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// Liar decided to dedicate another chapter to me and my friend another lie once again but it's stupid and I shouldn't let it get to me. I published the prologue to my new Kellic it's the one where Vic has been stalking Kellin for years, it's called The Consequences so please check it out the prologue is short though! Anyways here's an update!!\\

Funny! I thought going back to school was the worst thing that could happen when in reality it was actually attending my gym class for the first time, since I was skipping before but Mike said to give it time because someone will screw up and that'll have to student body's attention. Luckily we've moved way past basketball and we're doing volleyball which I'm actually good at but nobody wants to touch the ball that the freak has touched so I sit out before the game starts.

"Class I have some news for you all..." Vic starts, he spots me and freezes for a little. "Uh... Everyone go warm up while o speak to Kellin," I said and got me to follow him outside. "You're back, Mike didn't say,"

"Surprised you don't hear it around the school. I'm a freak now but honestly do you care?"

"Yes I do, I care so much about you. I only want what's best for you... When you said you loved me-"

"I didn't mean it.... I-i was emotional and literally you were the only thing in my life that was going right... I thought I was in love with you but I'm not. I love Mike,"

"Glad you came to that conclusion..."

"What's wrong?"

"Honestly I freak out so much when you told me because... I think that I might be in-"

"Don't say it, if you admit it out loud then bad things will happen just hold onto it as a memory, if you don't mind I'm gonna say I'm sick and have my mom pick me up." I didn't wait for a reply I just made my way to the office, they called my mom and she came to pick me up.

"Graduation is in four months can you believe it?" I shrugged. "Have you applied to any colleges yet?" I didn't answer not because I haven't but because I'm still upset with her, she doesn't understand how hard everything is for me, she doesn't get it. "I was tidying your room today..." She started, I looked at her, she looked like she wanted to cry. Oh no... "I... I'm so sorry Kellin, I'm not sure what you're going through and I'm hardly around but please don't hurt yourself in anyway, please?"

"You saw my suicide note?"

"And the blades, pills and alcohol... Was you- was you seriously going to kill your self?" She asked just as she parked, I didn't answer I just got out, put my ear buds in turning my clout right the way up, ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I started to cry, my head started to pound I felt sick and dizzy, and that's when it happened I fell down and everything went black.

3 hours later

My eyes burned as I opened them, I didn't want to move but wen I saw pills scattered around me and an empty vodka bottle I shot up, only wishing I didn't since it made my head hurt so much. "Why's this happening to me?" I asked myself. I don't remember what happened... Did I try and kill myself? But mom tidied my room and... I'm so confused. I left my room and ran downstairs. "Mom!" I shouted, but got no answer. "Mom please!" I felt so overwhelmed, I couldn't cope. "Mom? Dad? Homeless guy?" I called, still I got no answer.

I jumped at the sound of my door bell, I opened the door and straight away I was pushed to the ground by Derek.

"Did I tell you that you were gonna pay?" He smiled, I started crawling backwards before getting up to run back upstairs, I got half way before he grabbed me by my ankle.

"What do you want from me?! What did I do to deserve this?" I asked, almost in tears.

"Aw is little Kellin gonna cry? When did you become such a pussy?" He put his hand to my throat while his other hand went to my zipper, I used my knee to kick him in the balls only for him to punch my throat. I coughed but crawled away not getting very far, he stood up and stepped on my wrist lowering his foot slowly but getting harder and harder like he wanted crush it, I picked up something near the fireplace it was like a marble ball and I threw it at him then he kicked my face,

"Arg! See, now you've gotten me angry!" He shouted and started kicking me in all sorts of places, I cried out in pain, I felt my lip start bleeding and my head felt dizzy. No, no, no! Now is not the right time to pass out, just no!

"Hey!" Someone shouted and Derek was pulled off of me. "Kellin are you okay?" It was Mike and Vic.

"It was self defence he attacked me because I told his parents about his drug problem," Derek lied as my parents walked in, Samii following behind.

"Kellin is this true?" My mom asked. Vic and Mike helped me up but I pushed them off as tears streamed down my cheeks,

"No,no,no it's not true! He's a liar, a filthy, disgusting liar! I didn't do anything, nothing at all and I can't take it anymore-"

"I think he's on drugs again..." Derek said.

"Shut the fuck up you pig! It's all your fault, its all of you guys faults, you're all idiots who fell into his trap-"

"Kellin calm down-" Mike started.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down okay? He's done so much to me, he's ruined my life, stolen my innocence, h-he rapped me!" The room fell silent, completely silent "he rapped me," I whispered and fell to the floor crying in a split second Mike had Derek on floor and was beating the shit out of him, Vic tried to get Mike off of him but it was no use Mike had never been so mad in his life even he was crying but as Derek's face became fully covered in blood Mike still didn't stop, it took both Vic and my dad to get Mike off Derek.

Mom came over to me, she looked me in the eyes and slapped me across my face before bursting out into tears and hugging me so tightly. "Mommy," I cried,

"Shhh it's okay, everything's okay now. Don't you ever, ever keep something like this from me again you hear me? You tell me." She said and I just cried.


Im just a sucker for drama what can I say? I'm proud of this chapter because the truth needed to be let out it was killing me!

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