Korra's disgraceful

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That girl's there again. At the back of the class doing diddly squat and snoring her head off. She can't even be bothered to take her feet off the table. Disgraceful.

It's been two months since she's been moved into our class, I can't think why the only think she's good at is P.E. and History. Whoever thought moving her into my metal work class was a good idea I have no idea. I haven't had the chance to stare at her without a reason and am only aware of her tanned skin and looks vaguely muscely. She's always chewing gum and never had her top button done up. I on the other hand like to have everything kept in pristine condition.

I've been working on my extended project for some considerable time now, it involves some of the tougher elements of metal work and engineering. I was assigned the task when I'd already completed the task set to the whole class, meant to last us a few months but I did it in two lessons. To be perfectly honest my father is the head of future industry's and made sure his only heir is capable of running it when he can't.

"Miss Sato, I would like you to partner up with Korra, I think it'll pair well for the next bit of your project with her skills on the machines." Wait what he can't be serious, she is the least likely person I would like to partner up with.

"But - but..." - "Miss Sato if you have a problem spit it out." I had nothing to say, I was completely stunned until she piped up.

"I dunna, I'd be more than 'appy to partner up with'er." I glance behind me at the overly enthusiastic stokey. Oh how she's going to get an ear full when I get there.

"Well mis Sato, off you pop." How I hate Mrs Beifong sometimes. So I stood up with my blueprints and strut to the chair beside Korra. I stand there glaring the back of her head for a few seconds, seeing as she was busy doodling. I allow my bum to grace the chair before inhaling and turning to Korra, ready to give her a piece of my mind. However that all changed when she looked up. Pools of bright blue burning into me, yes it's cheesy as hell but I really can't describe just how beautiful they are.

She looks away and mutters under her breath. "I'm sorry what was that?" She looked back at me and sat up straight, cupping her hands to her mouth she bellowed.

"AYUP CHUCK!" The while class giggled and went back to their knitting. She let her hands drop away leaving a goofy smile etched onto her face. Korra then turned back to her doodle and proceeded to draw devil horns and tail onto what one can only assume to be Headteacher Raiko.

Asami sat there admiring the doodle, it's not every day you see a doodle as good as this but then she remembered what was to be done. There was approximately half an hour before the end of class and she still needed to design a type of engine that allows maximum power from five cylinders. She nudged Korra in the ribs making sure she was looking at the two types of metal that should be used. Korra's brow furrowed for a few seconds before she pointed to one and carried on sketching away.

After about ten minutes I had finished sketching the case for the engine and how large the cylinders were going to be. Korra looked at me for the time it took to lean back into my chair and label the components. This started to annoy me so I stare right back, back into the light blue of her eyes. "WHAT?" I whisper harshly.

She simply cocks her head, her hair falling about framing her face. She turned full on to face me and sighed. Her grin returning.

"You are 't' most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. Can I sketch you?" With the realisation of what she'd just said her face deepened and started to panic. "I mean as in mutually, not tha' I wouldn't not kiss you given the chance. Hang on that sounded creepy, I meant you're ... you're..." Damn she must have noticed my faint blush.

"Korra thank you. One of the nicest compliments I've ever had. And yes you can sketch me, I can't see why not." Korra gave a bashful smile in response and set about getting her actual sketch pad out, flipped a few pages and got to work. I caught a glimpse of a few other sketches of a dog, two boys, a tree and what must have been a multiple fighting scenes.

I carried on with my work knowing full well that Korra wasn't going to help until the bell rang. It took me a second to realise what that indicated but I didn't rush to remove everything opting to take my time knowing the cafeteria will have a queue the size of Hong Kong. I had forgotten all about Korra until I was reaching for my pencil case and she'd slid the sketch book under my arm.

I almost fell over at what I saw. It was a portrait of myself smiling. She'd included every minute detail from the reflection in my eyes to the cheeky bit of hair that never stayed behind my ear on the right side of my face. I had nothing to say in all honesty, the best I could do was look from Korra to the drawing to Korra again. "How did you draw that in such a small amount of time?" I breathed.

"I had a lot of sick time, off school when I was younger and got bored easily cus I couldn't go outside ya'see." She tapped the side of her nose with her index finger. "Practice makes perfect toots." I smiled at that and proceeded to place my pencil case in my bag. Looking into my bag I only just noticed her footwear, they were somewhat woolly in appearance and rather toastie for this kind of weather. They must have been customised convo's. But somehow they matched with her uniform consisting of baggy trousers, and a very, very well fitted shirt. I trace the rest of her body until I meat her eyes again and ask.

"Is it not a little warm for those kind of shoe?" She shrugged and started putting her sketch pad back. I decided there and then that I wanted to start to know this girl, she had piqued my interest.

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