Chapter 20

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Hello folks! It's been long but don't think that I am gonna stop writing. :p
I have been busy in work and studies so writing was a big task for me as whenever I will think of writing, my boss will give me some task to do and as I am personal assistant, I HAVE to follow the orders! :'(
Welcome the change with your arms wide open! This chapter will show you changes. Good changes. Change for better because change is always constant!

"Okay so now you have been shortlisted for your dream job?" Stella asked. Athena grinned with her eyes smiling as well.

"Yup. Just keep on checking on Edwin and my family if I get this job." Athena said.

"Yeah. And what about Hazel and Anna? They are going to be mad at you." Stella pointed the fact.

"Well, it's been a week since I have been staying at your place and when they came to apologize me for supporting Edwin in his lie game, I forgive them so now it's their turn." Athena said shrugging.

"Yeah, they will miss you more then being mad at you." Stella said in a sad tone turning to her wardrobe.

Athena sighed removing her reading glass.

"Stella someday this had to happen. I have to leave Stell. I... I want this. Away from my near and dear ones. Just alone. I know it's not a very smart plan. I know how depended I am. But I want to change. I don't want to be naivé. It's very embarrassing to be naivé." Athena said as she sighed.

Stella laughed. "I got what you feel. Right now for you it's like a whirlpool of emotions where you are entangled badly and you want to be on your own. Pushing friends and everyone is so not you. You are embarrassed to be naivé? Well, if you think that knowing this world is better than being naivé then I won't stop you on this way, Ath. Go ahead. But we will miss you." Stella said waving her hands as tears rolled down her perfect plumy red cheeks.

"Yes, we definitely will but right now Stell do you want to cry or have this pizza?" Anna plopped up from nowhere.

Stella's head snapped at Anna when she said pizza and her tears vanished as hunger for pizza grew louder.

"How the hell are you in my house? I locked the door." Stella said narrowing her eyes on Anna.

"Well, there us something so predictable that the keys will be below the mat or pot." Anna ssid rolling her eyes as she sulked in the bed. Hazel entered the bedroom with a big grin and giving a bear hug to Athena.

"Athena you know what, I went shopping." Haz said showing three bags full of clothes and boots.

"Aye! You should have called me. I want to go shopping. It's been so long. Almost three whole weeks since I did not ho shopping." Athena said with sadness.

"Shut up and jump into eating or else I and Anna will complete this pizza." Stella interrupted with a big slice of pizza in her hand.

Athena and Hazel quickly joined them. They had a mini party just the way they used to have in college days. They talked dirty. They laughed. They talked about what's happening in their life. They relived those old moments too. Clicking selfie and some funny pics of each other.

Athena did enjoy for real after many days of depression.

After few days Athena checked her mailbox.

The magazine at which she applied has selected her and she can join by next week after a thorough meeting with the magazine's editorial in chief. For meeting she has to reach Georgia in two days. She was happy but only partly.

"What's up?" Stella said as she entered the room.

"What do you think that am I doing right by testing Edwin's love for me?" Athena asked directly.

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