left me there because you had other things to do? You completely ditched me, ignored me and now you wanna be besties all over again? I don't think so."

"I know, I was a bad friend and i feel terrible but-"

"You're pregnant..." I said only just seeing the giant balloon in front of me.

"Yes, I'm pregnant. It's Austins h-he just dumped me because he decided that he's not ready for this responsibility and now he's with Pamla," she cried, her eyes were so puffy like she'd been crying for hours.

"Karma's a bitch," I shrugged. "Shit happens in life but, you just got learn to deal with it. If you don't mind you're blocking the way of the delivery guy, I'd like you to leave and carry on doing what you were doing before, ignoring me. I don't need people like you in my life anymore. Good luck with the baby and all." She watched as I paid the delivery guy and she just stood there as I shut the door in her face.

"Babe that was kinda harsh..."

"Harsh? Next time she should think about the consequences of having sex without a condom, she wouldn't be in this mess if she had,"

"Kellin, she needs help and aren't you just as bad as her if you neglect her like that?"

"Mike, don't even. She's lucky a door in the face is all she's getting. Now drop the subject."

I don't regret shutting my door in her face, I don't feel bad for not giving two shits about her and I don't feel sympathy for her. She got what she deserves and as they say...

Karma's a bitch.

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