3: Telling the Class

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Chapter Three
Riley Matthews

Maya and I walked into class together as we always do. I gripped into my books tightly and glanced down at them nervously as I walked into class. Last night, I asked my dad if I could break the news by getting up in the front of his class and telling my classmates. Of course he agreed. At first, I was confident that all of my students would cheer me on for being so brave to admit that to the whole entire class, but what if they start bombarding me with questions. What if some of those questions are depressing? I glanced over at the girls' bathroom as Maya and I passed it.

"No, Riley, you can't chicken out and go in the bathroom and hide in there until the end of the period just so your dad doesn't make you tell the whole entire class the bad news," I thought to myself, "He would be disappointed in you, and so would Maya once she made me admit where I went for the whole entire period and why."

As soon as Maya and I reached our first period class, my dad's history class, we got in line and waited for my dad to let us in along with our other classmates. All of the sudden, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around and realized that it was only Maya.

"You ok?" She asked me, giving me a knowing look.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed.

"Did you tell anyone else yet?"


"Are you nervous too?"

I did the fifty-fifty hand motion. "Sort of."

"Well, you shouldn't be. I'm sure once of all our classmates find out, they'll show sympathy for you and be on your side, especially Farkle and Lucas. Plus, it's not like you can help it. It's not like you're telling them that you committed a crime or anything like that where it would be your fault."

"True. Thanks for giving me another pep talk, Maya! I feel better now."

"Oh, anytime, Riles! Anytime!"

Before we knew it, my dad had finally arrived and let us in his classroom. I felt butterflies dancing around in my stomach as I started to walk towards my desk. I know that Maya said that most of our classmates will be on my side and be nice to me about it, but I still have anxiety whenever I do a presentation in class or go up to the front and talk to my classmates. I know that I don't seem afraid, but that's because I hide it by acting confident. I'm always afraid that I'll end up stumbling on my words or that my classmates or teacher won't like what I'm saying or presenting. I know that I don't really have to worry about any of that for what I'm about to do, but the feeling was still there and I did not know why. I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen; and most of the time, when I get a feeling about something, it comes true most of the time, but not always. For example, I was extra nervous to go to the doctor's yesterday because for some reason, the feeling was stronger. Now I know why.

My thoughts were interrupted when my dad entered the classroom.

"Good morning, class," he greeted as he walked up to the board, "Today, I will be teaching you a special lesson about bravery."

As Dad said the word "bravery", he wrote it out on the board in call capital letters.

"Can any of you give me an example of an act that would be brave?"

A good majority of the class raised their hands. I knew exactly where Dad was going with this, so I, too, raised my hand.

"Ah, yes, Farkle!" My Dad announced as he pointed at Farkle, whom was sitting right behind me.

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