Chapter 22

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Song- Love you more than I can say- Bobby Vee (Another awesome song from my playlist)

Hey guys, I am.thinking of making a Trailer of my first book but I need my readers to go for a shout out for it. Only when I get something about 1 million readers on my first book, I will be updating a Trailer of that book. Okay, now coming back to my second book, let's jump to the highly unedited chapter.


"I wanted to say you that you know when we are chatting in office or maybe just hugging and those friendly stuffs, er.. You know... The office staff like.. uh" Athena stammered.
Justin moved his chair to her side and laid his hands on her hands.
"Athena... I am not your boss right now so just relax and say what you want to." he said squeezing her hand.
"It's... It's just that you are Mrs. Wren's son, Justin. It's natural to be scared of the son of your ultimate boss, isn't it?" she opened up.
"Momma aka. Clean shave? Remember when I first met you? You named my mom aka. Your boss as Clean shave  because that old woman has some white hair growing on her chin and you were not knowing that the person you are joking about is not just the ultimate boss but also my mother. But I have not revealed that secret to my mom. Because I am a grown up 26 year old guy. So now if you are comfortable, speak up." Justin said tearing her fear with his strong gaze.
"Okay.. So promise me you won't fire her for this." Athena said putting her free hand on Justin's hand which was on her lap.
"Dianna asked me if... We are an item. So I just want to clear the rumor going around in the office. I think we should not chat in office much." Athena said nodding her head.
"What the Fuck are you talking about? We can't chat in office? Why do you care of people's opinion?" Justin asked as he controlled his anger.

Why do you care about people's opinion?

Why do I care about people's opinion?
I always did, even when it came to Edwin's public reputation. I always cared about what my family will think if I date some rich Guy. I always cared about society.

"I know. I should not care about everyone. But..."
"But you want everyone to be happy with you and you will do what they demand just because you don't wanna hurt them? Athena, I may sound rude but.. I think you need this advice, Think about your damn self before the society." Justin said with an edge of anger.
Just to see someone angry with her can make Athena weak. All she wanted to do was be okay after listening to Justin. Because if Justin would have advised him five months ago, she would have never left Edwin.
Athena opened her mouth to say something but her throat was tightened. A knot of guilt formed in her stomach and when all she wanted to do was to not to cry, her vision blurred showing her waterline filled with tears.
She cried and Justin was shocked to see her cry in such a small talk. He felt guilty for bringing tears in her eyes. He immediately went closer to Athena, and rubbed her back pulling her in his arms.
"Hey hey hey, I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." he said stroking her hair on his chest.
"It''s n-not because of you... It's because of-" Athena stammered while she said but a loud bang stopped her and Justin was lying on the floor wincing at the pain on his lips where he got punched.
"Ow! Fuck, it's bleeding. Who the hell are you?" Justin screamed.
Athena snapped her head back to see a green eyed, tall, sexy guy staring down at her. Her Brown eyes wide in shock as she saw the man in shock. Athena's grip on the armrest tightened as the man's eyes never left Athena.
"Who the fuck is he?" finally the man spoke with his tone warning danger, scaring the shit out of Athena.
"What are you doing here, Edwin?" she wanted to ask him out loud but it barely came as a whisper as she got up, moving away from him.
"Who the fuck is this retard, huh? Man you're gonna pay for this." Justin screamed again as he tried getting up. Athena's attention turned to Justin and when she saw him bleeding, she gasped.
"Oh my God! You're bleeding." she cried as she examined his cut nearly.
Suddenly a hand came on her hand and jerked her hand off of Justin's cheek. That touch was what she was waiting for, for last five months.
"Why will you do that? Who is fuck is he Athena? Your boyfriend? Tell me. Answer me damn it!" Edwin yelled. This was the first time that he yelled at Athena. Athena's mouth opened and closed like a gold fish and she ran out of words.
You think Justin is my boyfriend? How you even shout at me? You doubted me. I never expected this to come from you. Athena thought as tears rolled down again.
"She is... Not my girlfriend. And dare you talk to her that way again. I am calling 911 and you make sure that you don't bother us again." Justin said angrily as he punched some digits but Edwin was quick enough to throw his phone away.
"You touch Athena again and I swear I will make your life a living hell. How dare you make her cry!" Edwin growled towering over Justin. Justin's eyes depicted pure anger with those last words ringing like a poison.
"She is not yours. Athena, Please tell me you don't know this angry retard!" Justin groaned.
Athena gulped when she saw Justin's irritated face and Edwin's angry face. "I uh.. Er.. It's-" Athena was about to say ahead but Edwin cut her off her link.
"Tell her how we were in relation for one year and then five months back... You left me and came here." Edwin growled angrily.
Athena looked at Justin and it showed that he is hurt. Justin's face stoned for a minute or two and then he looked at the space between Athena and Edwin.
"I am gonna go back to office. I think you will want to take off now. You have a lot to clear tomorrow. I'll get your hand bag delivered to your place. Okay?" Justin asked not even once looking at her as he was afraid that she might read the hurt in his eyes. Before Athena could say anything, Justin was gone and she realized that everyone is looking at her including Edwin.
"Edwin... Just why will you hurt Justin? He is my friend. You can't d-" before Athena can speak ahead, he lifted his eyes to look at her appearance. A while or two, his eyes lingered on her breast showing a bit of cleavage with his vision clouding with wants and then fell on her skirt's hem.
"I can do whatever I want to. You don't understand this man? After being in relation with me still you don't know about a man's hunger or are you just acting naivé? You better don't start this here in some public cafè." he hissed angrily as he took her left hand and started walking his normal long strides.
"Edwin... Stop making a scene. Just let go off me." Athena hissed in his ears, running to keep up with his pace.
"Let go off you? Athena, you have a lot to explain. We are going to have a talk now. What do you want? Wanna talk here or at my place privately?"
Athena looked down at her hand which is in Edwin's grip.
There is no way, he will listen to me right now when he is so darn angry! In one year of relationship, I have never seen him this angry.
"Neither of the options, we will talk at my place." she said still her eyes on his hairy hands.
He sighed and loosened his grip on her hand, leading her to his and hers favorite black Rolls Royce Ghost.
Matthew opened the car door for them, that is when she looked up. And stopped on her way to enter the car. A sweet, big smiled curled up her lips.
"Matthew!" she said simply as she hugged him.
"How are you?" she asked.
A stiff, stunned and stoned Matthew just shifted his feet as he tried moving away from his Master's girlfriend.
"F-fine Madame." he stammered.
Immediately Edwin's jealousy bubbled up. Nowadays he gets jealous easily which is what he needs to stop or else he knows that Athena will kick his ass.
As Athena removed her arms from his neck and faced Matthew, she first time saw something other then his pale skin color. Matthew showed a shade of pink on his cheeks. She was first amused but she dropped the topic and entered the car with Edwin copying the same not before glaring Matthew.
Oh now he is jealous of a pale skin bodyguard like me? Matthew thought and immediately shook his head while entering the driver's seat.
In the whole ride, Athena stared out of the window while Edwin stared at his love, Athena. She felt a stare on her skin but did not dare turn her attention to Edwin.
"How do you know my address?" Athena asked completely shocked when she realized that Matthew parked the car outside her house without she telling the directions. Edwin cursed under his breath and glared Matthew again.
Athena saw Edwin glaring Matthew from the rear view mirror. She gasped when realization dawned her.
"You-You did dare to stalk me again. From how many days?" she demanded as she hold his collar of his T-shirt.
"Five days." Matthew replied instead of his Master.
Edwin's eyes lifted once again to glare Matthew clearly warning Matthew that he is dead for speaking the truth.
"You spied on me for five days? Oh no, you're gone." she said hitting his arm with all her strength.
She almost climbed upon him to hit him harder.
Edwin just didn't do anything in first as he was mesmerized by the position in which they were. If heaven is there then it's here. He thought as he saw her angry red face and her small fist hitting his shoulder but not hurting at all.

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