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Jenna is always so understanding, my walk home was short as i live literally across the street from her although as soon as i left her front door i bumped into Austin.

"Sorry didn't see you there." He said.

"Why are you going to see Jenna?"

"Because we have a project to work on." He said.

"hmm, okay then." I said and walked past him. i got inside and could hear my mom in the kitchen cooking food as usual. "Mother i'm home." i said, kicking my shoes off.

"Come here, there's somebody here to see you." She said. I walked into the kitchen and there Mike was sitting by the counter with a glass of juice .

"Get out." I said straight away. He stood up and took a step towards me. "No, get the fuck away from me and get out, i don't want anything to do with you at all just leave me alone."

"Kellin i wanted to apologize okay, i-i didn't know what i was thinking please give me another chance, i'm sorry--"

"Sorry! you think saying sorry is gonna change what you did because it's not! You cheated on me and you expect me to what? Forgive you? You're pathetic, i hope you know that!"

"Kellin i'm--"



"Why'd you do it?"

"I don't know... We haven't... You know in a while, i was horny and she was all over me... It just kinda happened, then you saw and i could see the pain in your eyes then you ran out and i followed but you passed out..."

"I want you too leave, please just leave."


"Mom." I said.

"Mike, you need to leave." She said, i walked out and ran up to my room slamming and locking the door. I dropped onto the floor and cried, i just kept crying. i became light headed, my room was spinning and my mom was knocking on my room door but all noises were faint like i was underwater or something. the spinning didn't stop at all i felt numb and weak then everything went black.

* * *

I hate waking up and not knowing where i am... wait this is my parents bedroom... i think. I shut my eyes again as i was quite tired. i could hear my mom's voice but not clearly, she must be talking to someone outside the room. What's wrong with me? I don't wanna live like this anymore.

"Kellin, sweetie how are you feeling?" Mom asked.

"I feel horrible. What happen?"

"You passed out again. When was the last time you ate?"

"I don't know, i eat a lot mom." She just nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving me to sleep some more... I've just lost all my energy that needs to be regained.

* * *

"Kellin where's your gym clothes?" Fuentes asked.

"I have a not that excludes me from participating in this lesson." I said, my voise quite drowsy and sounding uninterested. Vic gave me an odd look buy took my note anyways.

"Alright then sit out." He said focused his attention on the rest of the class.

I had to watch people play and it got annoying as Jenna kept missing the opportunity to do a lay-up like seriously that girl is full of disappointment that and at one point Austin snaked his arms around he waist. I don't like that kid. Seems like trouble if you ask me. Then he whispered something and she... and I quote, she giggled! Jenna doesn't giggle. Ever! Seems suspicious if you ask me.

I was drawn from my thoughts when the basketball just past me. Well I couldn've just been hit im a head with a ball, thank you!

"Pass the ball please." Tony asked. I picked up the ball and as I was about to throw it, I lost balance, I felt dizzy. I'm not sure if I fell but there was a thud, there was pain and there was darkness.


So I'm being homeschooled now.

I'm going through like so much shit atm so updates won't come very often yet but please don't give up.

I love you guys a lot ♥

Enjoy your day or night


Gym Class {Quentes}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें