Ch 11- She's my...

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Yssa's POV

After the wonderful breakfast I've had last Saturday, we made a quick stop at a beach and take photographs. What a sweet day for me! And we look like a couple at that time, or maybe I was the only one thinking that way? Whatever. And the only thing that matters most is I'm happy with him.

My feelings for him seem to grow deeper as time passes by.


It's Monday again. And right now, I'm walking with Shaun to school. We decided that we just need to separate ways when entering the school gates. So that I'll be safe from Stacey's claws.

"Bye Shaun, see you later!" I waved at him.

"Bye!" and he flashed me a 100-watt smile.

Oh my! My knees feel weak. Why does he have this power over me?


Shaun's POV

Yssa's my weakness. If I'm Superman then she's my Kryptonite.

Really Shaun. Since when did you become this cheesy?

I mentally kicked myself. If that is possible.

"Hey Shaun, are you listening to me?" Justine frowned.

"Of course, what is it again?" my mind is still in a daze.

"Oh, great. Thanks man for listening, really."

My bandmates throw crumpled papers at me then laughed.

"Hey!" I throw it back to them.

"Okay, as I've said earlier, we're invited to perform at the school prom." he said that while holding back his laughter.

"Really, the prom?" I forgot about the senior prom.

"Yup, so we better do some rehearsals."

"Woah man, too excited aren't we? Prom is still three months away from now." I protested.

"So you're not listening from the very start? Wanna get punched in the face" he showed me his closed fist.

"Sorry." I said while smiling sheepishly.

He facepalmed.

Ladies and gentlemen; The Impatient Justine.

"Okay. I'll just give you a list. I need to go to my next" he throw a small paper at my face and smirked.

"Thanks bro." note heavy sarcasm.

"No prob. Okay, rehearsals will start next week."



List of Activities

Dec. 21-The Christmas Concert

Jan. 18- School Festival

Feb. 14- Senior Prom

Small gigs every Friday night at Club Zero.


I'm really busy these coming months. Since it's already the 28th of November. We really need to do some rehearsals.

Tss. So that means, I can't be with Yssa on weekends? deym.

Ahh. Why am I like this?

I'm smiling like a weirdo just because Yssa crossed my mind. Tss. I'm becoming fckin weird each day.

I have no classes this afternoon that's why I'm walking home by now.

"Hey, Mrs. Potty!" I greeted.

"Oh, there you are! Mr. Mailman, this is Shaun De Castro."

"For me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, okay. Goodbye Shaun." Mrs. Potty waved goodbye to me before she left.

"Please sign this Sir." the mailman handed me a folder and a ball pen.

"Thank you."


When I saw the address, I hurriedly opened the letter.

'Emerald Kingdom'

I need to report to the king.

I need to go home.

And besides, there are no means of communication since the kingdom didn't allow technologies i.e...cellphones, camera, computers...etc. That's why I don't know what the princess looks like. That stupid law.

I need an image of her, a picture...or a portrait. Yes. A portrait. Stupid Shaun, why didn't you think about that earlier?


gracia's note:

Atlast! Haha!

Quick thinking Shaun. Really. After 10 chapters. =____=


I'm soo random and I don't know why.

Tumblr: oniiteru-chan


Her Royal ShynessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora