Chapter 26

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Song up there- For you now! (Another one which I like) :)
This is highly unedited, so.... No complains like always and read at your own risk! :p
Tomorrow is my practical exam and see, today I'm updating my book. Sending the flying kiss to all my awesome readers!

That is the thing about love. You never forget it but you just start getting used to it. This leads to our growth. Today when Athena qas starring at her computer screen, she was not able to write a single word. All she was doing was remembering the last night. It was quite a long night but nonetheless it was worth it.
Suddenly she felt her cheek burning and she touched her cheek to cool them. It was then when she saw a fuming Dianna, starring with a you-are-so-gone look.
"What happened?" Athena asked as she rubbed her cheek gently with utter confusion.
"Other than me standing here for last 12.3 minutes? Nothing happened." Dianna said sarcastically.
"Urgh! My cheek. It's burning." she cried.
"Ah! Here is the ice pack. I slapped you as you were still not ready to come into your senses." Dianna said passing her the pack.
"Wow! Aren't you an awesome friend? Anyways, why are you here so early? Is Justin not here yet?" Athena asked pressing the icepack against her cheek.
"Don't talk about that jerk!" Dianna instantly yelled and gone was the pissed Dianna.
Athena stopped midway, wide eyed.
"Okay, okay! I got it. Let's talk about the slap which you just gave me." Athena said surrendering her hands up.
"The stupid jerk asshole wants me to look at your recent article and I should be editing it." Dianna said pointing a finger to herself angrily.
"Wow, that's great. Isn't that what you wanted to do since day one in this company?" Athena beamed.
Dianna sighed taking a seat opposite Athena and closed her eyes."That is not the point."

"What happened, Dianna? Did he say something rude to you because I swear if he did then he is gonna be kicked by me."

"No, it's totally opposite of what you think. He is not being that usual rude to me. It seems as if he is not noticing me. Earlier at least he used to fight with me. But it's totally professional now. He will talk businesses. He won't point out how horrible my eye liner is drawn or how high my heels are or how funny my dress is. And this... This annoys me."
"Ah! I got the point. Are you telling me that you are missing his attention and your lovey dovey fights?" Athema teased.
"Lovey dovey? Why on this earth will you say that? It's just that he is not himself nowadays. He is turning this serious, cranky businessman." Dianna said frowning.
"You know what I think? That you are PMSing. You need to decide first whether you want him to fight with you or not?" Athena pointed out.
"Urggh... That's a lot of thinking. This man is the death of my brain. I am so confused!" Dianna said burying her hands in her hair.
Athena laughed.
"Whatever. So you're going to edit my article, aren't you?" Athena said typing in her laptop.
"Cool. Sent. I have mailed you."

It's almost time to leave but Athena is nervous to go home. Earlier Edwin said that he has some work so he will be back late night and he wants to talk. TALK! Freaking talk! And that is what got Athena's attention.
She called Edwin, while she was in the cab way back to home.
"Hey baby." his tired voice greeted her.
"Hey, what's up?" she said with concern.
"Oh nothing just... Work."
"Aah! So when are you coming?" she asked wishing that he will cancel their meet.
"I was not knowing that you missed me so much." and she can feel the liveliness in his voice now.
"Edwin! You're at your workplace, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am. Why?"
"So concentrate on work and if you cannot come then don't hurry. It's okay. We'll meet some other day." she said.
"Are you trying to push me away like always? If you don't want to meet me then you just have to say me with all your sincerity that you don't wanna see me." he said as the anger sipped in his voice and erupted as volcano for Athena.
"It's not like that. I am just... I don't know. I am sorry, I was not going to give you stress with all this. Be home when you're free." she said closing her eyes and feeling guilty for trying to push him away like always.
Without replying, he cut the line and Athena realized that she has really managed to piss off Edwin.
When she went home, she took a long steamy hot bath and applied her moisturizer as she slipped on her clothes. She is simply wearing a old worn out Top and a pair of old pajamas.
As someone knocked, she opened the door to see a very tired Edwin. Her heart twisted at the site. His blue shirt had some buttons undone and his grey blazer hanging on his arm. His hair looked like they have been tugged by his hand many times. The only thing she can focus was his green eyes shining at her brightly.
"Hey!" he said with a bright smile.
"You need rest." is the first thing which came out of Athena's mouth.
His eyes showed the amusement and he chuckled.
"Are you worried about me? I have not seen your this side since months." he said as he entered.
Athena rolled her eyes. "It's not that I'm worried but... Just that I don't want a sick man at my place."
"Whatever helps you sleep tonight. Anyways, I have got some takeaway from this awesome Chinese restaurant."

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