Chapter 27

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This was really a long and late update and I'm sorry okay. And as this chapter was written really fast, do expect mistakes!
So just make up for this I have one offer!
Ask me one question and I'll answer it within 12 hours! Deal?! It can be related to my first book or this book itself. Again, Sorry! But you know I love you guys! :D



"Where's my ring, honey?" Athena called up Edwin from bedroom.
"It must be on the bed side table baby!" he shouted back from kitchen preparing breakfast for them.
"I checked it already. It's not there..." she said stomping her foot as if he can her frustration.
"God! Athena, you really don't know how to lookout for things." he groaned before stopping in his cucumber cutting process and going to bedroom.
"There... You always lose things, is what you think but you actually have not lost them at all you just have to search properly." he said grinning and giving her the rings from the table.
Athena smiled sheepishly scratching her head.

Dianna pulled the chair in front of Athena. Athena's coffee was untouched but she had definitely destroyed the coffee art by stirring it for continuous ten minutes.
She took a sip from Athena's coffee because she knows how much Athena hates someone sipping from her coffee. Athena was still in her dreamland.
"Athena... C'mon, you've to be mad at me for sipping your coffee." Dianna groaned loudly just getting the whole diner's attention.
Athena was startled so she looked at Dianna with wide eyes.
"Why the hell are you shouting? I'm sitting right in front of you." she hissed at Dianna.
"Because you refuse to even be with me mentally. You're just this... All dreamy nowadays." Dianna said waving her hands in air.
"Oh I did?" she asked with her eyes squinting in confusion. What? I was not dreaming, I just zoned out for a minute. Wait... What happened to my coffee? That's a lipstick mark but I have not even-
"Dianna? By any chance did you sip my coffee?" Athena asked suppressing her anger.
"Uh... yeah... I kind of completed my drink and you were just ruining that coffee art so I just sipped." she answered with a small nervous smile.
"You're so going to pay for this, Ms. Dianna." she snorted as she paid for the coffee without even taking much as a sip of it.
Athena had planned Dianna and Justin to take them with her to a bar which is going to be opened nearby. Dianna is a boozer, she won't miss any chance to drink like her life depends on it. Justin is a occasional drinker but his tolerance is so great that he can be in his senses while drowning himself in alcohol. Athena always try and stays away from alcohol. Just the name of it, will cause her to remind of the sad stories around the town because of alcohol.

"Missy? When did you start boozing?" Edwin asked over the phone, narrowing his eyes as if she can see his face!

"No, I won't be drinking but it's just a night out with my friend, Dianna." she answered feeling a bit guilty for not telling him the truth that she is going with Justin as well, in spite of her promise to him.

"Oooh! My little girlfriend is going out for drinks!" he said with a low whistle.
"Edwin!" she warned him.
"Okay Okay! Just make sure to pick up my calls. I will call you after every fifteen minutes and well, if you don't pick up my call then you know my stalking skills..." he said smirking to himself.
"If only I can kill one person on this earth then you would have been dead already and in hell!" she said rolling her eyes and huffing.
"Baby? Did you say something to me?"
"Nah, was just talking to myself." she said hanging up the call.

"So how's your sexy ass boyfriend doing?" Dianna said wiggling her eyebrows.
"You look funny when you do that!" Athena waved off chuckling and walking towards her bag in her killer heels.
"Whatever. Let's go boozing! Yayy!" Dianna whispered yelled as they made their way out of the office and in Dianna's car.
When they reached the bar, they saw a red stunning car and Dianna's eyes rounded in shock and horror as she recognized the car.
When the guy came out of the car, she literally swooned all over his body but yet tried to show her affection by narrowing her eyes at him.
"Hey, he looks hot right? Specially that grey suit! Oh God! I swear-" Athena whispered in Dianna's ear.
"Who the hell called him here?" she yelled at Athena turning her back to Justin.
"Who the hell called her here?" Justin asked frowning in complete annoyance as he pointed towards Dianna.
"This is a public bar. I wanna booze and I came here with my own will. Right to freedom! I have rights to go wherever the fuck I wanna go, got it you asshole!" Dianna yelled pointing a perfect manicured finger towards Justin.
"And the same goes to me. Just don't get on my way of fun and stay the fuck away from me!" he yelled angrily.
"Alright you two... Hello, I am Athena!" Athena waved them as she stepped in between them.
"And I am fucking gonna kill you!" she hissed as she went towards the long queue for the entry.
"We can go directly, the manager of this place knows me too well." Justin said to Athena as he tossed his phone out of his pants he was wearing in his office.
"Yeah... Thanks for coming here even when I know how much you hate to party in your formal suit and all." Athena said smiling.
"Eh... Not a problem. It's not like everyday Athena Myers calls me up to party."
Just when she was about reply, her phone buzzed and she looked at her phone flashing Edwin's message. She frowned and looked up at Justin.
"Hey, Justin can you please please please call Dianna standing there in the line? I'll just come in a minute and then we can go in directly?" she asked with the puppy dog eyes which works magic for her everytime.

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