Chapter 25

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The song is Little do you know by Alex and Sierra! It suits this book's moral conclusion. :)

I know that you probably wanna kill me by impaling me or giving me a painful slow death but I have my reasons to take forever to update! Not that I was doing some research in Antarctica but still those reasons were strong enough to keep me away from my passion to write. Alright, after this chapter maybe you will have to wait again for the updates because I have got exams again and then I have some trip planned and then some work. Sounds... busy? Well, it's more than just being busy. To add up to that list, I have some serious sound sleep to catch upto! So for right now... Enjoy this chapter ..Oh, and guys? Can someone help me with the poster? I am not finding any suitable poster for this book :'( 



When she came out of her bathroom wrapping herself with nothing but a towel. She saw a black and brown covered rectangular box. She looked around a bit scared that someone has sneaked in her apartment but surprisingly she was calm.

"Searching for something?" a voice came brushing her shoulder and she was so startled that she screamed and clutched her  towel tightly as it slipped a bit down showing her cleavage.
Did he not leave my apartment later? she asked herself.

He laughed and clutched his stomach. "It is so so so easy to scare you baby." he said as he sat on her bed. "Edwin Forbes! can I kill you, pretty please?" she said as her hand still rested on her racing heartbeat.

"Believe me sweetheart, when I say that you have already killed me by existing in this world itself." he said as his lips turned into a smirk.

"Charming pants! But still I am not going to be any close to you if that's what you think." she said as she moved to apply the moisturizer on her whole body.

"You don't want to open that?" he asked gesturing at that black and brown box.

"What did you get me?" she asked as she raised her leg to apply moisturizer. His eyes immediately went to her legs where the towel ends. His eyes went wide and his mouth opened in utter need.

"You may want to keep your legs down if you want me to keep distance between us." he said as his eyes never left her legs.

She smirked and raised the towel in a teasing manner. "You know what? anyways nothing can happen today because remember? I kicked you where the sun doesn't shine?" she said as she continued massaging her legs.

"Some kind of guts you have to tease me!" he said groaning and controlling his anger. 
"That, I do Mr. Forbes." she said smugly.
"I see, my girl has changed. She seduces. She teases me. Indeed it's a different and a loving side of yours." his voice was anything but husky giving Athena the idea that he no longer has patience and she should not tease him any longer if she wants to stay away from him.
She placed her legs down and stood there awkwardly with a blush creeping up her cheeks.
"Come sit here." he gestured to the space besides him on the bed.
She sat besides him and kept her hands near her breast all the time because one slight mistake and she knew that Edwin won't be keeping safe distance.
"Those are some chocolates you did like to have." he said tapping his fingers on the bed as he rested his forearms back on the bed. She noticed his red jockey boxers from his black pants as his white shirt rolled up. His eyes checked out her back as she kept on nodding and pulling the hem of the towel down.
"You can talk. Why unusually quiet?" he said as his fingers finally touched her upper back which had some droplets of water.
"I.. I'll just come." she said as she stood up and his hands stopped her gently but his gentle touch was like a strong grip for Athena.
"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" she jumped as she felt her wrist bone twisted in his grip.
He pulled her to sit down and took her hand in his hand to examine the wrist and saw pink mark on her wrist.
"Sometimes I feel that I am dating some feather touch affecting Barbie doll." he said to tease her as he knows that Athena really hates when someone points out how weak she is.
She hit his shoulder with all her mighty power. "Jerk! You better be gentle with me."
"Gentle? Do you want me to hold you with some fluffy hand gloves rather than my gentle touch?" he asked rolling his eyes.
"I hate you." she muttered as she snapped her hand away from his grip.
"So I love you baby." his sexy smirk spreaded on his face.
"Leave, will you?" she said glaring him.
"It's not like I have not seen you naked before. We have had sex like what? Five times already?" he said as his long fingers rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"You...count?" she said as her eyes went wide.
Even in that dim light she can see his ears turning pink as he looked down.
"Point is...I won't leave so start changing." he said.
As she looked for her soft short black slip, she saw him lying on her bed as his eyes were stuck to her hips. She blushed and put the towel away and immediately wore her slip after which she slipped a knicker under them. Edwin's eyes just kept looking at the way she was putting on clothes nervously. All the dirty and wild thoughts crossed his mind.
She grabbed the black and Brown box from the table and sat on the bed.
"You're not wearing your bra so don't blame me if I take things faster than usual." he said eyeing her body as she was busy unwrapping the chocolates.
"Not... Now, Edwin. Do you always think about.. that all the time?" she asked in an amused tone. It was like what? Last night? When they had sex thrice!
"Yes, but don't blame me for being so horny. It's because of you." he said as his closed the distance between them and touched her thigh.
"Wanna have?" she asked blushing at his words as she offered the chocolate.
He leaned in to take a bite from the chocolate in her hand but she quickly moved her hand away and took a bite herself.
His eyes darkened but Athena laughed at his open mouth face.
"I just...looove to tease you." she said stretching the 'O'.
"I am Edwin Forbes and I... punish the people who don't do what is said to them." he said tilting his head and smirking.
"Aww! I am afraid. Deeply, horribly, really really afraid. Ha! Don't flatter yourself Mr. Forbes, you're nobody to punish me." she said as she continued eating the chocolate.
"Weak people... Don't act like they are the boss, baby." he said as he strangled her on his lap.
"Ow!" she yelped acting that she is hurt.
"What happened? I'm so sorry. You got hurt?" he asked as his grip on her wrist loosened and he observed her hand with a worried look on his face.
As soon as her hands were free, she slapped him. Hard. On his face.
His face just controlled the anger as his cheeks turned red in anger and because of swelling.
"What the..."
She laughed as she moved away and sat on the other end of the bed.
"You better know the consequences for pushing me to the edge." he murmured as he slowly moved towards her and she screamed before running away.
"I'll call 911 if you come any closer to me." she warned as she moved behind the bed.
"That reminds me of how stupid you were when we first talked on the road. You said exactly those words-"
"But to Edwin Stuart. Stuart whom I love. He would have never punished me." she said making the things serious. His eyes flickered an unreadable cryptic emotion but then it was for just a second.
"Accept me. Because I am who I am and I love you. You do know that I can do anything and everything for you. Every guy likes to play with his girlfriend. I am sure even Edwin Stuart wanted to but there was this guilt trap because of which he was not acting himself." he said waving his hands up in the air.
"Talk for yourself Mr. Forbes. Stuart was a nice guy. Actually scratch that. He was the best guy. He did have a wild side and he showed it by cuddling and kissing and all. I don't regret a moment spent with him until I lost my virginity. You know the worst part? I don't even know if that was Stuart or Forbes." she said crossing her arms which lead to deepen her cleavage.
"Athena! You seriously have some issues. It's me. It was me. All the time. Last name makes no difference if you love me. I came back to you. You know why? Because I felt like out of all the relations, ofcourse this is that forever one. I can never ever leave you but after meeting you here in Georgia, all I can see is you are pushing me away. There in New York, I have some problems but I preferred to come here as I have completed the task which you gave me. Again, why do you think I'll follow the tasks which you gave me? Because I love you, dumb! Do you always want it in words? Can't you get it with the actions?" he said totally irritated by her distant behavior.
He sat on the bed running a hand in his hair.
She rounded the bed and sat next to him with tears in her eyes.
"What's the problem back there in New York?" she asked softly as she rested her hand on his thigh.
"How does that even matter? What will I do after telling to you? Even after that all what you will do is just run away from me." he said as he rested his elbow back on the bed supporting his weight. His eyes were close so she clinged to his body by hugging his arm.
"I can't see you hurt..." she murmured as the thickness of her voice indicated that she is crying already.
His eyes snapped open as he saw her crying.
"Why will you cry? I'm so sorry if I yelled at you. Baby, it's just my anger and you know that my anger is quite stupid, right?" he said as he enveloped her in his arms. She sobbed as her head rested on his chest. She can hear his increased heart beat. Can her tears affect him so much?
"I just can't see you in problem." she barely whispered.
"Shh... It's nothing baby." he rubbed her back which was almost naked.
She saw the chocolate in her hand melt on his white shirt.
"Oh no!" she muttered as she knows that messing with his clothes is like messing with your life. He hates shopping and if you even burn his clothes, he won't mind but when it comes to the clothes which he is already wearing, he hates to see them dirty.
"I am sorry." she said putting the chocolate away and looking up at him.
"Why are you saying sorry? I was the one to lie to you so I should say you sorry." he said patting her head.
"Um... Er.. Not for that. You know what? Let's just forget this stuff. Let's have sex." she said boldly.
Edwin was shocked would be an understatement. His open mouth and wide green eyes said that he was just about to get an heart attack.
She unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it away immediately.
"Are- you, I mean..." he said shaking his head while she put his shirt in the laundry bucket in the bathroom. When she came back from the bathroom, she realized that she has got into another mess.
Edwin was already having a big grin on his face and Athena's attire wasn't helping her either.
"I think we should sleep." she said as just stood there making a complete idiot of herself. She wanted to face palm herself so badly.
Edwin's eyebrow raised questioning her sane-ness.
"Sorry but now I am not letting you back out of this." he said as he smirked and removed his belt.
She blushed before clasping her hand behind her back and looking down.
"Come here." he said and she followed his order without looking up.
"I think I'll just have the chocolate." she said trying to avoid the topic but she failed.. pathetically.
"Well, I don't mind." he said smirking at her and she realized that chocolate has just put her deeper into trouble instead of getting out of it.
"Not-... Like t-that.. I just did that because..." she wanted to go ahead but now she does not want to get on the bad side of this guy.
"Are you telling me that you don't want me?" he asked raising his eyebrow with a flick of anger in his eyes.
"Umm... Yeah. Exactly my point." she said grinning and looking up at him with still a blush intact.
"You're bipolar." he said narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms as he stepped back.
"Well... Work can drain me and then I don't want another night where I end up being more energy less and then eventually not going to work." she argued.
"You started this.. Teasing thing now end it before I end this myself." he said with his cold warning tone.
"Why do you think that I am afraid of you? Threatening me never helped anyone. I am not your slave." she said crossing her arms with a bitch-is-back face.
"Oh sorry to inform you but I am not backing off. I want you. Right on that bed because this threatening will give you pleasure with pain." he said pointing towards the bed as he set his Rolex on her bedside with wallet and some cash.
"Ed... This is so-"
"Just do what I say before I spank you for ruining the shirt when I was already wearing it." he said as looked at her and then removed the book which Athena had kept under the pillow.
Oh so he already knew that but he was just playing around so that he can trap me in that guilt bubble! Jerk! She thought.
"You're turning into Christian Grey and I so hate the part where he does weird, wild rabbit sex." she said groaning and rolling her eyes.
"Don't.Mention.That.Guy. And I hope you know that I am your forever boyfriend. I hate every guy whether fictional or real when you say anyone's name. So if you are trying to make me jealous then trust me it's working and listen to me very carefully that you will pay for this tonight. Now, lay down here before I carry you till here." he said with his arms crossed over his bare chest and all Athena wanted to do was ogle him but she was scared of his warning.
Can he punish me? What if he actually beats me as the punishment? OMG! I don't want him to turn into Christian Grey. God! Help me... She thought dreadfully as she went near him and sat on the bed and he stood near her looking down at his tamed girlfriend.
"Who would have thought that I can tame you?"he said more to himself smugly.
"What if I say that I don't wanna be in a relationship with you?" she asked swallowing hard and looked straight into his eyes.
"I won't believe you because I know what your heart says even when you don't follow it." He said as his eyes pierced in her brown eyes. She rolled her eyes and laid back on the bed rolling on the left side of the bed.
"I just don't want you to force me and be like some dominating, arrogant, highly clichéd rich bad ass." she murmured as she felt a hand wrapped around her waist.
"Hmm... I can never be that with you. In fact I am not even nearly dominating you. You see, you were always the one commanding in our relation. And Frankly, I have no problem with it because I know we have a perfect timing for bossing around and that never comes as a hurdle in our relationship.

She narrowed her eyes playfully before blushing furiously and the night was indeed a long night for her.

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