Chapter 32

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So when I started writing this chapter, I was like really finding something by which I can divert my mind from the problem which I am facing. A guy just gave Me a legal threat and he talked rude to me but I am not gonna let that get into me! These fucktards, just keep ruining my day :'( but then I have got my book and you guys, to make my day! :D

"No, I don't like this poster!" Athena scrunched her nose as Stella was holding a poster which said "Is it too late now to say sorry?"
"Why-y-y-y?" Stella asked making a sad face and stretching the 'Y'.
"It's too mainstream?" Athena said.
"Fine. Then you suggest something!" Stella huffed as she sat on the bed bouncing and eating the chips.
"First thing first, don't eat those unhealthy potato extra God knows what kind of oil chips!" Athena said snatching the chips.
"Remind me why did I allow you to stay with me?" Stella said crossing her arms like a kid.
"Aww, so cute! Because you love me!" Athena said smiling broadly.
The doorbell rang as Athena ran and opened the door knowing that it's her squad at the door.
"You guys!" Athena yelled as she hugged them all tightly. The two smiling face dropped from all the suffocation Athena was causing from the hug.
"You tryna' kill us?" Anna asked.
"Oop! Sorry bit I missed you guys." Athena said as she pulled away and smiled at the reunion.
"Whatever! Let me get some drink." Anna said rolling her eyes and rushing in as she jerked Athena.
Athena's mouth dropped open in fake shock.
"You've not changed a little!" Hazel remarked at Athena's dramatic reaction as she rolled her eyes, jerked Athena's shoulder and went in to grab the TV remote.
"And you guys are not loving me anymore."
"Awww... How is my sweet little friend? Did she get layed by any guy in Georgia? Or.. Oh wait, did she finally realized how much of an ass she is?" Anna said with a can of coke in her hand as she bounced on the couch beside Hazel and they both high-fived.
God! These bitches! Remind me why did thought they will cry at the reunion?! Athena thought to herself.

"Whatever, just suggest me some good slogan. I am planning some poster walk outside Edwin's palace." Athena said as she started painting one of the slogan which said 'Edena for life!'
"This is so just kiddish!" Anna exclaimed as she started laughing her ass off.
"See, I told you." Stella said shrugging off.
Urgh! They are right, it is kiddish but what else do I do? Athena thought as she sighed and crumble the slogan art.
"Hey, come on we will find something else to do. Don't be down!" Hazel said softly as she sat besides Athena on the floor.
"I don't know what else to do!" Athena murmured as her voice thickened.
"God! Those tears!" Stella whispered.
"Stella! Anna! You bitches better make some good ideas. If I hear anyone giggle, I will... I will sing." Hazel hissed and the girls knows that if they want to save their ears they better not hear Hazel sing.
"I have one idea." Anna piped in."We can make him jealous or something."
"No. We are not doing that."
"How about crying your eyes out and begging him?"
"A big no."
"How about you force yourself all over him, have sex and make him realize that he can't stay without you."
"Gross. Cheap. I giant No."
"You can tell him that you're pregnant and that way he will definitely not leave you."
"He will know that its a lie."
"Well, he always used condom."
"Aww... Safe sex!"
"Shut up."
"What about... You reuniting with your... Family?" Hazel asked softly as she bit her lip nervously.
Athena did not speak for a moment. She ducked her head as she stared at her fingers.
"No." she finally murmured.
The three girls stared at each other passing signals about Athena.
"What about you stripping for him?" Stella joked trying to avoid the topic.
Athena smiled at her poor attempt as she shook her head in disbelief.
"Whoa! Hell Yeah, your body can really help you here." Hazel said rounding her eyes.
"He has seen enough. I don't think it will matter to him and beside that, that idea is absolutely ridiculous!" Athena said.
"Well, now that I am thinking so much, I am hungry! Can someone feed me?" Anna asked.
"Same here dude! Let's make something... Umm... Tacos?" Stella asked.
"Hell Yeahhh..." Anna said as she grinned and both the girls ran to the kitchen.
"Hey, I'll just... Get my laundry clothes ready." Athena said Hazel as she got up and disappeared into a room.
Clarity is all what she needs right now! Maybe I should go talk to Edwin? Hazel thought to herself.
As the day passed, the world got busier and busier along with Athena who did the laundry, cleaned Stella's room, not that she is a clean freak or Monica Geller of the group but just that she did like clean and organized things more. Just opposite to that of her high school days where she did keep her room messed up and her study table, a mess of documents.
"It's a big thing for me Matthew!" Edwin hissed as he curled fingers in a tight fist.
"Sorry Master. I'll go right back to Ms. Myers and call you to report her safety." Matthew said as his head hung low.
"Why do you think that she will allow you to be her bodyguard? I thought by now you knew how stubborn Athena is." Edwin said gulping down a peg of whiskey.
"Hunter can go with no uniform to take care of Ms. Myers!" Matthew suggested. Edwin lifted his eyes from the polished brown bar stool, red and pure sadness.
"I assure you Master. Ms. Myers will be safe with no media around her." Matthew consoled.
"You better mark your words or else, you may lose your bread." Edwin said coldly.
Matthew nodded as he marched out of the hall.
Edwin continued drinking as he stared at his family's magnificent photo frame.
His mother dressed in satin silk creme dress with pearl necklace and huge rock shining on her finger while his father in Brown suit with leather shoes and a cigar in his hand. Edwin looked at the small boy in his mother's arm grinning at the camera.
Tears were now a part of his eyes all the time. There were memories everywhere. The whole palace was like a museum of his life events.
Edwin wiped his tears as he looked around to the owner of the voice.
"You need to drink this." she spoke as her eyes lowered on the plate she was carrying.
"What is this Maggie?" he asked as he made a peg more.
"It's just water and a bit of lemon-"
"It's lemonade and I don't that. You can go."
"Please Master. As a favor to me?"
"I said you can leave."
Maggie's eyes watered and she kept the lemonade on the high bar desk beside the bottle of whiskey.
"I was 15 when I started working here. I never thoue that I will attached to this palace and their owner."
"I said leave Maggie. I don't want to listen to any bedtime story." Edwin said coldly as he drank more of that brown drink.
"So when the first time I saw you I was fifteen and too young to understand my own feelings."
"If you really want to continue this story then you can but there are many maid and guards, go amd talk to them." he said harshly.
Maggie took a deep breath as she continued,"But I was not so young to not understand that you really mean something to me. By something I don't mean 'master' or my brother. You meant a true lover for me. I always looked upto you. I always loved you." by the time she reached the end, she was just able to whisper.
Edwin stopped gulping his drink and closed his eyes.
"I... I never can love anybody else other than you. I don't know what am I doing right now. I just want you to know that you've got a lot to appreciate andbe grateful in this life. I don't have family and they never treated me as s baby in my childhood. I have been working I... I don't have the love of my life... But you do. Ms. Myers loves you and you do so too. Fights are good in a relationship only if they stay longer in a relationship, they rot and they will give you nothing but poison. Don't let that happen." she said as her blue eyes poured her broken heart. She handled him the lemonade as she went away without waiting for a never coming reply.
He drank the lemonade as he looked up thinking of how many heartbreaks has he caused!
It's not like he does not remember any girl in his life. He remembers Rose, his school time first girlfriend. He remembers how he broke her heart by going after a cheerleader just for the sake of a challenge given to him. He remembers Brittany and Clara too, he did break their heart too in school. As he went to high school, he was nothing but a playboy good in bed. He never felt connected to any od those girls but he also felt guilty at this point for being an ass. Maggie made him realize this. Now, he knows nothing that can be done to repair the damage.
A girl in uniform came in the hall with new flowers in her hand as she changed the old one from the centre of the hall.

He killed hundreds of innocent flowers to impress me? Athena's words rang in his ears when he saw her favorite Lily, orchids, roses arranged on the centre of the table.
"I don't want anyone to pluck these flowers just for the sake of decoration of this palace."
"Yes Master." the girl answered as she bowed and walked away.
He never took care if flowers were being replaced with new fresh one nor did he think that he would do so in future. Now everything that has changed in him is for good and all because of Athena.
But I wanted this change. I never thought that I did be working in my own company so hard. He thought.
He always got things the easy way and that is not bad but after that if you become reliable on the easy way then Yes, it's not good.
The change in him is definitely for good but at the same time, he should be comfortable with the change or else the change is no good!
He should be comfortable being so emotional and so vulnerable strong!
"Master, the dinner is ready to be served." a butler announced and left the hall quietly.
When after fifteen minutes Edwin did not come for the dinner, Matthew walked in the hall. Ms. Myers knew that this will happen? Good, that she sent me here to take care of Master. Matthew thought.
"Master, the food will get cold. I request you to eat." he said.
"I don't want to eat. Don't let anyone come in this hall. Not even you." Edwin said as he gulped a sip of sapphire Martini.
Matthew pursed his lips as he battled internally if he should take a step further and persue Edwin or should he leave and follow his orders? As a bodyguard he did prefer to die first rather than disrespecting his orders but this time he has to break rules here.
"Martini was one of the best drink considered by Sir." Matthew said as he cleared his throat and looked at the sapphire and diamond earrings on the side of the glass.

"He always told me that never drink more than two glass of sapphire Martini, ofcourse not because of the high price but because you get really high with that drink

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"He always told me that never drink more than two glass of sapphire Martini, ofcourse not because of the high price but because you get really high with that drink."
"I know that. What do you want to say?" Edwin asked pouring another glass of the blue drink and taking a sip.
"Master, you've had.." he paused as he looked at the expensive bottle's filled level."... Already three glass of that amd you're not eating."
When Edwin said nothing and continued to ignore him, he continued," His death is a big loss to us. But that simply means respecting his grave and being what will make you and him happy."
Edwin smiled bitterly.
"You think drinking his martini bottle will make him mad at me?"
"Or maybe, drinking it all in a day will."
"In that case, Matthew he is already mad because it's half empty."
"It's still half filled so you still have the chance to be on his good side."
"Alright! Alright! Let's go have some bread!" Edwin said as he laughed in memories? Sadness? Happiness? Bitterness? God knows what! But it was good to listen those chords for Matthew.
Matthew's face lit up as he offered him the lemonade which Maggie kept for Edwin.
Edwin drank the lemonade as he got up and fell straight on his face.
"Fucking hell! The flooring is so hard. Put some carpet here." Edwin yelled as Matthew helped him get back on his feet.
Matthew laughed internally as he carried his master till the dining table. When he finally completed his dinner, Matthew messaged Athena.
Athena smiled and kept in mind a reminder to gift Matthew something when she meets him.
"And suddenly she is smiling." Anna announced as they were sitting together and having their Mac and Cheese while Athena has lemon tea in her hand.
"What happened?" Hazel asked giggling lightly.
"Oh nothing, can I have a scoop of Mac and Cheese?" Athena asked.
"What?" Stella's shock visible on her face.
Athena rolled her eyes and served herself. Smiling to herself, she completed her dinner and went to bed, knowing that Edwin is been taken care of.

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