Wings Of Love

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It is often said that hearts are wild creatures and the ribs are the cages to tame it. Every beat of our heart against our chest, every beat that chimes with the universe's vista has a reason to it. But at times, it so happens, your heart beats out your chest, or drops down to you feet, making your gridlocked cages snap. Who knew things could go berserk? Who knew, that this creature could go back and forth like the swings? Could torment into it's wildest? Hurt itself, with scars that never fade and words that leave it a carcass? The vulnerable cages are what that protects it from all the spitting images of grief. I still don't want to wake up to the pain. I want to savor every moment, the dreams I built, the mess you made me into,the beating of your strong heart against my tender one, the feeling that I could touch the sky, ignite the hearts of millions no matter how infirm mine is. I still want to believe, that we will be the one in the million, even if you break me into shards of glass, I believe, together, we can, indeed savor the moonlight, the galaxy I kiss, the night we get lost into, the starry sky that reminds me of the twinkle in your eyes, the night you changed me into something, from dust under the dawning of no more tomorrow, your touch ceasing my fear of oblivion. You hurt me, make me indignant, and crumble me. Alas, I still wait for you, an everlasting dreamer seated by her windowsill, falling like the autumn leaves for you. You, the only one who shook me like a tornado and calmed me like the night upon her sombre throne. The only one who made me sprout the wings of love and push away all my sins. I am forgetting all the hurt inside me, that you taught me to hide so well, and I am welcoming you with open arms. The only one, who could break me and make me. The only one who could embrace my heart and crush it in your very palm. The only one I believe. And who knew, that the cages could snap in a touch?

I finished my article and I couldn't be clearer.

"Axl, I don't want this anymore. What we have is pointless."
"Damn, you finally said it."
Huh. So I was the backhand.
"It was cool with you, thanks. Now I've got a band practice to go to so see you 'round babes"
Wait, what?
So? What is happening? I don't get it.

"We broke up."
Are you serious?! Oh my it's finally happening. This is seriously the happiest moment in my life. Okay not really I am overreacting.
"Aw. Thats's okay, Sam."
She just nodded and put her pen to work.
I was in my room , when I heard the knock on the door. I opened the door to vacuum air. There was a paper, like a note sort of, lying on the mat. I took it and it was addressed to me.
An anonymous letter, why?

Sounding a lot relating to the writer's club topic about hearts being a wild creature, I had contemplated two things:
1) Someone wanted me to pass this on to Sam, because hell it was too good.
2) Or best case scenario, someone is deeply in love with myself( I know it's my extravagant aura. Keepin' it chill.)
Either way, I want to know who this could possibly be, because well the thing sounded hella romantic. Only if it was handwritten.
"Samanthaaaa. Guess what?!"
"What?" She asked, her eyes twinkling.
"I had this letter sorta thing at my doorstep okay? It was like so amazingly written and really captivated me! Something like what you write"
"Like what I write?"

Hell, like I write.
I rolled my eyes at him and asked him to show me the write up.
"Na ah. Not showing it to you!"
"Why the hell not?"
"Assuming it's a her, I'll find her and bring her to you."
Seriously, who could it be? This had to happen when I realised my feels? It's always bridge over troubled waters for me.
I really badly want to find out who the "she" is.
The highlight is,if it were a he, it would be hilarious.
It's probably the deadpanned sarcasm the guy has, that might save his identity.
Let us just assume it to be x.

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