Chapter 7

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"Okay, er... I am late for my class so see you around?" she said as her blush did not fade a bit.

"Oh.. Yeah Yeah sure. Aren't you going to audition for this movie? It's a Richardson movie. You should give it a shot. I am sure with this looks you will be selected." he said.

She laughed and it reminded him of how he first saw her laughing with that beggar. Her laugh makes him feel that all is merrier than before. "Are you kidding me? I am an average looking girl, you should go and look for some really hot girl for this movie. Besides that, I am not interested in this right now when I have take care of my career. So Bye, I really gotta go."

She was smiling to herself on her way to her class and Edwin was standing there stunned by her aura and gawking her retreating back.

"Well, that was one hell of a stupid conversation. How did you manage to be so much of a idiot while talking to her. What's her name by the way?" John asked putting a shoulder on Edwin's shoulder.

"Her name is Athena and we are shutting this film." Edwin said smiling at the Magnolia's Bag. John was stunned by his friend's casual way of treating fifty billion dollars. John comes from a royal family as well but he can never be so casual of letting fifty billion dollars flow like that. Even Edwin has never been so casual over loss of such a big amount but for the first time he is behaving like this over a girl.

"Ed, man you can't do that. We have already used something like hundred thousand dollars. We can't just.."

"Mate, that's just hundred thousand dollars, we can handle that much of loss. Chill dude!" Edwin said selecting one cupcake with less of cream.

John shook his head and called one guy to stop the audition. As soon as they wrapped up in the campus, Edwin thought of how to talk to Athena again.

After having his lunch, he was waiting and John had already left to meet Rachel. Even the whole crew was gone. He just sat there sipping his cinnamon latte.

"You're still here? Hello Mr. Stuart." Athena said blushing.

"Yeah... I was just watching around. This uh.." he watched around scratching his neck. "Uh... I was checking out the packing of the film crew and all."

"Oh yeah... So now home? Or do you do some other job also?" Athena asked blushing for no reason.

"No...I mean.. Uh yeah, I was just about to take care of my brother's studies. I him. yeah, I help him for business management classes. I have a degree in business management so I ... help him." he said planning his speech on the spot.

"Oh.. great."

"You going home?"

"Oh no, I am going to my workplace."

"You work! That's ...That's great. Can I drop you?" he asked.

"Uh no, I am fine. It's just nearby. Don't worry about that." she said.

"No it's like twenty minutes walking from here" he said spontaneously as he knew that. After all he was stalking for three days.

"How do you know that?" she asked totally confused and shocked.

"I just guessed like that. Really is it that far? God! I am a genius." he laughed fake as he saw her face still shocked.

Wow! Nice guess! she thought as she smiled at his happiness.

"So, I would like to give you a ride till there as my apology, my dear lady." he said bowing a bit and offering his hand.

For the first time Athena felt like taking his hand like a real princess does in old English movies. "Oh..uh..Sure." she said placing her fingers on his palm but he surprised her by pulling her whole hand in his hand. Athena was shocked and was later blushing. It's not like some guy is holding her hands for the very first time. Her guy friends do that too but with Edwin she felt like he is touching her whole body with his eyes.

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