Ch 7- Wink and Kiss

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Shaun's POV

"Hey Shaun." I turned around and saw Stacey making her way to me.

She's hot.

"Hi Stacey!" I greeted back.

She smiled sweetly while fluttering her eyelashes.

Girls. Tss.

That won't work on me.

"Mind if I walk with you?" she said while moving closer to me.

I shrugged.

"So Shaun, do you like me?" she asked.


Just met her yesterday and she's already asking that?

I'm used to girls being shy when around me but this one's different.

"Ah, Stacey I just met you yesterday."

"So what? I like you Shaun." she winked and kissed me.



I saw her crying when I passed by their table.

Jess looks angry.

Are they fighting?

I decided to go near her.

"Ahh Yssa?" awkwardly poking her in the shoulder.

"W-what?" she hid her face.

"Are you guys fighting?" I asked Jess.

"What? You're the problem here, Shaun." she snapped.


"What did I do?"

"Your girlfriend is bullying Yssa."

Marco spat looking disgusted when he said the word 'girlfriend.'

"But I don't have one." How did they got the idea that I have a girlfriend?

"I saw you kissing her." Nathan said in a low voice.

And then it dawned on me.

"SHE kissed me." they got it wrong. I never wanted to kiss Stacey.

"That doesn't matter. It's not the issue here Shaun. You should leave me alone before she sees us." I can't see her face coz her hair is blocking it.

I just want her to look at me in the eyes and then I'll tell her that she shouldn't be afraid coz I'll protect her.

"No Yssa. I will not. I am your friend, what's wrong with that? I'll tell her to stop, you shouldn't let her tell you what to do."

"You don't know me Shaun. You don't know where I'm coming from." she said, staring at me with anger in her eyes.

"Then tell me."

"Just leave me alone!" she left.

I saw crystal tears falling from her eyes when she stood and walked away.

"Nice going, jerk." Marco commented.

Damnit! I can't understand her.


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