Chapter 4

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My exams and my interview. Both coming together. Wow! Just wow!
I just wish that I pass these days when I am sailing on a boat having a hole.
At such moments, I tend to freak out. Even you freak out? Yeah! Very much me.
Anyways, happy reading.


"Jacob Anderson. You're such a headache. God, help me if you exist." Athena said looking up with her hands on the side of her waist.

The baby boy was actually a boy. He messed the whole house. He was even throwing toys around and kept peeing like a Nigeria fall.

The door bell rang and she rushed to open it. When Athena apologised for not able to keep the house clean.

"It's Okay dear. Our maid will take care of this. We already knew that this is going to happen." Mr. Anderson said smiling at Athena.

"Thank you so much. You know no baby sitter can handle Jacob but finally I found you. I am so happy. So daily at this time for two hours? You're fine with it? Actually we attend salsa class fot two hours." Mrs. Anderson said.

"Yeah. Cool. So I'll meet you tomorrow." Athena said as she walked out.

Her life seemed better now. Her mom called while she was walking her way to home. She said she'll be reaching within five minutes.

From the corner, she saw a black car which she saw before in the afternoon while she was about to be killed.
Maybe I am thinking too much of that car? Or maybe I have just gone crazy. Athena thinks as she shakes her head and lightly slapping her head.

It was dark and she is afraid of darkness like hell. She hugged herself when she saw that car coming near her.

After sometime the car was gone and she reached home. It was already 7 pm and she felt no hunger so she slept after shower.

The next day she opened her eyes and yawned loudly.

"You have a job now." Athena said to herself as she saw her reflection in the mirror.

The first thing she does in the morning is opening her curtains and welcoming the cold and sunlight.

She stood there in the balcony for sometime. She was still in her night slip but in her balcony she can wear anything and be comfortable. She scratched her hair and opened the bun. Good hair and cold wind, that's the perfect thing for Athena.

What caught her attention was that same big black car. In the daylight she observed that car from a great distance. She noticed that it is Rolls Royce for sure. How can she not recognize that car. It's her favorite car model- Rolls Royce Ghost.
Am I high? Athena was scared But she did not show her fear. She looked away with her eyebrow knitted together.
Be cool, Athena. That car is not stalking you. You know how you conclude things so fast. she thought but her fear grew and she rushed in the room closing the windows and shutting the curtains.

She leaned against the window and closed her eyes as she released a long breath to calm her heart.

"Ath, you don't seem normal today. You are not laughing or talking all the time. What's up?" Hazel asked her.

Hazel knows Athena in and out. They both are opposite but are the best of friends. Once Hazel has lost her best friend. She was ditched by her bestie but this time Hazel knows that neither she nor Athena are separating from each other. Athena loves her and she knows it.

"I don't know. Just tired because it was a long day yesterday." Athena lied. After her work hours she was not at all tired. She loves baby so she loves her job.

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