Ch 1- Handkerchief

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Yssa's POV

"AHH!" I groaned, my wonderful trip in dreamland ended because of the continuous knocking and yelling at my door.

Sighing, I jumped out of bed to open my door without even combing my hair and brushing my teeth. Whoever they are, I hate them for disturbing my sleep.

"Yes?" I said. *yawns*

"Oh, nice! You're awake, I've been knocking for about half an hour in here." Mrs. Potty, my landlady said with much sarcasm.

"Sorry about that, I was currently in dreamland when I heard your very annoying voice."

She glared at me.

"Oops!" I put my hands on my lips when I realized what I just said.

I slipped. Sheez.

I heard someone laughing at her back.

And my landlady also seems to notice it. So she called him.

"Shaun, come here. This is Yssa you're roommate." she said while pointing her finger at me.

I froze.


"Yes, this room is for two people remember?" Mrs. Potty said, hands on her hips.

"Oh, right." I said, my heart melted when I finally have a closer look at the guy, he's extremely good-looking. I regret not combing my messy hair. Green eyes staring at my blue ones...oh my, he looks like a prince.

He snapped a finger in front of me.


"Please don't drool over me, I don't have a handkerchief." he smirked.

"You!" I stormed closer to attack him but my landlady stopped me.

"Okay, enough of that. I have other appointments...

Please Alyssa, let him inside...and don't kill him." she said.

Letting out a sigh, "Okay."


"This is your bedroom and your bathroom is also inside there, that is the kitchen and that is..." I was cut off by my touring when he spoke.

"Do you even know how to clean?" he asked.

"Hey, what do you mean by that. I've been busy in school so..."

"Are you really a girl?" he said while checking out my big shirts and pants hanging outside.

I was fuming in anger but I let it subside. How can I not kill him? Patience Yssa, patience.


Shaun's POV

Yes she's beautiful, scratch that very beautiful. She looks great even with her disheveled hair and sleepy blue eyes.

I don't know how to approach her, should I be nice and gentle or should I annoy her?

The second option won.

"Please don't drool over me, I don't have a handkerchief." I smirked.

She looks extremely cute when she is angry.

Hmmm, seems to be a fun mission for me with this annoyingly cute girl to keep me company.

But really, how on earth will I be able to find that princess?


gracia's note:

WAAAH! This is it, the first chapter. Obviously. Hahaha.

I'm not really that good in writing English stories (sighs) so please bear with the grammatical errors and mispelled words in this novel.

Anyway, please vote and comment your reactions!

Byee! ^^,

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