Chapter 36

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Hiii!!!  PLEASE DON'T KILL ME IN YOUR MIND? I accept that I am an ass when it comes to updating fast. Buuuuut.... I have a surprise for you people!!! Keep following my updates, readers gonna love me so much for this. Sorry for the part where I have not edited this one yet!
Much love,
Pink__blush :*

Not one tear was shredded. She just stood there with her eyes rounded and breath caught in her throat. At last she exhaled sharply.
"I love you." she whispered and she did doubt that Edwin must have heard it but he did and he smiled.
"So?" he asked.
She shook her head while blushing like an idiot as she took a quick strike towards him and instead of the ring, she reached for his lips and kissed him.
His tongue slide in her mouth and she can taste the wine, they last had. She bit his lower lip and roamed her tongue on his upper lip. Edwin reached for her finger as he slide the ring. She stopped and smiled as she looked down at her finger with a big rock.
"Let's go." he murmured.
She knitted her eyebrows in confusion.
"Where to?"
"Your parents. I am sure, you want to share this happy news to them." he said looking at her finger.
"You're right. I don't. Let's go then." she said biting her lip and kissing him again.
He stopped and looked at her eyes shining in happiness. The pure blissful moment of her life.
"Alright, you need to stop kissing me or else we might end up in bed instead of your parents' place." he said touching her swollen lips.
"I did love that."
"Then I guess once your parents agree to us, we can have lots and lots of dirty deeds together." he smirked.
She winked. "Yes, Please."
As they reached her parents' place, she took a deep breath to control her reminiscent thoughts.
"Don't worry. They will be anything but happy to see you." Edwin said squeezing her hand. Just the way his eyes looked at her, comforted her.
"What should I say them?" she asked.
"You don't need to say anything to them."
She removed her hand from his grip and touched his thighs as she leaned in to kiss him.
"I am sure it will go right when you're by my side." she whispered before kissing him.
"Seems like someone can't get their hands off me." he said smugly.
She knitted her eyesbrows in confusion.
"Your hand is on my thigh amd dangerously near to my friend."
She looked down biting her lips and blushing to herself.
"Well..." she trailed off ad she sat on her own seat blushing furiously.
"Well, let's get things done before I start with my things with you." he said as he unbuckled his seat belt giving her a long dark tempting look.
She smiled like an idiot to herself as she got out of the car.
He rang the bell and a minute later, the whole house lightened up.
She heard a soft murmur of her mother saying,"I'll take this."
With the safety door still closed, her mother opened the inner door rubbing her eyes.
"Mother." she murmured and Mrs. Myers looked up. Suddenly she looked surprised instead of 2 am deep sleepiness.
"Athena, Edwin. Come in, come in." she hurriedly opened the safety door and rushed them in. Everything seemed familiar to her. The way her mother's Greek accent was still prominent, the way hallroom has those fake flowers and shell lining decorative in the same place.
"I am sorry, I should have not dropped in at this hour." Athena apologized.
"This is your home. You can come anytime you wish to come back." her mom said as her eyes shone in adoration.
"I look good in this dress, don't I?" Athena asked gazing down at her own gown.
"Indeed you do. Red always suited you." her mom checked her red gown in delight.
"Edwin gifted me."
"Well, that's nice of Edwin. Now are you two just going to stand here or are you going to-"
"Who is it Mommy?" Marcos, her younger brother came out of his room lazily. When hus eyes laid on his sister, he looked surprised as well.
"Hi there." Athena wished him.
"Hey, I thought you were still at Georgia." he said learning on his room's door.
"I was. I came a couple of days back."
"Hey, the poster boy is here as well." Marcos said giving a nod to Edwin.
"Edwin. His name." Athena corrected him with a sharp tone.
"Yeah, Edwin."
"Where's father?"
"Oh Athena?" his father's voice boomed. He looked sleepy and shocked.
"Hey, I... I just. Well,I thought if you guys have still kept my room then well, I can sleep in if you guys don't mind." she asked.
"That is your room so why will we not keep it safe? Besides, what's with the red dress?" he asked.
"Oh I went on a date with Edwin. He gifted me this dress." she said showing him the dress by spreading the flow of the gown.
"Very well." he said curtly.
"Well, you go change and sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." her mother said.
"Okay. But I want to talk with you all when Edwin is present." Athena said.
"Well he can sleep with Marcos tonight. If that is comfortable with Edwin." her mother said looking back and forth to Edwin and Marcos.
"Thank you." Edwin smiled at her mom.
"Marcos, I am sure you have some clothes that will fit Edwin."
Marcos said something in Greek as he went back to his room.
Athena smiled at Edwin as she went upto her room.
She called Edwin once she changed in her old clothes which she left here in New York.
"He is in the shower." Marcos answered the call.
"Oh okay. I'll call later then."
"I see you've got time to call him but never once did you call us." Marcos' words stopped Athena.
"Well, never once did you all try to reach me whereas he, he flew to Georgia to get me back." she answered and hung immediately.
Some just remain jerk for all their life or even next.
As she tried not to cry but can't help and notice how her brother is still not her brother.
Must be my fate! She thought to herself as she stared at the moon.
Next morning when she woke up, she found herself adoring her engagement ring.
She went downstairs and saw her mother cooking something.
"Do you want some help?" Athena asked as she entered the kitchen.
"You will help me with cooking?" her mom asked in surprise.
"I can do some basic stuff now. Like cutting maybe. The main chunk of cooking is left upto Edwin always. He is a fabulous cook." Athena answered with a fit of giggle.
"So you both were staying together in Georgia?"
"Nope. He came to bring me back here. But I know him for almost two years now. He is also a very bad singer. Horrible singer." Athena said smiling to herself as she started cutting the bananas and kiwi for the pancakes.
"You do know him."
"Yes, of course I do."
"I see a big fat rock on your finger."
"We got engaged yesterday." Athena stated.
"What do we have Mom?" a voice stopped her mother in her track.
"It's pancakes, cookies, milk. Shower before you come for the breakfast Marcos." her Mom shouted as she answered her son.
"We are going to talk about this after the breakfast." Athena stated as she gazed down at the ring.
"With this ring... It reminds me, is Edwin still asleep?" she asked more to herself as she stopped cutting and went to her brother's room to find her fiancé in deep sleep.
"Edwin." she called him as she touched his biceps.
He moaned as he nodded.
"You need to get up. It's the time we have to talk to them. Come on, get up." she said.
"What do I get?" he asked in his sleepy Voice which made Athena even more craving for him.
"I promise you will get that. Now, get up." she said trying to move his arm.
"Kiss me." he stated.
She smiled as she leaned on him and kissed his cheeks.
"Get up before my parents kill you." she whispered.
Edwin woke up all of a sudden and Athena laughed her ass off.
"That was...funny." she said in between her laugh.
He smiled as he scooted her in his arms and said,"I love you."
Athena's laughter died and she stared at her future husband.
"I love you." she said as she kissed her cheek again.
"Let's go before the old man comes hunting for me." he whispered as he winked.
She gave gim a shy smile before leaving the room.
"Sophia can wear that." her mom said on call.
"Can wear what?" Athena asked.
"Yes, Sure. But make sure you send me all the pictures." her mom said as she ended the call and poured the batter on the pan.
"Maya says you hello and Sophia is not wearing the green dress I sent." her mom complained about her grand daughter to Athena.
"How are they doing?" she asked picking up the Apple.
"They're fine. Com let's have breakfast. It's ready." her mom answered as she started taking out dishes.
On the table, every now and then she saw her father eyeing Edwin in a scrutinizing way making him nervous and shift in his seat again and again.
"You should taste these cranberries. Mother grows them in the backyard." Athena offered Edwin, the basket.
"That's great." he commented as he ate one cranberry from the basket.
"When did you take over the business of your ancestors?" Mr. Myer asked as he applied butter on his toast.
"It has not been a long time. Recently, few months back."
"And why so?"
"I never thought I can be good at business."
"And now you think you're good enough?" he asked making an eye contact with Edwin.
"Yes. I can match them I guess." he answered politely. Though Athena was sitting opposite to him, she knew his hands must be sweating and his stomach must be paining right now.
"You would rather compare and compete your work with your ancestors?" he asked as he lifted his toast.
"I did not mean it like that. It's... It's more of a lonely journey." he said gulping a sip of water.
"Well, it was my daughter who forced you into being a responsible man. After that, how do you claim it as a lonely journey?"
"Oh, I guess I framed myself wrong." Edwin said as he cleared his throat, "I meant that while working I never thought it as a journey walked by my ancestor. It was self-realization which led me to be a businessman and of course, it was Athena who made this all possible."
Satisfied with his own explanation, he gave a small smile.
After this, Mr. Myers stared him for a while after which Athena coughed to break the ice.
"Mother, the pancakes are awesome like always. It's time you give me ypur secret recipe." Athena said.
"You cook?" her mother asked totally surprised to hear her daughter asking for recipes.
"I do. Do Visit me someday." Athena said flipping her hair.
"Visit you? I thought you're staying here."
"Well, that would have been great. I am craving to stay in my own room but... Er... Well, I am sure we don't want to announce it right now. Let's just eat our breakfast. We have something to talk about." Athena said smiling softly as under the table, she touched her rock.
I am sure they must have not noticed the ring. At least, I hope. She thought.
As they were about to finish their breakfast, Edwin got a call.
Mr. Myers shook his head and closed his eyes to calm himself. Mr. Myers' Mom always asked Mr. Myers to close his eyes when he is angry.
Athena gave him a look by which he knew that he is supposed to switch off his device.
"That's just work." Edwin said as he completed his toast.
"I am sure it can wait and next time it won't be brought to the table."
"I assure you, it won't."
Athena sighed in relief. "Let's go to the garden. It's a peaceful place. That way, we can talk and I can show Edwin what a beautiful garden we have."
As they settled outside in the open, she noticed that her brother is missing. Avoiding his absence, she smiled at her parents and said,"I and Edwin are engaged."
With that she lifted her hand to show the rock. Edwin held his breathand registered her future father-in-law's expression.
He did not show any.
"I knew so. I saw the rock last night when I came to meet you in your room and instead I saw you admiring this rock." his father said showing no sign sadness or happiness.
"You should've given me the news earlier." her mother gave an unimpressive look to her father.
"Well, I am sure you must have got your way with girls. I have read about you when I came to knew that you've a thing with my daughter. Now, I won't say that I'll kill you if you hurt her because she will kill you and herself, if you hurt her." with that he looked at his daughter.
"Hurting leads to nothing. It leads to emptiness. My daughter is a rainbow and sometimes melancholic with the moonlight. You vow to handle her in every moments?" he asked giving a sharp look to Edwin.
"Yes Mr. Myers. It maybe a vow to be made by me but it is my live's gift to me to handle her. I can never hurt myself." he said looking at Athena.
Athen sighed smiling and blushing.
As they stared at each other, Mr. Myers cleared his throat.
"Words won't impress. They can express, fake or real. Only actions impress me. Don't let me down." he said as he got up from his chair in one swift motion and walked off.
Impressive strides in this age. Edwin thought as he watched him walk away.
"This ring is great." Mrs. Myers commented to break the tension hee husband created, as she hold her daughter's hand.
"Thank you, Mrs. Myers. It's my father's choice. He handpicked this ring."
"It's Cassandra for you now, son. Besides I am not too old to be addressed like that." she answered laughing a little.
"Indeed you're not that old." he smiled.
Athena rolled her eyes at his charismatic line and smile.
"Is that how you smiled to make my daughter fall for you?"
"Well, that's a question which can be answered only by Athena, isn't it?" he looked at her.
"No. When I first met him, I was scared of him being a psychopathic stalker. Believe me, it was not love at first sight, Mommy." she said sticking out her tongue at Edwin.
"Oh you wish. She is lying. She just won't take her eyes off my eyes."
"Oh that was just because I like colors. Nothing about your eyes."
"If that helps you sleep tonight."
Athena narrowed her eyes and flipped her hair.
"Okay then. You both can fight all day. I need to call father. Oh your Grandpa will be so happy to hear this news. I better get going. Athena call Maya and pass on this news." her Mother said as she checked the time and stood up from the chair with the tea pot.
"Sure. Just don't take stress. We don't have the wedding dates yet. Besides I want a court marriage. Less of a chaos with no media. Though I need some time for my wedding dress. I can't miss on that luxury on my big day." Athena said as she started dreaming about the wedding dress.

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