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So to those who're into my stories, I'm not sure what story I should publish next so I'm letting you decide, there's the Kellic where Vic is basically a creep who's been spying/stalking Kellin since he was 9 but Kellin falls in love with him and doesn't believe what believe what people have to say about Vic or there's a Koli that I'm writing it's a high school love roller coaster ( I don't really know how to describe it) but Kellin moves schools, he's very dominant and so is
there will be smut in it and Oli more than likely will top but there might not actually be any smut because They're both very dominant characters. The decision is yours and enjoy this chapter!! It's actually really short and I'm sorry but it's almost midnight here. Also TRIGGER WARNING! nothing major but putting a warning is the right thing to do, love you all. (Not proof read)

You're getting closer to pushing me off of life's little edge
cause I'm a loser
and sooner or later you know I'll be dead,
You're getting closer
you're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall,
cause I'm a loser,
I'm a loser.

I decided to skip school, i've been out of Rehabilitation for two weeks now. Everyone's so mean, so cruel. Honestly I wish I was back in rehab because I didn't feel like this in there, I wasn't happy but this feeling is worse than happy. I looked down at the rocks, I was on a cliff, Mike and I used to hang out here when we skipped school but what's the point of having those memories when everything has changed so drastically?

I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not but I took the sharp blade out my pocket then rolled up my sleeve. "My, my. It's been like a year since we've come up here right?" I heard Mikes voice say, making me jump. I looked at him with puffy eyes, he came over and took the blade from me, throwing down the side of the cliff. "You're stronger than you think, don't ever think that cutting or suicide is your way out," he said.

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

"I know you better than yourself... Let me take you home?"

"I don't wanna go back there."

"Then to my place... Mama's making Tacos tonight you can stay and I'll sleep in the guest room,"

"I want you to sleep with me, I'll feel safer..."

"Okay, if you want." I followed him to his car and got in, his parents were still at work so we had the house to ourselves, I sat on his bed while he went to get water when he came back he shut the door.

"Still haven't gotten your bookshelf fixed huh?" I asked, he laughed.

"No not yet,"

"Remember when we accidentally broke it?"

"More like you accidentally broke it,"

"Crazy sex is the best I guess... We should fix it."

"You wanna fix a broken shelf? I can always get a new one-"

"No I wanna fix it, plus it gives us something to do!"

"Alright let's take it to the shed and fix it," and that's what we did, we put it back together, sanded it down, painted it, varnished it and reinstalled it, it was great honestly.

Mike looked so happy smiling, he actually did something in his spare time, he did a great job too so I kissed him, he kissed back and I kissed harder loving the way his lips moved with mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck and move back towards the bed, pushing Mike down and getting on top of him but when I moved my hand to his belt he stopped me completely. "You don't want me like that anymore..."

"Kellin trust me I do! I want you so, so badly-"

"Then why'd you stop?"

"Because it's not what you want- before you deny it just think about it for a bit, think real hard... This isn't what you want, not right now anyways..."

"Mike trust me, I'm sure... I know what I want and i wan-"

"Mike! Are you home? I saw your cat out front," mama Fuentes called out.

"Sí mama! Kellin también está aquí,"

"Oh, hello Kellin!" She shouted after Mike told her I was here in Spanish.

"Hi mama Fuentes!" I replied, she came into the room and start talking to Mike in Spanish, he was getting frustrated with whatever she was talking about, my Spanish isn't that good so I didn't really know what they were talking/arguing about. I just laid on Mike and eventually fell asleep.

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