Ch 10- SaturDATE!?

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Yssa's POV

"Done!" I smiled as I saw my reflection in the mirror.

Green sleeveless shirt, light orange shorts and a pair of cute sandals.

I hope this is okay. I want to look good today. Ghad. I'm getting nervous for just a simple 'hang-out' with Shaun.

I closed my door and took few deep breaths as I waltz my way to the living room.

There he is, sitting on the couch.

Looking gorgeous as always.

He's wearing a blue shirt with his jeans and sneakers. And it looks good on him.

How can he look awesome without even trying? Oh, I envy him.

He turned his head to me and smiled when he felt my presence.

I smiled back. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, beautiful lady." he winked and my heart skipped a beat. Ghad. Stahp it Shaun. Stahp it! (>////<)

But then again...

"Sure, I really love surprises." sarcasm lacing my words.

The last time that he surprised me, he scared me to death.




It was lunchtime...I was sitting alone under the shade of a big tree, listening to my iPod when Shaun disturbed my peaceful sanctuary.

"Yssa!" he poked my cheeks.

I didn't respond.

"Yssa, Yuuhoo!" still poking my cheeks.

I paused the music and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I just want to give you something." he answered then showed me his closed hands.

"What is it?" excitement visible in my features as I'm opening his hands.

"Aaaahhh!" I squealed in horror.

A little frog jumped at me at the very moment I opened his hands.

He laughed. Of course he will, typical annoying Shaun.

I glared at him.

"S-sorry. Haha! B-but your reaction is really epic." he said that while trying to stop himself from laughing at me.

"I.HATE.YOU" I was fuming in anger.

End of flashback


I mentally shook my head at that memory. I'll just hope for the better.

He opened the door for me and gestured me to go out first.

"Wow!" that's all I can say. Two cute bicycles are parked in the garage of our apartment.

The blue one for Shaun, and mine was pink.


"This is so cool. Where'd you get these?" I really am amused at the moment.

He shrugged. "I bought it."

"Rich kid." I muttered.

"What?" he asked as he was catching up with my speed.

Yes, we're already riding our cute bicycles and currently racing to the park.

"Nothing!" I smiled at him.


Oops! I think that's my tummy.

"Wahahaha!" he laughed.

"Hey, it's not funny!" this is really embarrassing.

"It is." he grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him. Annoying as always. Tss.

"I hate you."

"You love me Yssa." he shouted before overtaking and now, he's leading in our race.


Why do you have this effect on me?

My cheeks were burning.

And I can't utter a smart comeback. Sheez.

"We're here. I win!" Shaun raised his fists in the air.

Such a kiddo.


Shaun's POV

"Hmmm...thish ish really gooshd" that's Yssa talking while shoving food in her mouth.

And I find it really cute. She's annoyingly cute.

I want to kiss her.


Did I say kiss her?

Don't mind me.

"Hey, that's disgusting." I scrunched my nose, faking disgust.

"What?" she asked innocently while scanning the picnic mat for food. She almost ate everything.


Guess she's really hungry.

"Nothing." I smiled.

As of this moment, we're eating breakfast in the park near our apartment.

I don't know what's gotten into me but I find her smile enchanting. That's why I'm doing these things, just to see her precious smile.

Just to see her happy.


Meanwhile, at the palace...

"Simoun!" King Marcus called his butler.

"Your Highness..." he bowed. "What can I do for you?"

"Are there any updates from Shaun, the prince of Amethyst about my missing daughter?" The king asked.

"I'm afraid there's no news as of now, Your Highness." the butler answered.

"Please communicate to Shaun right now. I need to know what's happening." the king seems to be worried.

"We'll do what we can, Your Highness but I suppose it will take a day for him to receive the letter that we will sent. Is that alright with you King Marcus?" the servant looked nervous as the King stared at him.

"Yes, that's fine with me. You may leave now." he dismissed the butler.

"Thank you, Your Highness." he bowed and left immediately.

'Althea, where art thou?'


gracia's note:

Waah! Summer vacation is over.

This is sooo sad.


Hellyear approaching...


School. I hate that word.


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