Hospital wing

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What have you done! Why did you use that spell?!" Remes questioned.

James was speechless, the audience and Snape had already fled the room hoping they wouldn't be caught.

"I thought we use joke spells on him like levitating him and pulling his pants down not causing him to faint what did you do!" Remes spoke again while Sirius stayed silent looking ashamed as though he had every part in the spell as James. Well he did encourage him and a good friend would stop him from doing something that idiotic. Peter just looked there looking innocent and hopeless.

"Oh calm down it only makes their bones flexible, a lot. It's just a joke spell and plus he would have deserved it if it actually hit him." Peter said.

"Yeah but it didn't hit him did it, it hit that girl who probably didn't deserve it!"

Ginny started running towards them and pushed James over.

"You absolute idiot!"

"Now, I'm really really sorry on behalf on my friend here whatever your name is he meant to hit Snape."

James looked offended as Remes exaggerated the word friend as he wasn't sure if he still was one. At least he's sensible.  Suddenly Remes's sympathetic face to Ginny turned into a furious one as he realised something.

"Hang on a minute you're that girl!" Remes shouted.

The other boys were bewildered and Ginny tried to make a story fast but couldn't think of anything.

"Never mind that! I'll be taking her to the hospital wing and I'll make sure they know it was you!"

With that they zoomed out of the room while Ginny helped Hermione up who was rather delirious.

"What's happened! Why can I bend my fingers all the way back, is that normal!"

"That idiot put a flexible bone spell on you."

"What James!" Ginny nodded and walked with Hermione to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey was laying out the beds in the white room before she looked over bewildered at them both.

"What's happened!"

"James Potter made her bones flexible!"

"Oh no that troublemaker, wait you shouldn't be out of bed!"

They both blushed and looked down in shame, she sighed.

"Never mind, let's get you sorted."

She fixed her up and told her to rest and stay the night so she'd be better in the morning, hopefully. Ginny sat down next to her and smiled at her hugely.

"You need to go see Dumbledore" Hermione softly said.

"What! No I'll wait for you to get better"

Hermione shook her head, "every minute we waste will be a worse turn for the future"

Ginny thought hard, ' i know she was right, but the future can't be affected if all we've done is seen Madam Pomfrey, the boys and probably Dumbledore, it's just if we stop something from happening right?

Hopefully, the last thing we want is for the future to be in ruins because of our actions, there'd be nothing to stop the chaos except quickly go to Dumbledore and not see anyone else and not do anything huge and get back to their time. '

"Ok I'll go" Ginny said.

Hermione and Ginny: Travelling Through TimeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora