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//update again because I missed so many, I hope nobody's given up on this :( this wasn't proof read and it's just a short shitty filler Anyways still enjoy\\

Can I just say that never in my life have I contemplated suicide, but right now that's the only thing on my mind. How did I get here? What did I do to deserve this? I blame Vic. I shouldn't but I do... My life was perfect, like butter wouldn't melt and then he came along and everything turned upside down.

I blame Jenna. I don't want to blame her but I do, she's supposed to be my best friend! She's supposed to be there for me in my time of need, she's... She's supposed to care but she doesn't. If she cared about me then I wouldn't of gone searching for her that day, I wouldn't of bumped into Derek and I wouldn't of been in this mess!

But it's not Vic's fault, it's not Jenna's fault. It's my fault and I can't blame anyone for why I'm in here but myself. I took the morphine pills, I let Jenna go, I let Vic into my life and most of all I put myself in rehab. Sad don't you think?

"You're Kellin right? Nancy sent me to tell you that you have a visitor ad they won't leave until you see them," another patient here told me. I didn't answer him, I simply got up and made my way to the visiting room which him following behind me. "I'm Oil," he said, still I didn't answer. "I haven't really seen you around before, I mean you're new so.... How you liking it here?" He asked, again no answer. "Okay, okay I get the message. I'll shut up now." He said once we reached the visiting room I saw my mom, dad, and Mike.

"Look at you... Don't they give shaving supplies?" Mom asked referring to my slight stubble.

"Why are you here?" I asked, bored.

"You're still my little boy Kellin... I needed to see if you were okay. Are you?"

"No. I'm not okay."

"Kellin we're only trying to do what's best for yo-"

"There's always two sides to a story mom, you didn't even hear me out... But people don't listen to a druggie to they? You're the worst you know,"

"Kellin, the drugs were in your room hidden away..."

"He put them wherever you guys found them! I had nothing to do with that,"

"You've seemed a bit off for a while now and rehabilitation is the best thing for you." I scoffed and turned my attention to Mike.

"And you? Do you you really think I'm an addict?" I asked, pleading inside for him to say no, for him to be on my side and begging myself not to cry.

"I don't know Kellin... From one point of view you're guilty but it doesn't add up, Kellin Quinn a drug addict? That doesn't make sense... Somethings missing."

"You're the only one with sense here. How long till I come home?"

"When you're better." Dad says. I stand up, my chair screaming against the floor.

"Well this visit is over and I would rather not see any of you apart from Mike and Samii unless you're coming to take me home. Good day." I say and leave going back to my boring plain white room, with a boring white bed, white bed sheets and a boring lime green chair.

"Don't you love your parents?" Oli asks me at dinner time.

"I do. I'm just upset at the moment,"

"It looks like you hate everything that moves," he chuckles. "You don't belong here Kell bear, I don't believe that you're an addict at all."

"That's because I'm not, I was set up by some guy.... You don't look like an addict either,"

"Well I'm not anymore but it's I stay in here for a while longer, what was your poison?"

"I was taking Morphine pills but I wasn't addicted, but a whole load of shit was found in my room. You?"

"Heroine, but I was caught with Coke and my mom got me in here." He shrugged. "You won't be here long trust me,"

"What makes you think that?"

"You're hiding something, eventually you're gonna tell and you'll be out, maybe I'll see you on the outside?"

"I'll find you eventually, I promise, or you could just crash my wedding or something." I chuckled an he laughed with me.

"Definitely," he replied.

After dinner I showered and went to bed and I actually slept because for once I felt comfortable and not afraid to fall asleep in place that I'm not fully comfortable in and I blame Oli for that because I I didn't meet him, I wouldn't be falling into a peaceful sleep.

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